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<br /> `.�*�' 13.NoUces.Any notice[o Borrower provided for in this Securieylnstrumen�shall be;glven by delivering it ar �_�:,
<br /> by mailing it by first class mail un:ess ap��licable Inw eequires use of another niethorl.The nmtce shall be directed to A
<br /> '.�%__.
<br /> � the Prapeny Addtess or any uthor address Bonowcr designates by notix to Lcnder. Any notice tu Lcndcr shall bc ,vx
<br /> � given by first class mail to L.ender's address statcd hccein or any ndcitcss Lender designntes by n�tice to Bonower. E;.�_..
<br /> �. A ny n n t i c e p rovided for in this Security Instcument shal!be deemed t�have been given to Boraawar or l.ender wFxen —
<br /> ,. �� givtn us provided in this parayrapl�. -___
<br /> 14. Governtng Law+Severabllity.This Security [nstrument shall be govemed by Fedcral law und the!aw ot __
<br /> � the Jurisdiction in which tha Property is luzated. In the event that uny provision or clause.of this Security Instrument r __
<br /> �� �"� or the Note conflicts wW�applicabl$law,such conflict shall noc affect other provisions of difs Securicy Instrument or
<br /> - th� Note whieh can be 8iven effect without the conflicting provision.To this end che prbvisions of chis Security _ _
<br /> ' (nstrument a�id the Note are declared to be severable. of the Note and uf this Secwrity ���-
<br /> ' `'�� 15. Borrowe�'s Copy. Bonrower shall be �iven ono confornxd wpy __
<br /> lnstrumenc.
<br /> �` 16. Hazardouss�bstxn�es• B°MOwer shall not cause or percn3t�he ptesena. use, dlsposal, storage,or release �.�=`--
<br /> of any Hazardous Substances on or in tlie Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do. anythin6 ��,_:: ^
<br /> "'' ' affecting the Property that is in violation of any Envimnmental l,aw. The preceding two sentences sliall nat a,pply�o =
<br /> � the presence, use, or stor�e on the Property of amall quantities of Hazanous Substances that are geaeral�Y
<br /> ,� '`'. �'' recognized to be appropriate to narmal residential uses and to m�intenance of the Property. _
<br /> ; : � �; � [ve I.ender written notice of any investigation,claim,demand. lawsuit or other action
<br />,., ,;', :�t.: ,r Bonowes shall prumptly B
<br /> ::�; by any goverruneas�l or reg►�latory agency or prlvate pany invalving�h�ProQerty and any Hazardous Substance ur
<br />` ' •�.�� : ��„ironmental Law of wbich Borrqwer has acn+al knowledge. If Borrowcr learns,or is notified by any governmentd
<br /> :c`�_ � �
<br /> '•. � or regulatory authority, chat anY cemoval or otner remedia�ioa ui a�.y H�,w�as.:s Subotsn�t°»ff�rL�g�hP Pronerty is
<br />-�""��'`�••�h4;� necessary,Borrowsr sha!!prrtmgtl;ra�e�!"•"="-ssary remeaial actiona in accordoncc with Environmental Law.
<br />"�.�-� ` �'.t�' As used ia cl�is Paragraph 16, "Hazardous Substances are utase substaaces defined as toxic or hazardous
<br /> _..,_.;�•._��t� :
<br /> -_ '' � substances by Environmentul I.aw and the followirag substances: gasoliae. kerosene. other �lammable or toxtc
<br /> �����'".���i`�;�, petroleum products.to.�c pzaticides and herbicides,volat{le solvents,matorials containing asbestos or formaldel�yde,
<br /> ..:.��a:�.
<br /> � ;;,;i�,._ and *adioactive matcriaIly. r'��used in this paragraph t6, "Environmr�tal Iaw'm�°ans federal laws and laws of the
<br /> __,�;�;;,�y�;i, jurisdiction where the PraPersy is located that relate to health,safory orenviron�ntnaal protection.
<br /> _: �,,,.
<br /> .: .,,:, „�
<br /> �_.��",'".,� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borcower and Lender further wvenent and agiee as follows:
<br /> _j;:; � 17, Assignnaent ot k2�ents. Bonower unconditionally assigns and transfers to Leader all the renu and revenues
<br /> ' � af the Pcopercy.Bo�rower authorizes Lender or I.�ncler's agents to cdlect the rents and revenuos and hereby al�i7tcts
<br /> __;:`-�.� eacti tcnant of the Proi�e►tY to pay the rents to I.ender or L.ender's egents. However, privr to Lender's not3ce to
<br /> -_:�;�� Barrower of Borrower's breach of any c.nvenant or agreement in the Secnrity Instrument,Boaov�+cr shall col(xe and
<br /> receive all rents and revenues of thc Proparty as trustee for the ber.►Efit of Lender and Bonower. Tl�is assignment of
<br /> �'','r� nnts consututes an abs�lute assignment and not an assignment for additlonal security only.
<br /> �;,,��R;�� . if I.ender gives nc�ticc of brexh to Bomower: 1a)all rents receired by BoROwer shall be held by Bonower�s
<br /> —,.� . . tcustae for benefit of Lender only,to be applied to ihe sums secured0y the Secnrity lnsmiment; (b)Lsnce�es shall be - -
<br /> __ ,�s, entidecl to eollect aad receive all of the rents of the Propeny; and tc)each tenant of the Prnperry shall pay all rents
<br /> �;'� due and u.qpFUd to Lender or Lender's agen[ou Lender's written dzrnaad to the tenant.
<br /> gorrowex has not cxxuted any prior as�ignment of the rents and has not and will not perform any a�t thet would
<br />- -=-"i:'�'.�i
<br /> - _:�,�,� pr�vent Lender from exercising its rights under this p�a�raph 17.
<br /> ���� I.endes shall nct be required to enter upon,take sontrol of or:nuiatain t��e Propeny before or aft�r�aving notics
<br />—'�`'""`n''�"'`�� of breach 1m�R'QW�r. Huwever, Lender or a judicially appointtd meiver may do so at any time tl�ere is a�breach.
<br /> __�;s,�
<br />_ -�='�;�j���•:.' Any applicauon of rcnts shall not cure or waivc any default or invalidate any oti�er right or remecly of Lendcr. This
<br />-��:��i.��:.:�t�i#r ,. __
<br /> �`:�����"��';;n�., assignment of rents of the Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the 5ecuriry Instrument is paid tn ful. .;_
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