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I . <br /> II ��� <br /> �� ����JI..S�'l�l ���� ��� ��� � <br /> 17604-The Auguatine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> time and place designated and did at said time and place sit as a Board of Appraisers and <br /> did receive evidence relative to the amount of damages th�.t �rill be sust�ined by the owner, <br /> or. owners of said real e5tate by reason of the taking thereof by the Department of Roada <br /> and Irri�ation of the State oP Nebraska, ar�d we do hereby make return of our findings as <br /> follows, to-wit: - � <br /> We do hereby find that the owners of the real estate in s�id "Appointment of Appraisers�� <br /> described, to-wit: <br /> A strip of land lying over and across the North Half of the Northw�s� Quarter of Section <br /> 2, Township 11 North, Range 10 west of the 6th P.M. , Hal1 County, i�ebraska, described as <br /> �ollows: <br /> Referring to the northwest corner of said section 2; thenee southerly on �he Wes� line • <br /> of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Seetion 2, a distance oP 33.J f�et to <br /> a point; thence easterly and on a line 33.� feet southerly frorn and parallel to the North <br /> ].1P1P., of' sa�.d No .rth�,�est Qua.rter a distance of 275.0 feet to the point of beginning; thence <br /> continuing easterly on the last-described course produced a distance of 360.6 �`ee'G to a <br /> point on the southwestern 50-foot right of way line of the �hicago, Burlington & Quincy <br /> Ra.ilroad (as said Railroad is constructed and now in operation over and across said S�ctiori <br /> 2) ; thence southe�sterly 16 de�rees 06 minutes right from the last described course pro- ' <br /> duced and on said southwestern 50-f'oot Railroad right of way line a distance of 20��-.4 ieet <br /> to a point on tne East line of said North Half of the Northwes� Quarter, said point being <br /> 612.1 feet sout�erly from the nor�heast corner of Northwest Quarter; thence southerly <br /> 73 d�grees lj minutes right on said �ast a distance of 10�. 5 feet 'Go a point; thence <br /> northt,,resterly 106 degrees 47 minutes right and on a line 100 feet southwesterly from and <br /> para11e1 to s��.ici southwes�ern �j0-foot Railroad right of way line a distance of 2�61.2 feet <br /> to the noint of beginning, containin� 5. 21� acres, more or less. <br /> Also, a tract of land for channel pur��oses located in the North Half of the Northwest � <br /> Quarter of Sect3.on 2, �'ownship 11 North, Range 10 West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County, Nebraska, ; <br /> described as follows : � <br /> Referring to tne northwest eornPr of Section 2; thence �asterly on the North line <br /> of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 2 a distance of 33 f�et to a point; thence south- <br /> erly and on a line 33.J feet easterly from and parallel to the Wes� line of th� North Half <br /> of said Northwest Qu�.rter a distance of 70.5 feet to the point of beg inning; thenc� contin.. <br /> uing southerly on the last-described aourse produced a dis'�ance of 76. 6 feet to a point; <br /> thence south?,�esterly 7� degrees 20 minutes lef� a distance of 1116.2 feet to poin'� oP curva- <br /> ture; thence nor�heasterly on a 124.0-foot radius curve to the left �initial tangent oP <br /> coineides with the last described course) a distance of 151. � feet to a point 100 Pee� sou'Gh- <br /> wes�erly measured at right an�les from said southwestern 50-foot railroad right oP way lin�; <br /> thence northwesterly 1J5 degrees 26 minutes left from thP final tangent of' the last-described <br /> course and on a line 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel to said southwestern 50-foot <br /> R�ilroad right of way line a distance of ��.3 feet to� a point; thence westerly on a �9.0-fbo� <br /> radius curve to the right (initial t&ngen� of which forms and angle of 47 degrees 40 minutes <br /> left from the last-described course produced) a distance of j7.0 feet to point of tan�ency; ' � <br /> thence north?�resterly, tangent, a dis�ance of 1131.6 feet to the point of beginninbr, contain.- � <br /> ing 2.