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OIL AND GAS LEASE �° � <br /> Containing iqoo Printed Words <br /> Proclucers 88 Special F.L.B. i-q2 <br /> 21897—The Augustine Co., County 3upplies, Grand Island, Neba � <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> Bert Bellamy & wife Ha,l1 County, <br /> I hereby certif y that t�is instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and f iled <br /> .I,O for record this 2�j day of March �t� �-2 , <br /> at �j :00 o'clock P. M. �v� <br /> J.A,Rowland Re9ister of Deeds. <br /> /'1i Deputy. <br /> Pees> � � :2 Q <br /> AGREEMENT, 1�Iade nnd entered into the 29tj1 daY of January • 19 �2 <br />, by and between Be .rt Bellamy and Elsie Bellamy, his wife, <br /> of Ca i r o, N ebr a s ka hereinaf ter called lessor (whether one or more), and <br /> cT.A.Row1��riC� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hereinafter called lessee: <br /> WITNESSETH: That tlie said lessor, for and in consideration of One & No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - — — Dollars, <br /> casT� in �ancl paid, the receipt oF whic� is hereby acknowledged, and of the couenants and agreements hereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid, kept and per- <br /> f ormed, has grnnted, demised, leased and let anc� by these presents c�oes grant, demise, lease and let unto tl�e said lessee f or the sole and only purpose o f exploring by <br /> geopliysical and other methods,mining ancl operating for oil and gas and of laying of pipe Iines,and of building tanks,powers,stations and structures thereon to produce,save <br /> and take care of said products, aIl that certain tract of land situate in the County of H��-1 State oJ Nebraska described <br /> as f ollows, to-wit: <br /> � <br /> The North �est Quarter (NW�) <br /> � ' <br /> � <br /> of Section 2�j Township 1-2 N. Range �-2 w• ttnd containing i6o acres, more or less. It is agreed that this lease shal� remain in force � <br /> f or a term o f t P,11 years f rom t1�is date, and as long therea f ter as oil or gas or either of them is producecl f rom said lnnd by Iessee. <br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and agrees: �i <br /> tst. To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, in tTie pipe line to whicli lessee may connect wells on said Iand, the equal one-eightl�part of alI oiI produced and � <br /> saved f rom tlie leased premises. � <br /> �nd. To pay Iessor one-eighth ('/s) of the ,yross proceeds each year. payable quarterly, for the gas from each well wl�ere gas only is found, while the same is bein� <br /> used o f f the premises, and i f usecl in th,e manu f acture o f gnsoline a royalty o f one-e igh,th (�), payable monthly at the prevailing market rate f or gas; and lessor to ltave <br /> gas f ree o f cost f rom any sucli well f or all stoi�es nnd all insicte lights in the principal tlwelling on said land during the same time, by ma�ing lessor's own connections wit�i \ <br /> the well at lessor's own risk and expense. � <br /> 3rd. To pay lessor for gas produced from any oil well and used off tl�e premises or in the manufacture of gasoline or any other product a royalty of one-eighth � <br /> (1/a� of the proceec�s, nt t�ie mouth of t�e well, payable monthly at the prevailing market rate. <br /> If no well be commenced on said Iand on or before the 29th day of January i9 �� , this lease shall terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee shnll on or before tliat date pay or tender to the lessor or to the lessor's creclit in tlie sta.t@ Bank Of' Cairo <br /> Bank at Cairo, Nebraska , or its successors, which shall continue as tlie depository regardless of changes in the ownersl�ip of said land, the sum <br /> of rl�hirty 1W0 & No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - dollars, which shall operate ns a"rental and cover the privilege of deferring the <br /> commencement of a well for twelve months from saic�c�ate. In like manner anc�upon like payments or tenclers, tFte commencement of a well may be further <br /> c�eferred for like perioc�s of the same number of months suceessiaely. Ancl it is unclerstoocl ancl agreecl tT�at the eonsirleration first recitecl herein, t�e c�own payment, eovers <br /> not only tlie privilege grantecl to t�e c�ate when saicl first rental is payable as aforesaic�, but also tlte lessee's option of extenc�ing tAnt period ns aforesaid, anc�any anc� alI <br /> other rights conferrec�. <br /> Shoulcl tlie f irst well c�rillec� on tlie above c�escribec� Iancl be a clry hole, then, ancl in that event, i{a seeond well is not commeneed on said Innd within twelve months <br /> from the expirntion of the last rental periocl` for wliich rentnl has been pnid, this lease shnll terminate as to both parties, unless the lessee on or before tlie expiration of <br /> said twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals, in the same amount and in the same manner as �ereinbefore provided. And it is agreed