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OIL AND GAS LEASE � � 9 <br /> Containing iqoo Printed Words <br /> Producers 88 Special F.L.B. i-42 <br /> 21887—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. � � <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> Ca.rl Stoeger and wife H�11 County, <br /> I hereby certify tliat th,is instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and filed <br /> TO for record this 23 day of MarC� �-�{9 �'2 • <br /> at �j o'clock P. M. �,����Uf-�-Pi'''� <br /> J.A.Rowland ��� <br /> Register o Deeds. <br /> Deputy. <br /> Fees, S 2�2Q <br /> AGREEMBNT, l�'lade and entered into the 29 trl day of January , tg 42 <br /> by and between Ca.rl Sto�ger and Lula Stoe�er, his wiPe, <br /> of Ca�r'O� Nebrasi{a hereinafter called lessor (whether one or more), and <br /> cT.A.R�Taland� {►ereinafter called lessee: <br /> WITN$SSBTH: That tlie said lessor,for and in consideration of One & NoI100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dollars, <br /> cash in hand pa�d, the receipt of w{►ich is hereby aclznowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid, Izept and per- <br /> f ormed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, lease and let unto the said Iessee f or the sole and only purpose of exploring by <br /> geop�ysical and other met�iocls,mining arac�operating for oil and gas anc�of laying of pipe lines,and of builcling tanks,powers,stations anal structures thereon to proc�uce,save <br /> and taTze care of said products, all tTiat certain trnct of land situate in the County of H�.11 State of Nebraska clescribed <br /> as follows, to-wit: � <br /> The North East Quarter (NE4) <br /> � ' <br /> � <br /> of Section 22 Tou+ns�iip 12 N. Range 1.2 w. and containin9 ].6� acres,more or less. It is agreed that this lease shall remain in force <br /> f or a term of t P 21 years f rom this date, and as long tl�erea f ter ns oil or gas or either o f them is proclucecl f rom said land by lessee. <br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and agrees: � <br /> ist. To cleliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, in the pipe line to which lessee may connect wells on said Iand, the equal one-eig�th part of all oil produced and � <br /> saved f rom the leased premises. <br /> 2nd. To pay lessor one-eighth (1/s) o f the yross proceeds each year, payable q uarterly, f or the gas f rom eacli well where gas only is f ound, while the same is being <br /> used off the premises, and,if used in t�e manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-eighth (1/s), payable monthly at the prevailing market rate for gas; and lessor to have <br /> gas free of cost from any such well for alI stoues and all inside lights in the principal dwelling on said land during the same time, by making Iessor's own connections witli \ <br /> the well at lessor's own risk and expense. � <br /> grcl. To pay lessor for gas produced from any oil well ancl used off tlie premises or in the mnnufncture of gasoline or any other product a royalty of one-eiglith � <br /> (i/a) of tlie proceeds, nt the mouth of the well, pnyable montl�Iy nt the prevailing market rate. <br /> If no well be commenced on said land on or before the �9 t71 day of Ja,nu�.ry ig 43 , this lease sh,all terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the Iessee shall on or before that date pay or tender to the lessor or to the lessor's credit in the ��',a.tB Bank Of' Cairo <br /> Ban1z at C��. j-C'O� Nebra ska , or its successors, which shall continue as the depository regardless of changes in the ownersl�ip of said lnnd, the sum <br /> of �'hirty Z'WO �C i�0�1.�� - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars, which shall opernte as a rental and cover the privilege of deferring the <br /> commencement of a well for t?aelve months from.said date. In like manner and upon lilze payments or tenders, the commencement of a well may be further <br /> cleferrec� for like periods of the same number of months successively. Anc�it is understooc� anc�agreecl that the consicleration first recitecl�ierein, t�ie clown payment, eovers <br /> not only tlie privilege grantecl to the clate when saicl first rental is payabTe as aforesaicl, bctt also the lessee's option of extencling that periocl as aforesnic�, and any and all <br /> other rigTits conferrec�. <br /> Should the first well c�rillec�on tTie above c�escribecl Ianc�be a clry hole> then, and in that e�ent, if a seeond well is not commenced on said land within twelve months <br /> from tFie expiration of the Iast rental period for which renta� has been paid, tT�is lease shall terminate as to botTi parties, unless the lessee on or before the expiration of <br /> saic� twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals, in t�ie same amount anc�in the same manner as hereinbefore proviclecl. Ancl it is agree�I tliat upon t�te