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<br /> � y�+j+ii::.liy �utty itu ZuUh�t u::��yUi1�S, at u�e��,tion�f�n,,�.it(}:.:.�4::9:Se�oC�f1:,UPK.R.^v Ci%vC.lt�j4.(�r���,;��ncur.�dii� f0Y .h.t...f�C�
<br /> tl�at II.ender requlres)�mvid;,d by tui Insurer upprovcd by L.ender agnin bccamas availablc:uid is abtninesl, Dorcower shnll pay
<br /> � the premiums rc�uired to maintain mortgage lnsur�u�ce in effe�t,or to provlde a loss rescrvc,untii titc requlremcnt for morigagc
<br /> � insurance ends in accordance with any written ugreentent betwecn Borrowcr und Lender or npplicable Imv.
<br /> 9, Inspectloa�.I ender or its ugent may makc rcasonable entrles upon and insper.tions of ths Propen��.i.cAder shall give
<br /> � Borrower notice at the time af or prior ro a�r ins�ecUon specdfying rcuonable cause for the inspe�tion. •
<br /> �I 10. Con�tlemnation. The proceecls of:u�y award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection wlth any -.;
<br /> conclemnatian or other tnkin�of nny pArt oi the Aropert}�,or for cnnveyance in lieu of condemnation, arc hereby nssigned vt� �.
<br /> ��:q� shtll be paid to Lendc�. r�t-'.:
<br /> -. � � In th�e event of a tatal taking of tl�e Pcoperry,the proceeds shall be applird to the sums secured by this Sanriry Instrument, , ,;
<br /> ���:'''" whethet or not thea due, vrith any excess paid to Borrowes. In the event af a partitil talcing of the Propei�ty in which the fair �
<br /> '"z•';'�� � rnarket value af ths Propeny imxnecliatcly beforc thc taking is eqaal to or greater thfln the amount of the sums secured by this ";��
<br /> �ecuriry Instn►m:cxt inunrdiately before the taking,unlcss Bonowrer an�i Lender othenvise agrce in wriUnB,tl�o acims secured by ;�:��
<br /> �' this Security insuum.at shall be reduced by the nmount of the prnc�eds multiplied by the follawinB fraclion:(a) the total -� --
<br /> a�munt�f the sums sccured Immediately before the taklnE� divido�by(b) the flir market v:�ue of thc Pmperty immWintely =
<br /> ., b�£aze thP talcltL. Any bal�.c shall be paid to IIorrawer. In ths cvcnt of a paxtlal ruku�g of tho Property in which tho fair �-�-_,
<br /> �' muket vaiu:af tha Fra�zrty im��r.diately bzfara the taking is less dtt�n thfl cunc+unt of the sums secureci imcnediately befom the� �"`�y=-
<br /> ,. taking,uniess Burrow�s an�l.znder othenvise agrce in writing or unless applicablo law othcnxise pm��ides.�he proceede sholl .,'��:�;_
<br /> •�56.�4
<br /> _ • � be applicd ro thc sums secured by this Securiry Insttument whether ot not the sums are then due. _�.s:
<br /> If the Properry is abax►donxl by Borrower,or if. after notice by Ixnder to Bnrrower that tho condc�nunr offers to ma1:o un _
<br /> �� awer8 ar settic a ciaim for dasnng:s, Horrower fails to resgna@ ro Lsnder within 30 days after tlte dAto tho n�nHce is given, =:�«•_
<br /> Leader is authorizal to oollect ancl apply the proceeds. at its optlon,cither to resteration ar repair af the Pmpcny ot to�he sums ' ."";a.
<br /> �, �^ �•,� sxured by this Securiry Inscrument,�ti:�tther or noc then due. n���=_
<br /> _ Unless [,ender and Bonower otherwise agree in vrciting, any application of proceeds to principal sL�ll not extend or ��`:�'
<br /> postpone tt�e dae date of the n�onthly paymeau referred to in puagraphs 1 and 2 or change thr amount of suc1�payments. �-�-
<br /> �� -f�,..,
<br /> 11.Borrower Not Itdeased;Forbearoace By I.ender Not a Nalver.Extens9on of the tiwe for paymcnt ar modification •�i,,,;,:�
<br /> � of amonization of the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument granted by Lender to nny successor in interest af Aorrower shall ��-�-
<br /> not operate to releasc the liability of the ariginal Borrower or Bonower's successors in interest.I.ender shal l aot be requci�ed to __t="'`
<br /> cammence proceedings against any successor in Interest or refuse to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amortization =
<br /> of the sums s�urtd by this Security Insuument by reason of any demand raacle by the ori�inal Bonawer or Borrotirer's
<br /> „ successors in interest. My forbearance by Lender in exercising aay aight or ren�edy shall nat be�waiver of or preciude the
<br /> _ �zrsri���f�;riaht�r rtu�;.
