<br /> Containing iqoo Printed Words
<br /> Producers 88 Special F.L.B. t-qa�
<br />� 21897—The Augustine Co., County Supplles, Grand Island, Nebr..
<br /> ss.
<br /> EMi?y E.Hinl�eon,�ridav� hall County,
<br /> 1 hereby certi f y tliat tliis instrument was entered on Numerical Inc�ex, and f iled
<br /> ,I,O for recort� t�is 23 c�ay of March � �2.
<br /> at 3 o��to�� p. �r. �'� ��
<br /> J.�,RnMy&ri d Register o f Deeds.
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ° Fees, � �. 6 5
<br /> AGREEMENT, Made and entered into the ��,�t� day of January . �9 �2
<br /> by ancl between Emily E.Hinkaon,a v�iriova
<br /> of Caira,Nebi'QEYA hereinafter called lessor (wl�ether one or more), and J.A.F.owland
<br /> hereinaFter called lessee:
<br /> WITNESSETH: That the said Iessor, for and in consideration of One �'t IVTO�I.00 --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dollars,
<br /> cash. in hand paid, the receipt of whicli is liereby aclznowledgec�, and of tlie covenants ancl agreements liereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid, Tzept and per-
<br /> formed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by these presents does grant, demise, lease and let unto the said Iessee for the sole and only purpose of exploring by
<br /> geophysical and otlier methods,mining and operating for oil ancl gas and of laying of pipe Iines,and of building tanks,powers,stations and structures thereon to proctuce,save
<br /> and take care of said products, all that certain tract of land situate in the County of HaI.I State of NebrQSka described
<br /> as follows, to-wit: �
<br /> The 7dest Hal.f and the v�e�t seven acres of the EaRt Ha].P of. the North West quarter oP Seetion
<br /> Thirty in Tawn�hi.p Tv��elve North,Range Eleven,West.The North Weet q,uarter oY Section Twenty
<br /> Five,ThP E�at HaI.P. of.the North EaGt �uarter oP Section Tvr�nty Six except Four acree in the
<br /> North VJest corn�r v�h�.ch be?on�;� to thP Mourit Pieasant CeMetery Assn. , and the South Ha1P o?' � ,
<br /> the North Ea�t �uarter and North HalP oP the 5outh Ea�t Quarte� oP Section Twenty
<br /> �
<br /> 30, �5, �6 � �� J� & 1_2 v .
<br /> o f Section� Township �.� N. Range 8� an�containing �7 6 acres, more or less. It is agreed that this lease shall remain in f orce
<br /> f or a term o f t en years f rom this date, and as Iong therea f ter as oil or gas or either o{them �s p�odu�ed{rom said land by lessee. �
<br /> In consideration of the premises the said lessee covenants and agrees:
<br /> tst. To c�eliver to the credit of Iessor, free of cost, in t�e pipe line to whicli lessee may connect wells on said Iand, the equal one-eiglith part of all oil produced and �
<br /> snved from t�e leased premises.
<br /> 2nd. To pay Iessor one-eighth (1/s) o f the c�ross proceecls each year, payable q unrterly, f or the gas f rom each well where gas only is f ound, while the same is being
<br /> used off t1�e premises, and if used in the manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-eightTi (1/s), payable monthly at the preuailing marizet rate for gas; and lessor to �ar�e
<br /> gas free of cost from any such well for all stoves and all inside rights in the principal dwelling on said land during the same time, by making lessor's own connections witli �
<br /> tl�e well at Tessor's own risk and expense. �
<br /> 3rcl. To pay lessor for gas proclueec� from any oil well anc� usec� of f t�e premises or in the mnnufaeture of gasoline or any other proctuct a royalty of one-eight�t
<br /> (1/s) of the proceeds, nt the mouth of the well, payable monthly at the prevniling marizet rate.
<br /> If no well be commenced on said land on or before the �j1.8t� day of uTAAti&T'3/ tg �}3 , this lease shall terminate
<br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee shall on or before tTiat clate pay or tender to the lessor or to the lessor's credit in the �t8tig 8821�'C Op' L'B�.T'O
<br /> Bank at ('ia,�.T'O�Nebras�a , or its successors, which sltall continue as the depository regnrdless of changes in the ownership of said land, the sum
<br /> of �inety Five � 2���.U� — — — — — — — — — — — — dollars, which shall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of deferring the
<br /> commencement of a well for tvrelve months from said date. In Iilze manner and upon Ii1ze payments or tenders> the commencement of a well may be further
<br /> deferred for like periods of the same number of months successively. And it is understood and ngreed that the consideration first recited herein, tl�e down payment, covers
<br /> not only the }�rivilege grantecl to the clate when snic�first rental is payable as aforesaicl, but also t�ie lessee's option of extenc�ing tliat perioc� as aforesaic�, and any ancl all
<br /> other rights conferrecl.
