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OIL AND GAS LEASE �� %�� <br /> Containing tqoo Printed Words <br /> Producers 88 Special F.L.B. i-q2 <br /> �I887—The Augustine Co., County Supplies;Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> Op�l M.�'iersol and hu5band H<�11 County, <br /> 1 hereby certify tliat this instru,ment was entered on Numerical Index, antl filed <br /> for record this 2?j day of Ma,r�� 19 '+2. <br /> TD <br /> at �j:�� o'clock P. M. f�� <br /> eJ. �.Rp rnT1.��„ri d /'' Register o f Deeds. <br /> Deputy. <br /> Fees, $ 2. 7� <br /> AGREEMEIVT, Macle and entered into tlie �9t11 day of January , lg 1�2 <br /> bv and between Opal M.PiPrsol and Marcus Piersol, hpr husband, <br /> of Cai ro, NE?bra.gka hereinafter called lessor (whether one or more), and <br /> cr.p►.RO�JZr�.riC�� — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — hereinafter called lessee: <br /> WITNESS$TH: That tlie said lessor, for and in consideration of �I1P. �c NO�ZOO — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DoTlars, <br /> cash. in hand paid, t�e receipt of which is �ereby aclznowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid, kept and per- <br /> formed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, lease and let unto the said Iessee for t1�e sole and only purpose of exploring by <br /> geophysical and other metTiods,mining and operating f or oil and gas and of laying of pipe lines, and of building tanFzs,powers,stations anc�structures tltereon to produce>save <br /> nnd take care of said products, alI that certain tract of land sitaate in the County of �c`�11 State of Nebraska described � <br /> as follows, to-wit: <br /> Al1 th�t ;��.rt of the Southw?st Quarter of Section jhirteen (l�) lying south of the C.B. & Q.R.R. <br /> the East H��f of the Sauth East Quarter of Section T��r?i�ty Four (2�) , and the South East Quarter <br /> pf Section Two (2) <br /> � ' <br /> � <br /> 2�+ & 2 <br /> of Section, 1,�j� Tou+nship 12 j�. Range 12 jqT� and containing 3Q9 acres, more or less. It is agreed that this lease shall remain in force <br /> f or a term o f t e n years f rom this date, and as long therea f ter as oiI or gas or either o f them is produced f rom said land by Iessee. � <br /> In consideration of t1�e premises the snid lessee covenants and agrees: <br /> ist. To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, iri the pipe line to which lessee may connect wells on said land, the equal one-eighth part of all oil produced and � <br /> saved f rom the leased premises. <br /> 2nd. To pay lessor one-eighth ('/s) of tTie gross proceecls each year, payable qunrterly, for the gas from each well where gas only is found, while the same is being <br /> used of f the premises, and if used in the manufncture of gasoline a royalty of one-eightli (1/s), payable monthly at the prevailing marizet rnte for gas; and lessor to Tiave � <br /> gas free of cost from any such well for all stoves and aII inside Iights in the principal clwelling on said land during the same time, by making lessor's own connections with �t <br /> tTie well at Iessor's own risk and expense. Q <br /> grd. To pay lessor for gas proclueec�from any oiI well ancl usec� of f t�e premises or in the manuftteture of gasoline or any other procluct a royalty of one-eight�i <br /> (i/s� of t�ie proceeds, at the mouth of the well, payable monthly at the prevailing mnrket rate. <br /> If no well be commenced on said land on or before tlie 29�',Yl day of Ja.nuary i9 43 , this lease shall terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee shall on or before tliat date pay or tender to the lessor or to the lessor's credit in the $ Bank Of Cairo <br /> Bank at Cairo, Nebraska , or its successors, wliicli shall continue as t�e depository regardless of changes in tlie ownership of said Iand, the sum <br /> �f S�Xty One 8C �i��1Q� --------_______�._________.____ dollars, w�ich shall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of deferring the <br /> commencement of a well for twelve months from saicl cIate. In lilze manner anc�upon like payments or tenclers, the commencement of a well may be further <br /> deferred for Iike periods of the same number of montl�s successively. And it is understooc� ancl agreed tliat tl�e consideration first recited herein, the down payment, covers <br /> not only the privilege grantecl to the c�ate when saicl first rentnl is payable as aforesaic�, but also the lessee's option of extencling that periot� as aforesaicl, ant� any ancl all <br /> other rights conferred. <br /> Should the first iuell drilled on the above describec�Iand be a dry liole, then, nncl in that event, if a second well is not commenced on said lnnd within twelve months <br /> from tlte expiration of the last rental perioc� for which rental has been paicl, this lease sjtall terminate as to botli parties, unless t�e lessee on or before the expiration of <br /> said twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals, in tlie same amount