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<br /> TOGFTE�6R WITH nll Ihe in�;�rnver��r.rta»nw or hr.r.'.�FiGi C!'Cr,.trri UA[he p:cr�t4y,:.;2'��:I c.^.;�tit�ttt::.::c�tlzic�l::i:CrS, ?��� �" "`
<br /> � fixtur�s no�v or hercafter a part of the �topeny. All repincements nnd additionR shall also be covered by this Securiry � '
<br /> � Instrument. All af the forzgoing is refen,ecf ta in this Security Inscrument as the"['�at�erty." �
<br /> � B04tROW�R CQVENANTS that Bon+awer is luwfully seised af the est�ta hereby convcycd and t��s tlie riglit to grant and h •
<br /> ' convey the Propcny and that thc Ehoperty is unencumbcred, eace�t for cnct►mbrnn�cs of record. Borrowcr warrants ond will ..
<br /> ' defend gonernlly the tltle to the Properry ngainst all claims und dem�uids,subjec►to nny encumbr.�nces of recarJ.
<br /> " THI5 5i?CURtTY IN5TRUMENT combines uniform covcnants for national use and non-uniform covcn:utts witte limtted •
<br /> : ; vuiia�iu►�s by jui•9sdictian to co�istiwte a uniform sesurity instntment covering rc:�progerty. �
<br /> � I UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrowcr und Lcnder covena�u and agra as follows: '
<br /> • � w� � I 1. Fay�nens of Princt{Ktl and Intcrrst; Prtpuyment and Iate ChArges. Bonower shnll promptly Nay when due th� '
<br /> ,� principnl of and intcrest on the dcbt evidenced by the NatR and nny prepayment as►d late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ; 2. �mdA for Tiwx�w und Insurance. Subjcct to applirablo law or to a written waiver by Lcnder, Eioirawer shall pay ro '}
<br /> � l.ender on the dny monthly paymeats urc due undcr thfs Notcs,until the Nate is pud in fuU,a sum("Funds")for:(u)yi:arly taxes 4
<br /> � and assessments whir,h may attain prforiry ovar!his Security Tnstn►ment as a licn on the Propeny;(b)ycarly Ieasehotd payments
<br /> or ground rento on ths Pcoperty, if any;(c)yeazly hazard or property insurance premIums:(d)ycarly tlood insurance premiums, �,�.✓,�,;
<br /> • I if any; (e)yearly mortgage Insurance prentiums. if any;and(� any sums�ayAble by B�rrower to l.ender,in accord.�ce with a;la�;•
<br /> 1 miums.Tlicse iteuis a�e caileii "�scra�.v Itereu." �''��
<br /> the provision�of pingraph 8, in licu of the payment of mortgage insurance pm ,,,F,r�
<br /> � [,ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funcis in an amonnt not to excec�! the maximum amount a lendec for a federally �1��:��-
<br /> •i � related mortgage loan m�y cequire for Borrower's esemw aocount under the federal Real Estata Settlement Procedures Act of �>�'�-===
<br /> 1974 as amonded from timx to time. 12 4J.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ( RESPA"), unless anothcr law that applies to the F�n:►ds �
<br /> sets a lesser an�ount. If sa, Lender may, at any time, w11ec1 an�i hold Funds in an aznount r.at ta cscce�the less:r :�a�nt. ��= �
<br /> ` � ; �.'...;;r
<br /> Leader may estimate the amouat of Fuads due on the basis of cnr�ent data and reasonablc estimates of expenditures af fi�ture �,����•�=-
<br /> � Fsccow ltcros or othcrwise in accordance with applicable law. �'��--
<br /> � � � Tht Funds suall be held in an institution whose deposits arc ins�ue�i 63• a fedaral agency, instrume.ns�3ity, o:enHty ��=�-��
<br /> � � ' (including Lendcr,if Lender is such an inst[tution)or in any Foderal6iomo L.auu 8uilc.Leuder shall apply the Funds to a�y ik� __
<br /> " � , Es�row Items.L.ender u�ay not charge Borrower for holding and appl�ang the Funds. annually analyzing the escrow accoiin't,r,r --
<br /> verifying the�scrow Iteins,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemnits Lender to make sUCh =
<br /> ' a charge.Hawevcr, Lender may reguire Borrower to pay a one-timc chazgt for an indcpendcnt real estate tax reponwg service
<br /> ' �`� used by Leua.. in conneccion with this loan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Ualess en agranxnt is made or
<br /> � N.