<br /> Shoulcl the first well clrillec�on t�e above c�eseribecl Ianc�be a clry liole, then, anc�in that event, if a seeonc�well is not commencecl on saicl Iancl witliin twelve montlis
<br /> from the expiration of the last rental perioc� for which rentnl �as been paid, this lease shall terminate as to both parties, unless the lessee on or before the expiration of
<br /> saic� twelve months shall resume the payment of rentals, in the same amount and in the same manner as hereinbefore provicled. And it is agreed that upon the resumption
<br /> of tl�e payment of rentals ns above provided, tl�at the Iast preceding paragraph hereof governing tlie payment of rentals and the ef fect thereof, shall continue in foree just
<br /> as thouflh. there �acl been no interuption in the rental payments, and if the lessee shall commence to clrill a well within the term of this lease or any extension thereof, the
<br /> lessee shall haUe the right to drill such well to completion with reasonable diligence and dispntch, and if oil or gas, or eitl�er of them, be found in paying quantities, this
<br /> l'ease shall continue and be in force with the lilze ef fect as if such well had been completed within the term of years first mentioned.
<br /> If said lessor owns a less interest in the above described Iand than the entire and undivided fee simple estate therein, tl�en the royc�lties and rentals herein provided
<br /> f or sTiall be paid the said lessor only in the proportion which lessor's interest bears t o the whole and undivided f ee.
<br /> Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, oil and water produced on said land for lessee's operntions tliereon, except water from the wells of lessor.
<br /> Wl�en requested by Iessor, Iessee shall bury Iessee's pipe Iines below plow depth.
<br /> 1V�o well shall be drilled nearer than a,00 feet to the house or barn now on saicl premises witliout written consent of lessor.
<br /> Lessee sliall pay for c�amages caused by Iessee's operations to growing crops on saic� lancl.
<br /> Lessee shall have the right at any time to remove all macjiinery ancl fixtures placecl on saicl premises, inclucling tFte right to cTraw ancl remoue easing.
<br /> If the estate of either party l�ereto is assigned.-�and the privilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed,--the covenants hereof shall extend to their
<br /> heirs, executors, ac�ministrators,successors or assigns, but no change in the ownersliip o f the lanc�, or assignments of rental or royalties shall be binding on the lessee until
<br /> after the lessee has been furnishecl witli a written transFer or assignment or a true copy thereof; anc� it is hereby agreed that in the event this Iease shall be assignecl as to
<br /> a part or as to parts of the above clescribec�Ianc�s and the assignee or assignees of such, part or parts s�all fail or make c�eFault in the payment of the proportionate part of
<br /> the rents c�ue from him or them, sueh c�efault shall not operate to ctefeat or af feet tliis lease in so far as it covers a part or parts of said lands upon w�iich t{te saicl lessee or
<br /> any assignee thereof shall make clue payment of said rental. In case lessee assigns this lease, in wl�ole or in part, lessee shall be relieved of all obligations with respect to
<br /> the assignec� portion or portions arising subsequent to the c�ate of assignment.
<br /> AII express or implied covenants of this lease shall be subject to all Federal and Stnte Laws, Esecutive Orders, Rules or Regulations, and this lease sliall not be
<br /> terminatecl, in wliole or in part, nor lessee held liable in damages, for failure to comply therewith, if compliance is prevented by, or if such failure is the result of, any
<br /> such Law, �rder, Rule or Regulation.
<br /> Lessor �iereby warrants anc� agrees to clefencl the title to fhe lancls herein clescribecl, anc� agrees that t{te lessee shall have t�te right at any time to ret�eem for lessor,
<br /> by payment, any mortgages, taxes or otl�er Iiens on the above described lands, in the event of clefault of payment by lessor, and be subrograted to the rights of the liolder
<br /> thereof, and tlie und'ersigned lessors, f or themselues and their lieirs;successors, and assigns, hereby surrender and release aIl right o f dower and homestead in the premises
<br /> described herein, insofar as snid riyht of dower ancl Iiomesteac� may in nny wny nf f ect the purposes for whicl� this lense is made,as recited herein.
<br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN, Th�s the jlat, day of Jsnuary , �9 42 .
<br /> Witnesses: ----------------------•--------------------------------�--.�'II1�1.�----E'.._xfAli$.Ori------------------------
<br /> --------•---.._..---•------------------------•-------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------- ------------------------------------------------------°•---------------------------------------------------------------------
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