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<br /> �
<br /> 17604—The Auguatine Co., County BuppHea, Grand Ialand, Nebr. � �
<br /> AGREII�ENT �
<br /> THIB AC�REENIENT made and entered into this 31 day of Mareh,A.D.1941,by and between Arthur.
<br /> V.Yenny and Martha Yenny,his wife,parties of the Piret psrt,and The Equi'table LiPe Aseurance
<br /> Society of the United Stat�s,party oP the second pax�t:
<br /> WITNESSETH: �
<br /> That,whereae, the partSes of the PirBt part are the own�rs oP the folloping deecribed real
<br /> eatate,�o-rrit: The 5outh �ialP oP Northpeat q,uarter of Section Twenty-Six (26), in To�vnship
<br /> �welve (12} North,Renge Eleven (11) West ot' the Sixth Prinoipal �eridian (exaept the Right
<br /> of �ay oP the Chia�go,Burlington and q,uincy Railway ahere laid acrosa said tract) oontaining
<br /> 7�j acre�,more or Iees, in Hall County,N�braska.upon which the party of th�a second part haa
<br /> a mortgage in the principal sua� of Four Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 Dallars (��,500.00�,
<br /> reeorded 1.n Book 61 af Mortgage� on page 371 in ths office oP the Re�iater of Deede of
<br /> HaII County,Nebraaka�, u�on which there 18 unpaid the prineipal sum of Three Thoueand Fiv�
<br /> Hundred Z'v►enty-One and 30jI00 Dollars ($3,52I.30) ,and upon which the inatallment due
<br /> Dec�mber Ist,A.D.19�0,covering interest and principal,to�ether with taxes sdvanced, ia psst
<br /> due and remains unpaid.
<br /> Y�HEREAS, said raortgage is in dePault and the parties oP the Pir$t part are unable to pay
<br /> the asme,and have proposed to The Equitsble LiPe Ae8ur8nce 9ociety of th� United States
<br /> that a deed to the above described praperty be aacept�d in Pull payment of the �ortgagd
<br /> indeb'�edness Snetead of a Porecloeure and in order to do array with eny deficiency ,�udgment
<br /> ag�inat the partiee aY the firat part. '
<br /> �d��f,THEREFORE, it ia understood and agreed be��►een the partiea hereto that The Equita.bl�
<br /> Life ABSUrance Society oP the United Statea ahall accept the deed from Arthur V.Yenny �.nd
<br /> ��r�ha Yenney,his wif�,to ,thP above described real estate,and in coneid�ration thereof
<br /> shall pay the sum oP One Do1.Iax (�1.00) Cash and other va,luable considerations,and rel+a4ee
<br /> the mortgage indebtednesa above described against the said property,and release Arthur V.
<br /> Yenny and �ar'Gha Yenney,his wife,Prom any liabillty upon the note executed at the aame
<br /> time of sald mortga�e,�nd shall cancel said note,and that no deficiency �udgment shall be
<br /> taken a�ainst. Arthur V.Yenny and �artha Yenny,his wife,and,in conaideration oP the releas�
<br /> and caneell.atlon ot' said- note a,nd said indebt�dness and receipt of said �um of One Dollar
<br /> ( �I.00� Cash and other valuable eoneiderations, in hand paid i.d hereby aeknoAledged,aaid
<br /> Arthur V.Yenny and Martha Yenny,hie wife, epe�cifically agree that �hey shall and they do
<br /> hereby Porever give up and waive their right to redeem ea�id property from s�id mortga,ge;
<br /> it beir�g understood and agreed that the conveyance af said land in payment of eaid mortgage
<br /> indebtedneas and in conaideration of said One Dollar (�1.00) Cash and other val.uable con-
<br /> 8lderation�, is Pre�Iy and voluntarily entered inta on the p�rt pY Arthur V.Yenny and Msrtha
<br /> Yenny,hi� w3Pe,and entered into at their oan Suggestion;and that they fullq re�lise that
<br /> ' said property is being and ehall be deeded by them to The Equltable Life Assuranee Society
<br /> oP the United 8�a�es absal.utely,and that no right or title or intereet,or right to redeem
<br /> of any nature or che�raater whateoever l� retained in as3d property by Arthur V.Yenny and
<br /> �artha Yenny,hi� �riPe;and that upoM the execu�ion of said deed,all of their interest in
<br /> �he real eatate above 8eecribed is forever terminated;and the aaid Arthur V.Yenny and
<br /> �artha Yenny,h3s wif�a,hereby agree to giv� immediate posseeelon of aaid premisea,and it i�s
<br /> further expresal.y �nderstood and agreed that th� parties of the Pirst part be2leve tha�,in se-
<br /> ouring the cQnce7.lstion of said note, they are securing all. that the ebove deecribed proper�y
<br /> is re�,sonably worth Qnd reeeiving full value Por th• property.
<br /> Dated this the day and year firet above �rritten. '
<br /> Arthur V.Yenny
<br /> � l�artha Yenny :
<br /> Parties of the Firet Par�. �
<br /> ;
<br /> ,
<br /> , �.
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