that upon the resumption <br /> of the payment of rentals as aboue provicle�`, that the last prececling paragraph hereof governing t�e payment of rentals and the effect thereof, shall continue in force just <br /> as though, there had been no interuption in tl�e rental payments, and if the lessee s�iall commence to drill a well within the term of this lease or any extension tliereof, the <br /> lessee sliall have the right to drill such well to completion with reasonable diligence ancl dispatch, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in paying quantities, this <br /> lease shall continue and be in foree with the liFze ef fect as if sucT�well I�ad been completed witl�in the term of years first mentioned. <br /> If said lessor owns a less interest in the above described land than the entire nnd undivided fee simple estate therein, tl�en the royalties and rentals �erein provided <br /> for shall be paicZ tlie-saicl lessor only in the proportion wliich lessor's interest bears to t�ie who'Ie and undiuided fee. <br /> Lessee sliall have the righ t to use, f ree o f eost, gas, oil anc� water proclueecl o n saicl lancl f or lessee's operations thBreon, exeept water f rom the welTs o f lessor. <br /> When requested by lessor, lessee shall bury lessee's pipe Iines below plow depth. <br /> 1Vo well shall be clrillecl nearer than 20o f eet to t�e �iouse or barn now on saicl premises without written eonsent of lessor. <br /> Lessee shall pay for clamages causec� by lessee's operations to growing crops on saic� lancj. <br /> Lessee shall �iave the right at any time to remove all mae{tinery ancl fixtures p�acec�on saicl premises, inelucling tlie riglit to clraw ancl remove easing. <br /> If the estate of party hereto is assigned.—and tlie privilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed.--the covenants liereof shall extenc� to their <br /> heirs, executors, ac�ministrators, successors or assigns> but no change in t�e ownership of the land, or assignments of rental or royalties shall be bincling on tTie lessee until <br /> after tlie lessee has been furnis�ec�` with a written transfer or assignment or a true eopy thereof; and it is hereby agreecl that in the event this lease shall be assigned as to <br /> a part or as to parts of the above cles�ribed lands and the assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fail or malze deFault in the payment of the proportionate part of <br /> the rents due from him or them, such default shall not operate to defeat or af fect this lease in so far as it covers a part or parts of said lands upon which the said Iessee or <br /> any assignee thereof shall malze clue payment of saicl rental. In ease lessee assic�ns this lease, in whole or in part, Iessee shall be relievecl of aII obligations witTt respeet to <br /> the assignec� portion or portions arising subsequent to the c�ate of nssignment. <br /> All express or implied covenants of this lease shall be subject to all Federal and State Laws, Executive Orders, Rules or Regulations, and this lease shall not be <br /> terminated, in whole or in part, nor Iessee held IiabLe in damages, for fnilure to comply t�erewit�, if compliance is prevented by, or if suc� failure is the result of, any <br /> such Law, Orcler, Rule or Regulation. � <br /> Lessor hereby warrants anc� agrees to clefend the title to the lancts herein clescribecl, ancl agrees that t�ie lessee shall have the right at any time to redeem for lessor, <br /> by payment, an.y mortgages, taxes or other Iiens on the above clescribecl Iancls, in tlie event of c�efault of payment by lessor, ancl be subrogratec� to the rights of the holc�er <br /> thereof, ancl the undersignecl Iessors, for themselves and their heirs, successors, ancl assigns, Iiereby surrender and release all right of dower nnd homestend in the premises <br /> described herein, insofar as saic� right of dower nnd homestead may in any way af f ect the purposes for which this lease is made,as recited�erein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN, This the 2 9 t h day o f J anu ar y , ,9 �2• <br /> Witnesses: •--------------------------------------------B.�.'.Z'.�__.B f.'.�,a.�y <br /> ---�---------------------�-------------�---------- <br /> ------------------------------�-------...--�---��----�--------------..---------------�----------�---------�--�----�-�---�------------��- �------�------....----------------------�---El-Si-�---B��:l-�my----------�-----�-----------------...�-----�- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------...------�----------- �----------�--------------------------------�--�--�-----------------------------------�-------------�-----------------------------��---� <br /> ------------------------------�--�-----------------�---------�--------------�----------�------------------------------------------------ --�----------------------�-------------------------�------�------------------------�-----------------�-------------------�--�---�- � <br />