<br /> apQlicable law roquires interest to be paid.Lender shall not be i+ec�uircd to pay Borrower any intcrest or eArnings on the Funds.
<br /> � .�� Borcower and Lender may agcee in writing, however. that interest shall be paid on tde Fuads. Lender shall give to Borrower.
<br /> q; wttnout charge. aa unnual accaun�ing oi iae F�i,ius. st'�'vwirg s:..;.:�s.:nd slebiss so ihe Funss a�" the Fe��� fet whlrF�r�h -
<br /> AA
<br /> ' �' '� debit to the Funds was m.�de.7`he Fuuds are pledged as additional securiry fcrr al Rums sacured by this Sccurl�r Insmunent.
<br /> ,',-�''� [f tde Funds held��IIlender eacead the amouncs pernutted co be held by�,:+;p9icable law,I.ender shati #�ecomlt to Borrower ����
<br /> '' � for the eacess Funds in Accordauce widi the requinments of applirable law. If 2t�¢umount of the Funds beld'by Lendar at any
<br /> � y?
<br /> �.��, time ts noc sufficieat co pay the Escrow Icems whea due,i,ender miay so notify Horrower ia writing.and,in auch.case Bor.t�wer
<br /> r shatl pay to Lender the atnount necessary to make up tha deficieucy. Borrowec shull mnke up the deficient,�y in ao mor��tt�an
<br /> ��" twelve monthly payments,At Lendcr's solo di,ctetion. .
<br /> ,... , ,*r
<br />__ :.,j Upon paycaent in fii11 of ull sums secured by thia Secuii�� lnsttument, Lcader shall promptly refu�;l to Bnrrower any
<br /> '•' Funds held t+y Lender.If.under paragraph 21,Leader shall acquire or sell the Property,l.cndcr,prior to t�h�hcquisition or sale
<br /> ��`�• of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisitioa or sale as a credit agaiast tha sums secured by
<br /> �s;►�)� .: thls Security Instcument. �
<br /> .. ., c �.<;.
<br /> " -��f 3.Applkatlon o[�yments.Unless applicabla law pmvides otherwiae,all payuxnts receiv.d by L.ender under paragraphs _
<br />_ :.�::�';°;"•t _
<br /> ��„=:,,t..,�' 1 and 2 shall lx:applied: fir�t, to any pnpayment chazges due under the Note;secQnd,ta amoiwts payab2�ander paragraph 2; ,
<br /> -�;�if; third,to intercsc due;fourth,to principal due;and Iast,to any late chazges dua under We Note.
<br />,�;;�r.,,��{� 4.Charges;Y,tenv. Born�wer shall pay all taaes�assessment�,charges. fines and impasitioas attributable to the I�m�erty
<br />�_,;�,,i��� , w�ich may attaia priority over this Security [nstrument, and le.�thold payments ar grouad rent�, if any. Borrower �al]pay
<br />� '�1, ;;.; these obligations in the manner pmvided in paragraph 2,or if not paId ia that manner.Borrowtr shall pay them on titr.e directly _
<br />�.;��y;;�. �t�the person owed payment.Sorrower shall pr�mptly fumish to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this par�qxunh.
<br />=�='"-�+%i�:� If Bonrower makes these payments directly,Borrower shall pmmptly furnfsh to Lender receipss evidencing the p�ymeats. �
<br />_ .,�,,E,,:. .
<br />����'• Borrower shall promptly dischacge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees ia
<br /> �� ,�• writing to the payrrent of the obligatiou secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> 3;.trt t.�4..<<t�;::��•i�� • �
<br />-,;,r- ��.E= by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal procecdings which in the i,ender s opinion operatc to prcveat the
<br /> rr;����•� � enforcement of the 13en; or(c)secuxes from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to I.ender subordinating the lien to �
<br /> i'a?''�`%`�;_�`';: this Security InstrumeaY. [f Lender determines that any part of ttie Propecty is subject to a lien which may nttaia pri�riry over
<br /> • � ihis Security Tnstrument. Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the licn.Borrower sha11 satisfy the lien or take one�r
<br />- . � ; more of ti�e actions sct forth above within l0 days of the giving��native. --
<br /> _ • � Form 30 � _ -�-•-
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