�99 acres, more or less. � <br /> And also, road material described as borrow to be exeavated f'rom two tracts of land <br /> located in thE North Half af tne Northwest Quarter of Section 2, Township 11. North, Ra.nge <br /> 10 West of tne 6th P. P�I. , Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Tract �#l. Referring to the northeast corner of the Northwest Quar�er oP said Seetion 2; <br /> thence southerly on the East line of the North Half of said Northwest Quarter a dista.nce <br /> of 716.6 feet to the point of beginning; thence northweste•rly 1�6 degrees 47 minutes right <br /> and on a line 100 feet southwesterly from and parallel to the southwestern 50-Poot right <br /> of way line of the Chicago, Burlingt�on & 6Zuincy Railroad (as said Railroad is constructed <br /> and now in operation ov�r and across said 3ection 2) a dista nce of� 1419. 4 feEt to a point; <br /> thence southt�resterly 90 degreea left a r�i Gtanc� of 60.0 feet to a �oint; tnence southeasterly <br /> �0 degrees left a�d . <br /> on a line 160.� feet soutr�?aes:,erl from a,nd �arallel to saic� southw2stern 50-2oot ��a.ilroad <br /> ri ht of way line a distance of 1�37. 5 fee� to a point on said East line; thence n�rtherly <br /> 10� degrees 4�7 minutes left and on s��id East line a distance of 62. 7 Peet to the point of � <br /> beginning, containing 1.96� acres, more or less, said tract to be exeavated to an average <br /> d�pth of 2.0 Peet T�rith a maximum d�pth of 3.� feet and a minimum depth of 1.0 foot. <br /> Tract #2, �eferring to the northwest corner of said Sea�ian 2; tnence southerly on the , <br /> West :Line of the North Ha1f' of' the Northwest Quarter of said See�ion 2 a distance of 33.0 <br /> feet to a , oint ^ thence easterly and on a line 33.0 feet southerly from and p�,r�llel to the <br /> � , <br /> North line of said Northwest Quarter a distance of 996.2 feet to the point of be�inning; <br /> thence continuing easterly on the last described course produced a distance of 9�7. 6 feet ' <br /> to a point; thence southwesterly 106 degrees 0� minutes rignt a distance oP 273.9 feet to <br /> a point on the northeastern 50-foot right of �ay line of the Chieago, Burlington & Quincy <br /> Railroad (as saic� Railroad is constructed �.nd now in operation over and across said Section <br /> 2) ; thence northwesterly 90 degrees right and on said northeastern 50-foot Railroad right <br /> of way line a dist�nce of 94�. 9 feet to the point of, containing 2. 9�3 aere more <br /> or less, said tract �o. be excavated to an avera�e depth of 3.0 feet, having a m�,xirnum dep�h <br /> nf 6.0 feet with a mir�,um depth of 1.0 foo�. <br /> ��' A strip of land lying over and a.cross the North Ha1f of tne Northwest Quarter of ,8ee'�ion <br /> 36, Township 12 Nortt:, R�nge 11 West of �he 6th Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> described ��.s follows : <br /> Referring to the northwest corner of said 3ection 36; thence easterly on the �orth line' <br /> of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 36, a distance of 1�1.1 feet to a point; thence <br /> southerly 90 de�rees right, a dist�nce of 33.J feet to the point of beginning; thence <br /> southwesterly 3 degrees 05 minutes right, a distance of 30.0 feet to a point; thence <br /> �outheasterly 9� degrees left, a distance of 21�-�. 5 feet to a point on the South line of <br /> the North Half of said Northwest Quarter; thence westerly 143 degrees 54 minutea right �,nd <br /> on said south line, a distance of 16�. 7 feet to a point; thence northwesterly 36 d�grees <br /> � 20 1. 6 f . e� to a oint• thence southwesterl 0 d r <br /> a distance of � e e ees 00 <br /> t ,� ri ht , <br /> 06 minu e g , p y 9 g <br /> minutes Ieft, a distance oP 30.0 feet to a point 33 fee� easterly and 121.0 feet southerly <br /> from said northwest corner; thence northerly 145 degrees 17 minutes right and on a line <br /> 33.0 feet eas�erly from and parallel to the West line of said North Ha1f of the Northwest <br /> Quarter, a distance of ��.0 feet to a point 33.J fee'� southerly from said North line; thence <br /> easterly and on a line 33.J feet southerly from and parallel to said North line, a distanee <br /> of 14�. 9 feet to the point oP b�ginning, containing 5.005 acres, more or less. <br /> Also road material described as borrow to be exca�'ated from two strips of land located <br /> in the North Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 36, Township 12 �orth, Range 11 West <br /> of the 6th Princip�.l Meridian, �ia.11 County, 1Vebras�sa, described as follows: <br /> Strip #1. lyin� southwesterly from and ad,joining the southwestern right of way line of ; <br />. , � - I <br />