and in tlie same manner as hereinbefore proviclec�. Ancl it is agreed that upon the resumption <br /> of the payment of rentals as above provided, that the last preceding paragrapli Tiereo f governing tTie payment of rentals and tlie ef fect tliereof, s�all continue in force just <br /> as tliouglt tliere had been no interuption in the rental payments, and if the lessee shall commence to clrill a well within t�e term of this Iease or any extension thereof, the <br /> Iessee sFiall have the right to clrill sueh well to completion witFt reasonable diligence and dispatch, ancl if oil or gns, or either of them, be founc� in paying quanfities, this <br /> rease sTiall continue anc� be in force with the lilze effect as if sucli well{tac� been completecl within the term of years first mentioned. <br /> If saicl lessor owns a less interest in the above cleseribed Iand than the entire and uncliviclecl fee simple estate therein, then the roynities and rentals Tierein provided <br /> f or shall be paid tFie saic� lessor only in the proportion which lessor's interest bears t o the w�ole ancl undivided f ee. <br /> Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, oiI and water prodaced on said land for lessee's operations tl�ereon, except water from the wells of lessor. <br /> When requested by Iessor, Iessee shail bury Iessee's pipe Iines below plow depth. <br /> 1Vo well sFtall be clrillecl nearer tlian 20o f eet to tTie house or barn now on saicl premises without written eonsent of lessor. <br /> � Lessee s�ia�l pay for c�amages causec� by lessee�s operations to growing erops on saic� lancl. <br /> Lessee shall have the right at any time to remove alI machinery and fixtures placed on said premises, including tl�e right to draw and remove casing. <br /> If the estate of either party hereto is assignecl.-�ancl tlie privilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed,--the covenants hereof shall extend to t�ieir <br /> heirs, executors, ac�ministrators,successors or assigns, but no change in tlte ownership o f the Iancl, or assignments of rental or royalties shall be binc�inc� on the lessee until <br /> after tFte lessee has been furnishec� with a written transfer or assignment or a true copy thereof; ancl it is hereby agreecl that in the event this Iease sltiall be assignecl as to <br /> a part or as to parts of the above c�eseribed lands anc� fhe assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fail or make c�efault in fhe payment of t�ie proportionate part of <br /> the rents clue f rom him or them, such clef ault shall not operate to c�ef eat or af f ect this lease in so f ar ns it eo�ers a part or parts of saicl IancIs upon w�tieli tFte saicl lessee or <br /> any assignee t�ereof shall malze due payment of saic� rental. In case lessee assigns this lease, in whole or in part, lessee shall be relievecl of all obligations with respect to <br /> the assigned portion or portions arising subsequent to the date of assignment. <br /> AII express or impliecl eovenants of tliis lease sliall be subjeet to aII Fecleral nnc� State Laws, Exeeutive �rclers, Rules or Regulations, ancl this lease sliall not be <br /> terminatecl, in wltole or in part, nor lessee held Iiable in damac�es, for failure to comply therewith, if compliance is preventecl by, or if such failure is t�e result of, any <br /> such Law, Order, RuTe or Regulation. <br /> Lessor liereby warrants and agrees to defend the title to the lancls herein deseribecl, and agrees that the lessee shall have the right at any time to retleem for lessor, <br /> by payment, any mortgages, taxes or other Iiens on the above describec�Innds, in the event of default of payment by Iessor, and be subrograted to tlie rights of tlie liolder <br /> tTiereof, and the undersigned lessors, for themselues and their lieirs, successors, nnd assigns, hereby surrender and release all right of dower and homestead in the premises <br /> cleseribecl herein, insofnr as sait� right of t�ower anc� �iomestencl may in nny wny aff ect the purposes for whieh this lease is mac�e,as recitect herein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN, Thtis ahe 29 th day of January , 19 42 • <br /> Witnesses: ------•-------------------------•-----•------------•-----��-`'-'�'--�'----M•'-P-�-�r'-S-S?-a^-------------------------- --- <br /> �---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------�---------------- --�----------------------------------------------------�-M�r._cu�---P-�er.-s-a-1-----------------� --------�-- <br /> �--------�---------------------��---�-�-------------------------------�--�----------�-�--�---------��--------------��----------------- -----------.._..--------------------�---�=--�---�---�--...-�------------------------�---�-----------�--------------------------�-�----- <br /> • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------�---------------------- --------------------------------.....-----------------------------------�-----------------------�----------------------------------- <br />