resumption <br /> of tlie payment of rentals ns above proviclecl, t�at the last precec�ing paragraph {tereof governing the payment of rentals anc� the effect thereof, shall continue in force just <br /> as though there had been no interuption in the rental payments, and if the lessee shall commence to drill a well within the term of tliis lease or any extension thereof, tlie <br /> lessee shall have the riglit to drill such well to completion witTi reasonable diligence and dispatch, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in paying quantities, thts <br /> lease shall continue and be in force with the lilze effect as if such well had been completed within tlie term of years first mentioned. <br /> If saic� lessor owns a less interest in the above described land than tl�e entire and undiviclecl fee simple estate tlierein, then the royalties and rentals herein provic�ed <br /> for shall be paicL the said lessor only in t�ie proportion w�iich lessor's interest bears to the whole ancl unclivic�ecl fee. <br /> Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, oil ancl water proc�ucecl on said land for lessee's operations thereon, except water from the wells of lessor. <br /> When requestec� by lessor, lessee shall bury lessee�s pipe �ines below plow c�epth. <br /> 1Vo well shall be clrilled nearer than 20o feet to the house or barn now on said premises without written consent of lessor. <br /> L,essee shall pay for clamages causecl by lessee�s operations to growing crops on saicl land. <br /> Lessee shall have the rig�t at any time to remove all maehinery anc�f ixtures p laeec� on saicl premises, ineluc�ing the rig�it to draw anc�remove easing. <br /> If the estate of either party hereto is assigned.-�and tlie privilege of assigning in w�iole or in part is expressly allowed�t�ie covenants hereof shall extencl to their <br /> heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, but no change in the ownership o f the land, or assignments of rental or royalties sliall be bincling on tlie lessee until <br /> after t�ie lessee has been furnishecl with a written transfer or assignment or a true copy thereof; and it is Iierehy agreed that in tlie event this Iease shall be assigned as to <br /> a part or as to parts of the above described Iands and the assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fail or make default in the payment of tlie proportionate part of <br /> the rents due from him or them, such default s�all not operate to defeat or af fect this lease in so far ns it covers a part or parts of saicl Iancls upon whicli tlie saitl Iessee or <br /> any assignee thereof shall malze due payment of saicl rental. In case lessee assigns this lease, in whole or in part, Iessee s1�aII be relievecl of aII obligations witli respect to <br /> the assignec� portion or portions arising subsequent to the c�ate of assignment. <br /> All express or implied covenants of tl�is lease sTiall be subject to aII Federal nnd State Laws, Executive Orc�ers, Rules or Regulations, and tliis lease shall not be <br /> terminated, in wriole or in part, nor lessee helcl Iiable in clamages, for fnilure to comply therewith, if compliance is prevented by, or if such failure is the result of, nny <br /> such Law, Orcler, Rule or Regulation. <br /> Lessor hereby warrants ancl agrees to c�efencl the title to the lan�s herein c�escribec�, anc� agrees that the lessee shall Aave the right at any time to recleem for lessor, <br /> by payment, any mortgages, taxes or other liens on the above c�escribecl lanc�s, in the event of default of payment by Iessor, ancl be subrogratecl to the rigjtts of the holc�er <br /> tTiereof, and tFte undersigned lessors, for themselves and their heirs, successors, and assigns, hereby surrender and re�ease all right of dower and homestead in the premises <br /> c�escrivec� �ierein, insofar as snic� riy{tt of c�ower nncl homestenc� mny in any way nf f ect the purposes for wTiieTt tliis Iease is macle,as recitec��ierein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN, Thts the 29 th day oj January , �9 42 . <br /> Car1....Sto e.�er_______________ <br /> witnesses: ----------------°-------------------------------------------------------------°--°-- <br /> -----------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------�--------.._..---------------------------------�- ---------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------L'.��.�....S:��.e�;er..---- ------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�------....--------------------�-----------� --�-------------------------------------------------------------------------�-------...--------�-----------------�------�-�-�-�-�-�---� <br /> -----------------�-------------------------------------------�-------------------._._._...._......------�------------------------------- --�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------- <br />