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OIL AND GAS LEASE ��� <br /> Containing t400 Printecl Worcls <br /> Producers ss Spe��al F.L.B. �-4� <br /> �,L1887—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr.. _ <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County, <br /> pdesley E.Soren�Pn et a2 <br /> I �ereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Incler, and filed <br /> TO for record tliis �3 day of �,�arch �-}9 �'�c � <br /> at �j o'clock P M. �ti���,� Uf� <br /> J.�:.Rowland Register of Deeds. <br /> �`� Deputy. <br /> 1 Fees, $ 2,20 <br /> AGRE$1�'IENT, Made and entered into the j1.9�', day of Jaritiary , tg�.�.2, <br /> byandbetween '�1eaTey E.SorensPr. and Helen L. 5orensen,his wiPe,and Lollie �.Hulett,a widow <br /> of Cairo,�P,bT'88�E1 hereinafter called Iessor (wl�ether one or more), and J.A.F.otnland <br /> hereinafter called Tessee: <br /> WITN$SS$TH: That tT�e said lessor,for and in consideration of One � NO�J.�U — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �ollars. <br /> casTi in Tiand paid, tTie receipt of whicl� is leereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained on part of lessee to be paid. Izept and per- � <br /> f ormed, has granted, demised, leased and let and by tliese presents does grant, demise, lease anct let unto the said lessee f or the sole and only purpose o` exploring by \1 <br /> geop�ysical anc�other met�ods,mining and operating f or oil and gas and of Iaying of pipe Iines,nnd of building tanks,powers,stations and structures tFtereon to produce,save <br /> � <br /> and take care of snid products, aII that certain tract of land situate in the County of I��I-I- State of Nebraska described <br /> as follows, fo-wit: <br /> ThP Bc�uth We�t G�uarter ( 5W4� � <br /> , <br /> � <br /> of7j� Tou�nshi 1-� r1• Ran e 1-1- �• and containin �. �' acres, more or less. It is a reed that this lease shall remain in orce � <br /> Section p g g 5 9 f � <br /> for a term of tL'Il years from this date, and as long thereafter as oil or gas or eitlier of tl�em is produced from said land by lessee. <br /> In consideration of the premises the said Iessee covenants and agrees: <br /> ist. To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost, in tTie pipe line to which lessee may connect wells on said land, tl�e equal one-eightli part o(alI oil produced and <br /> snved f rom tl�e leased premises. � <br /> �nd. To pay lessor one-eighth (i/s) of the 9ross proceeds each year, payable quarterly, for the gas from each well where gns only is found, while the same is being � <br /> usecl off tlie premises, anc� if usec� in tTte manufaeture of gasoline a royalty of one-eighth (1/a), payable mont�ly at tlie prevailing marizet rate for gas; and lessor to h,ave � <br /> gas free of cost from any sucl�well for all stoi�es nnd all inside IigTifs in fhe principal clwelling on said land during tlie same time, by malzing lessor's own connections with <br /> tlie well at Iessor's own rislz and expense. <br /> 3r�I. To pay lessor for gas producec� from any oil well and used off the premises or in the manufacture of gaso�ine or any other procluct a royalty of one-eight�i <br /> �1/s� of t�e proceec�s, nt t�ee mout�i of the well, payable monthly at t�ie prevailing mnrket rate. <br /> If no well be commencecl on said land on or before tTie �Z.Bt� clay of ,Tanuary ig 43 , this lease shall terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee s�nll on or before that c�ate pay or tencler to the lessor or to the lessor's crec�it in the ►�t8te $Q11�i Of v�A1.Y'O <br /> Bank at Q�{,j Y'O t PdebrASka , or its successors, which shall continue ns the depository regardless of changes in tlie ownership of saicl Iand, tl�e sum <br /> of Thirty �c �O�I.00 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — c�ollars, whicl� shall operate as a rental and cover the privilege of deferring the <br /> commencement o f a we��f or t,P7f'1.VG months f rom sait�t�ate. In like mnnner anc� upon like payments or tenc�ers, the commencement of a well may be f urt�ier <br /> deferred for Iike periods of the same number oF months successively. And it is understooc� and agreed tl�at the consideration first recited herein, the down payment, coners <br /> not only tl�e priuilege granted to the date when said first rentnl is payable ns aforesaid, but also the lessee's option of extending tl�at period as aforesaid, and any and all <br /> other rights conferred. <br /> Should the first well drilled on the nbove clescribec�Iancl be a clry hole, then, and in tTint eUent, if a second well is not commenced on said land within twelve months <br /> from the expiration of tlie last rental periocl for whieh rentnl Ftas been paicl, t�iis lease shall terminate ns to both parties, unless the lessee on or before t�ie expiration of <br /> saicC tweTve montl�s shall resume tl�e payment of rentals, in tlie same amount and in the same manner as hereinbefore provided. And it is agreed that upon the resumption <br /> of the payment of rentals ns above provided, that the Iast preceding paragraph hereof governing the payment of rentals and the ef(ect thereof, s�iall continue in force just <br /> as though there liad been no interuption in the rental payments, and if the lessee shall commence to drill a well wit/�in the term of tliis lease or any extension thereof, tlie <br /> lessee shall have the right to clrill sucli well to completion witTt reasonable c�iligence and dispatch, and if oil or gas, or either of them, be found in paying quantities, tl�is <br /> �ease s�all continue ancl be in force with the like ef fect as if such well Itiacl been completecl the term of years first mentionecl: <br /> 1 f saicl lessor owns a less interest in the above �Iescribecl Iancl t�ian the entire anc� unctiviclecl f ee simple estate therein, then tlie roynities and rentals Iierein proviclecl <br /> for shall be paid t�e said Iessor only in the proportion which Iessor's interest bears to the whole ancl undivided fee. <br /> Lessee s�iall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, oil and water produced on saic� lanc� for lessee's operations thereon, except water from the wells of lessor. <br /> When requested by lessor, lessee shall bury lessee�s pipe lines below plow deptF�. <br /> I�o well s�iall be clrillec� nearer than 20o feet to the house or barn now on saic�premises without written consent of lessor. <br /> Lessee s�all pay for damages caused by lessee's operations to growing crops on saicl Iancl. <br /> Lessee shall Iaave the right at any time to remove all machinery and fixtures placecl on saic�premises, including the right to draw ancl remove casing. <br /> If the estate of either party hereto is assignedr-ancl the privileqe of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed.—the covennnts hereof shall extend to their <br /> heirs, executors, administrators,successors or assigns, but no change in the ownership of the Iand, or assignments of rental or royalties shall be binding on the lessee until <br /> after the Iessee has been furnished witli a written transfer or assignment or a true copy thereof; and it is hereby agreed that in the event this lease shall be assigned as to <br /> a part or as to parts of the above described Iands and the assignee or assignees of sucl� part or parts shall fail or make default in the payment of the proporfionate part of <br /> the rents clue f rom him or them, such c�ef ault sliall not operate to clef eat or af f ect th is lease in so f ar as it covers a part or parts of said lands upon which the said lessee or <br /> any assignee thereof shall make due payment of said rental. In case Lessee assigns this lease, in u�hole or in part, lessee shall be relieaed of alI obligations with respect to <br /> t�ie assignec� portion or portions arising subsequent to the date of assignment. <br /> AII express or impliec� covenants of t�tis lease shall be subject to aII Fecleral ancl State Laws, �xecutive Orders, Rules or Regulations> anc� this lease shall not be <br /> terminntec�, in whole or in part, nor lessee helcl Iiahle in c�amages, f or f ailure to eomply therewith, i/ eompliance is preventecl by, or if such f ailure is the result o f, any <br /> such Law, Order, Rule or Regulation. <br /> Lessor hereby warrants ancl agrees to c�efencl t�e title to the lands herein c�eseribed, anc� agrees that the lessee shall have the rig�t at any time to recleem for Lessor, <br /> by payment, an�mortgages, taxes or other Iiens on the aboue described lands, in tlie event of default of payment by Iessor, and be subrograted to tlie rights of the I�older <br /> thereof, ant� the unclersignecl lessors> for themselues nnc� their heirs, successors, ancl assigns, hereby surrencler anc� release all rig�it of c�ower ancl homesteac� in t�e premises <br /> �eseribec� herein, insofnr as snic� riyht of c�ower and homestend may in any wny nf f eet the purposes for which this lease is macle,as recitecl jterein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN, This the 3i s t, day oF January , �9 42 • <br /> Witnesses: -------------------•--------•---•----------------------------�.�'-F3�--�'.S!---.E...�.°�Qx.'.B.I1fi.�21------------._... <br /> -----------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------------------------.._._---------- ------------------------------------�------------------------H��,-�-n---L---�-�r.enasn----------------- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------�-----�-----------------�------------�-------------------------- --------------�-----------------------------�----------------Loll-�-e---�T_..Ht�l.�.tt-----------�-�---------- <br /> --------------------�-----------�------------------------------------------�--......._...--�---�---------------._...------------------- ---------------....----�--------------------�----------�---------------------------------------�----------....-------------------� <br />