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OIL AND GAS LEASE � � �- <br /> Containing f 40o Printed Words <br /> Producers 88 Special F.L.B. i-q2 <br /> 21897—The Augustine Co., County 3uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr.. <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> W.A. Crabtree and i��ife, Hall County, <br /> I hereby certif y that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and f iTed <br /> TO for record this ��j day of March , � �2 , <br /> at 7j:�0 o'clock P.M. -�-hr <br /> N <br /> Register of Deeds. <br /> J.A.Ro�aland �, Deputy. <br /> Fees, $ 2. 2� <br /> AGREEMENT, Made and entered into the 2�th day of January , tg42. <br /> by and between ��J.A. Crabtree and Golda, Cra.btree, his wife, <br /> I <br /> of Cairo, Nebr�.ska hereinafter callecl�essor (w�ether one or more�, anc� <br /> J.A, Rowland� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — hereinafter called lessee: <br /> WITNESSETH: T�,at the said lessor,for and in consideration of One 8c �0�1.�� _________________________________ Dollars, <br /> casTi in hand paid, the receipt of whicl� is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid, kept and per- <br /> f ormecl, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, Iease and let unto the said lessee f or the sole and only purpose of exploring by <br /> geopTiysical and other methods,mining and operating f or oil and gas ancl of laying of pipe lines, and o f building tanks,powers,stations and structures thereon to procluce,save <br /> and talze care of said products, aIl that certain tract of land situate in the County of Ha.11 Sta:e of Nebr�ska described <br /> as follows, to-wit: <br /> � <br /> The Sou th Vde s t Quart er ( SW4) <br /> � , <br /> of Section 19 Township Zc`� N. Range 11. W. and containing 153 acres, more or less. It is agreed that this lease shall remain in force � <br /> f or a term o f t en vears f rom tliis date, and as long therea f ter as oil or gas or eit�er o f them is produced f rom said land by Iessee. <br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and agrees: <br /> tst. To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, in tlie pipe line to which lessee may connect wells on said land, the equal one-eighth part of all oil produced and � <br /> saved f rom the leased premises. <br /> �nd. To pay Iessor one-eighth ('/s) of the 9ross proceeds each year, payable quarterly, for tl�e gas from eacl� well where gas only is found, while the same is being � <br /> used off the premises, nnd if used in the manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-eighth (1/s), payable monthly at the preuailing market rate for gas; and lessor to �ave <br /> gas free of cost from any such well for all stoves nnd all inside Iights in tl�e principal dwelling on said land during the same time, by making Iessor's own connections wttli <br /> the well at lessor's own risk and expense. <br /> grd. To pay lessor for gas produced from any oil well and used of f the premises or in the manufacture of gasoline or any other product a royalty of one-eiglith � <br /> (1/s) of the proceeds, at the mouth of the well, payable monfhly at tlie prevniling marizet rate. �v <br /> If no well be commenced on said Innd on or before the 2�th day of January i9 ��j , this lease sliall terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee shall on or before that c�ate pay or tencler to the lessor or to t�ie lessor's crec�it in the State Bank Of' Cairo <br /> Bank at Cai r o, N eb r�s ka , or its successors, which shall c ontinue as t�e depository regardless of changes in the ownership o f said land, the sum <br /> o f Th ir t y & 6��].�� — — — — — — — — — — — — — dollars, whicTi shall operate as a rental and cover tlie pric�ilege of de f erring t�e <br /> commencement o f a well f or r+"""e lv e months f rom said date. In like manner and upon Iilze payments or tenders, the commencement o f a well may be f urtlier <br /> cteferrecl for lilze periocls of the same number of months suceessively. l�nc� it is unc�erstooc� ancl agreecl that the consicIeration first reeitec�jterein, the down payment, covers <br /> not only the privilege grantecl to tlie clate when snic�first rental is payable as aforesnicl, but also tlie lessee's option of extending tliat periocl as aforesaid, ancl any ancl all <br /> other rights conferrec�. <br /> Shoulcl tFte f irst well clrillecl on the above c�escribed Iand be a dry hole, then, anc�in tlint event, if a second well is not commeneed on said Innd within twelve months <br /> from the expiration of the last rental perioc� for w�ich rentnl has been paid, this lease shall terminute as to both parties, unless tFte lessee on or before the expiration of <br /> said twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals, in