<br /> . . . '� 12. Sw�:essors and Assigas Bound;Jotn4 and Several Y.lability; Cv-signers. 'llis covenants and_agreementa of this
<br /> Securtry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of L.cnder aud Born,n�er, subject to th�provisions of.
<br /> pazagtaph 17. 13orrower's covenants nnd agraments shall be joint and several. My Banoiv�r who co signs this 5ecurity
<br /> -�' '`•' � instrument but dues noc executa the Note: (a) is co•xigning thls Sxurity Instr�ment only ta mortga�o. gasm and c.onvey d►at
<br /> ' BorroWOr's interest in tbe Ptoperty under thr tvrms of thls Security Inatnunont;Qb3 3s nat peaconelly obli�ated tm pa��the swns __
<br />=��+r,Y. • � secured by this Security Insuument;and�(a)agm.es tdt,t�Lender and nn�r otttor Aonower may agrex ta eatend. modlfy, forbaur or
<br /> malce aay accommodaHons with regard t�•iko tezm;of this Security Instrumcnt.Ar the Noto without Wat Somower's conunt. . —
<br />_ " �� ��" 13. Loan Clwrges.If tAv fuan.secwa�by Wix Security[asuument Is subjecl to a lmv which sets ma�cimuin loan charges.
<br /> .. ,...'
<br />-";,., . . and thu law is finally interpretod so ihat the incetest or ot3�er loan charges collect�d or ta be collceted ia conuectian with the •, .
<br />�!J:;,,;:;.�:;;: toan exceed the permitted limits.Weu: (a)any such loan chazge sball be rednced hy tho nmouut necessary to rcduce the c6arge
<br />-��•��._:A: to the permittallicNr, and(b)apy sumti�lready collected from �3uR�wer which aacZCdacl permitted litnits will bo refunded tn '
<br /> - ���l`�'`Y��
<br /> Bor�uwer. Lender may choose to mako this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nate or by makIng a direct
<br />'°,�;��� payment to Bonowver. If a refund reduces principal, the reducdon will be tieatod as a partial prepayment without any
<br />-`r'�''�� pnpayn�nt chazge under the Note.
<br /> ����-=�-r 14. Notices. Any natice to Bozrower provided for in this Secutity Instrument shall be gtven by delivcring it or by mailing ,
<br /> �. -
<br />�3��,?;:.'•�: it by fint class mail unless appiicable law requines ase of aaother axtbod. The notice shall be disected to the Property Addnss _
<br /> j--"- � ur any other address Bonower designAtes by nodce to I.er.der. My notice to Lender shAll be given by fi[st class�nnil to _
<br /> ��•rz!'y ixnder's addrrss statod herein or any other addcess I.andor designates by notice to Borrower.Any notia provided for i�this
<br /> _��:'�:;,;-�� Security iastrument shall be dee�ned to have been given to Borrower or Ltader when g{ven as providcd in this paragraph. �---
<br />-`;:�=:�� 15.Govern[ng Iatw; 9c�ec.ubility. This Security Instrument shall be governed by faleral law and the Iaw ofthe �;`
<br /> �""tir"'. jwJsdtction in which the Properiy is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry [nstn�mont or the Note .�
<br />-^"��-Y conflicts with applicaUle law,such conflict sha�l not affect other provisions of this Security Insttument or the Note which can be = _
<br /> �..: �,,�,,.�.:.- `
<br />- � -•� <��- givcn effect without the conflicting provision. To this cnd tlic provisions of this Sxurity Instrument and the Nate are declared
<br /> to be severable. �;�
<br /> ' '. 16.Borrower's Cupy.Bonower shall be given one conformed cvhy of tP�e Note and of this S�urity Instmment. �-- -
<br />� F.orm 30 !
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