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OIL AND GAS LEASE � � � <br /> Containing iqoo Printed Words <br /> ProcIucers 88 Special F.L.B. i-q2 <br /> 21897—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> FROM THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ss. <br /> RuguSt SC�lultz & WP Hail County, <br /> 1 liereby certify that th,is instrument was entered on Numerical Index, and filed <br /> TO for record this �3 day of March q 42 , <br /> nt 3 0'�lo�k P M. ���.���-��,1� <br /> J.A.Row?�,nd � Re9ister of Deeds. <br /> Deputy. <br /> Fees S <br /> �. `�G� <br /> . <br /> AGREEMENT, Made and entered into the 3rd• dQy of Fehruary , lg �2 <br /> by and between A�aguet Schul:tz and n�linnie Sehultz,h�� v�if e <br /> . <br /> of Cr�iro,NebraBrt� hereinafter called Iessor (w�ether one or more), and eT .A.Rowland <br /> hereina f ter called Iessee: <br /> WITN$SSETH: That the said lessor,for and in consideration o{ One c�G NO��.dU — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Dollars, <br /> casTi in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained ori part of lessee to be paid, T�ept ancl per- <br /> f ormed, has grantecl> c�emised, leasec� anc� let an�I by tliese presents cloes grant, clemise, lease anc� let unto the saicl lessee f or the sole anc� on�y purpose o f exploHng by <br />, yeopFiysical and other methocls,mining nnd operating for oil and gas and of laying of pipe lines,and of building tan�s,powers,stations and structures thereon to produce>save <br /> and take care of said products, all thnt certnin trnct of Iand situnte in the County of �'���-�- State of Nebraska described � <br /> as follows, to-wit: <br /> The Easr Ha?_f. c�P tY�e South East Quarter, thP North HaJ.P oP Section Nineteen and the North Half <br /> oP the south Weat G�uarter ( E� 5E4f N� & N� SVJ4 9ec.19) <br /> � , <br /> � <br /> of Section 1-� Township 7-� r1• Range 1? �• and containinq �'7o acres, more or less. It is agreecl that tliis Iease shall remain in force � <br /> f or a term o f t e n years f rom this cTate, and as long therea f ter as oi� or gas or eit�er o f them is proclucecl f rom snid land by lessee. <br /> In consideration of the premises the snid lessee covenants and agrees: <br /> ist. To deliver to the credit of lessor, free of cost. in the pipe line to whicli lessee may connect wells on said land, the equal one-eiflhtl�part of all oil produced and <br /> \ <br /> snved f rom the leased premises. � � <br /> 2nd. To pay lessor one-eigl�tli (�s) o f the 9ross proceeds each year, payable q uarterly, f or the gas f rom each well where gas only is f ound, while the same is bein� -r <br /> usecl off the premises, ancl if usecl in the manufacture of gasoline a royalty of one-eighth �1/s�, payable monthly at the prevailing market rate for gas; anc�jessor fo liave � <br /> gas free of cost from any such well for all stoves and nll inside lig�ts in the principal dwelling on said land during the same time, by making lessor's own connections with <br /> tlie well at lessor's own risk and expense. <br /> 3rd. 7'o pay lessor for gas produced from any oil we�l ancl used off t�e premises or in the manufncture of gasoline or any other proc�uct a royalty of one-eight� <br /> (1/s� of the proceeds, at the mouth of the well. Paynble monthly nt t�e prevniling market rate. <br /> If no well be commencec�on said land on or before tjte 3rd� dQy of February ig 4'3 , this lease shall terminate <br /> as to both parties, unless the lessee shnll on or before t�at clate pay or tenc�er to the lessor or to the lessor's creclit in the �t&.t@ Bank O�' Cairo <br /> Bank at �Airo,I�lebra�ka , or its successors, wl�ich shall continue as the depository regardless of changes in the owriersTiip of said Iand, the sum <br /> of Flinety Four � NO��IOO — — — — — — _ — — — _ do[lars, which sTiall operate as a rental and coUer tTie privilege of deferring the <br /> commencement of a well for �pJB�.V@ months from said date. In like manner and upon Iilze payments or tenders, the commencement o`a well may be further <br /> deferred for Iilze periods of tlie same number of months successii�ely. And it is understooc� and agreed thnt the consideration first recited Iierein, the down payment, covers <br />� not only the privilege granted to the date when said first rentnl is payable as aforesaic�, but also the lessee's option of extenc�ing tlint perioc� ns aforesaid, and any and all <br />� other rights conferred. <br /> Should the first well drilled on the aboue describe,d land be a dry hole, then, and in that event, if a second well is not commenced on said land within twelve mont{es <br /> from the expiration of the last rental period for which rental I�as been paid, this Iease shnll terminate as to both parties> unless the Iessee on or before the expiration of <br /> said twelve mont�s shall resume the payment of rentals, in the same amount and in the same manner as hereinbefore proui�Ietl. And it is agreed thnt upon the resumption <br /> of tjte payment of rentals ns above proviclec�, that the Tast prece�Iing paragrapli Tiereof governing t�e payment of rentals and the efFect thereof, s�iall continue in force jusl <br /> as tliough there hacl been no interuption in t�te rental payments, anc�if the lessee shall commence to drill a well within the term of this lease or any extension t{tereof, the <br /> lessee shall have the right to drill such well to completion wit{t reasonable c�iligence and dispatch, and if oiI or gas, or either of them, be found in pnying quantities, this <br /> Iense sliall continue and be in force with the like ef fect as if such welT had been completed within the term of years first mentioned. <br /> I f saicl lessor owns n less interest in t�e aboue clescribed Ianc�than the entire anc� uncIiviclecl f ee simple estate t�erein, tlien tlie royalties ancl rentals herein proviclecl <br /> for shall be paid the saicl Iessor only in the proportion whieh Iessor's interest bears to tlie whole anc�unc�ivided fee. <br /> Lessee s�all have tlie rigl�t to use, free of cost, gas, oil ancl water proclucecl on saicl Iancl for lessee's operations tTiereon, exeept water from the wells o` lessor. <br /> When requestec� by lessor, lessee shall bury Iessee's pipe Iines below plow clepth. <br /> No well shall be drilled nearer than 20o feet to the liouse or barn now on said premises without written consent of lessar. <br /> Lessee shall pay for c�amages causec� by lessee�s operations to growing crops on said land. <br /> Lessee s�iall have the right at any time to remoue all mac�inery anc�f ixtures p lacec�on saic�premises, inclucling the rig�t to c�raw anc� remove casing. <br /> If the estate of either party hereto is assigned.--anc� the privilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowec��--the covenants hereoF sharr extencl to their <br /> heirs, executors, aclministrators,successors or assigns, but no cliange in the ownersliip o f the Iancl> or assignments of rental or royalties shall be binc�ing on the lessee until <br /> after the Iessee has been furnished with a written transfer or assignment or a true copy thereof; and it is hereby agreed that in t�e eUent this lease sFiall be assigned as to <br /> a part or as to parts of the above c�eseribecl Iancls ancl the assignee or assignees of such part or parts shall fail or maTze cle(ault in the payment of the proportionate part of <br /> the rents due from him or them, such default shall not operate to defeat or af fect tliis lease in so far as it covers a part or parts of said Iands upon which tlie said lessee or <br /> any assignee thereof s�all make due payment of snid rental. In case lessee assigns this Iease, in whole or in part, lessee shall be relieUed oF aII obligations witl�respect to <br /> t�ie assignecl portion or portions arising subsequent to the clate of assignment. <br /> All express or implied covenants of this lease shall be subject to alI Federal and State Laws. Executive Orders, Rules or Regulations, and this lease shall not be <br /> terminatecl, in whole or in part, nor lessee held Iiable in clamages, for failure to comply tlierewith, if compliance is prevented 6y, or if suclt failure is the result of, any <br /> sucTi Law, Order, Rule or Regulation. <br /> Lessor �iereby warrants ancl agrees to c�ef enc� t�ie title to the lands herein cleseribec�, anc� agrees t�at the lessee s�tall {tave the right at any time to recleem f or lessor, <br /> , by pa�+ment, an�/mortgages, tases or other Iiens on tF�e above described Iands,in the event oF default of payment by lessor, and be subrograted to the rights of tl�e Tiolcler <br /> thereof, ancl tlie unclersignecl lessors, for themselues ancl their heirs, successors, and assigns, �ereby surrene�er ancl release all right of c�ower ancl homesteacl in the premises <br /> described herein, inso f ar as snid riylit o f clower nnd homestend may in nny way a f f ect the purposes f or wliich this Iease is made, ns recited herein. <br /> IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF WE SIGN. This the 3rd, d«y of February . �9 �2 . <br /> IIWitnesses: ._.._---°-----------------------------°-------•---�u�u�t.._.►2_.�+'.h.L��.�iZ-----�-�---------------��--------. <br /> �--------------------------------�------------------b21 nni e...S chul_t z-�-------�-------------�-�--�-�-�---- <br /> i, ----------------------------------------------------�-----------------------------------------------�-�--------�------�-�---�----�----- <br /> -------- <br /> I ----------------------�-�---------------------------------------------•-----�-�-�---.._..... <br /> ..--�--�--------�----��---------------�----� -----------�---------�----------------------------------....-----------------�----------------------------�-------------------�--�-- .. <br /> ---------------------------------�-------------......................---�----------------------------------------------��--�------------ ---------------�--------------------.....----�------------------------------------��-----�----------------------�-----�----�-----�--� <br />