the same amount and in the same manner as hereinbefore provided. And it is agreed that upon the resumption <br /> of t�ie payment of rentals ns above provic�ec�, t�int the last prececling paragraph �iereo f governing the payment of rentals ancl the ef fect thereof, s�iall continue in force just <br /> as thouglti there �iac� been no interuption in the rental payments, anc�if the lessee shall commence to cTrill a well witTiin the term of this lease or any extension t�iereof, t�e <br /> lessee shall have the right to drill such well to completion witli reasonable diligence and dispatc�i, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in paying quantities, this <br /> lease sTiall continue and be in force with the like effect as i(such well had been completed within the term of yenrs first mentioned. <br /> If said lessor owns a less interest in the above described land than the entire and undivided fee simple estate tl�erein, then the royalties and rentals herein providec� <br /> for shall be paid the said Iessor only in the proportion which Iessor's interest bears to the whole and undivided fee. <br /> Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, oil and water proclucec� on saicl lanc� for lessee's operations t�ereon, exeept water from t�ie wells of lessor. <br /> When requested by lessor, lessee s{tall bury lessee's pipe lines below plow depth. <br /> No well shalT be drilled nearer than 20o feet to the house or barn now on said premises without written consent of lessor. <br /> Lessee shall pay for c�amages causecl by lessee's operations to growing crops on said land. <br /> Lessee shall have t�e right at any time to remove all machinery and fixtures placed on said premises, including the right to dra.w and remove casing. <br />' If the estafe of eitl�er party hereto is assigned.-rnnd the privilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly al�owed�the covenants hereof sliall extend to tlieir <br /> heirs, executors, administrators,successors or assigns, but no change in the ownership o f the land, or assignments of rental or royalties shall be binding on the lessee until <br /> after t�ie lessee has been furnishec� with a written trnnsfer or assignment or a true copy thereof; anc� it is hereby agreec� tTiat in the event this Iease sliall be assignecl as to <br /> a part or as to parts of tl�e above described lands and the assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fait or malze default in t�e payment of tlie proportionate part of <br /> the rents due f rom him or tTiem, sucli def ault shall not operate to de f eat or af f ect tli is lease in so f ar as it covers a part or parts o f said lands upon which the said Iessee or <br /> any assignee thereof shall malze due payment of said rental. In case Iessee assic�ns this lease, in whole or in part, lessee shnll be relieved of all obligations with respect to <br /> the assignec� portion or portions arising subsequent to the clate of assignment. <br /> All express or implied covenants of this lease shall be subject to all Federal and State Laws, Executive Orders, Rules or Regulations, and this lease shall not be <br /> terminntecl, in w�ole or in part, nor lessee held Iiable in c�amages, for failure to comply therewith, if compliance is preventecl by, or if such failure is the result of, any <br /> sucli Law, �rder, Rule or Regulation. <br /> Lessor hereby warrants and agrees to c�efencl the title to the lancls herein cleseribec�, ancl agrees that the lessee s�all �ave the rig�t at any time to recleem for lessor, <br /> by payment, any mortgages, taxes or other liens on the nhoUe cleseribec�lanc�s, in t�e event of c�ef ault of payment by Iessor, anc� be subrogratecl to the rights of the Tiolder <br /> thereof, and the unclersignecl lessors, for themselues ancl their heirs, successors, ancl assigns, hereby surrencler ancI release all right of c�ower ancl homesteacl in the premises <br /> described herein, insofnr as said riglit of dower nnd homestend may in nny way nf f ect tlie purposes for which this Iease is made, as recited herein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN. Th�s the 2�th day of January , �9 42 . <br /> -----------------------------------------------------------�a.A. Crabtree <br /> ---------------�- -------------------�-------------------...----- <br /> itnesses: C'rp1.C�a Crabtree <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------•-----------•--•----•----------------------••---•------•----------------------------------------------------------��-------�-- <br /> -------•------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------•------------------- - <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------•------------•---•-•------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />