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<br /> 17604—The Auguarine Co., County 3uppHea, C7rand Island, Nebr.
<br /> road Companies upon said right of' way.
<br /> All the terms, conditions and stipulations herein expressed with reference to the
<br /> conatruction, maintenance, repair and renewal of the Pipe Line on said right of way in the
<br /> location hereinbefore described shall apply to the Pipe Line as modified, changed or relo—
<br /> cated within the contemplation of this section.
<br /> The Pipe Line shall be construe�ed and., at all times, maintained, repaired, renewed,
<br /> and operated in such manner as to cause no interference whatsoever with the constant,
<br /> continuous and uninterru�ted use of the tracks, property and ��remises of :tne Railroad
<br /> Company, and nothing sha.11 be done or suffered to be done by t�ie Licensee at any time that
<br /> would in a.ny manner impair the saPety thereof.
<br /> The Licensee shall fully pay for all materials ,�oin ed or aP'fixed to and labor performed
<br /> upon said right of way in connection with the construction, maintenance, repair, renewal or
<br /> reconstruction of the Pipe Line, and shall not permit or suf'fer any mechanic� s or material—
<br /> man ' s lien of any kind or n�,ture to be enforeed against said right of taay for any work done
<br /> or materials furnished tn.ereon at the instance or request or on behalf of the Licensee;
<br /> and the Licensee shall i.ndemnify anc� hold harmless the Ra.ilroad Compa.ny Prom and against
<br /> any and all liens, claims, demands, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature in any �ay con—
<br /> nected with or growing out of such work done, labor performed, or materials Purnished.
<br /> The Licensse shall promptly pa.y or discharge aIl taxes,rates, charges and assessments
<br /> levied upon, in respect to, or on account of the Pipe Line, so as to prevent the same
<br /> becoming a charge or 11en upon sa.id right oP way, or any other property of the Aailroad
<br /> Company, and so that the taxes, charges, and assessments levied upon or in respect to said
<br /> right of way and other property of the Railroad Company shall not be increased because
<br /> oP the location, construction or maintenance_ of the Pipe Line or, any improvement, appliance
<br /> or fixture connected therewith placed upon said right of way, or on account oP the Licenaee� s
<br /> interest therein. Where such tax, charge or asaessment may not be separately made or
<br /> asaessed to the Licensee b�tt sh�ll be included in the assessment of the right of way or
<br /> other nroperty oP the Railroad Company, then the Licensee shall pay to the Railr��ad Com—
<br /> pany an equitable propert$on of such taxes determined by the va.lue of the Licensee's
<br /> property upon said right oP way as compared with the entire value oP said right oP T�ay.
<br /> In the event tYie Licensee shall take down any fenee of the Railroad Company or in any
<br /> manner move or disturb any of the other property of the Railroad Company in connection wtth
<br /> the conGtruction, maintenance, repa.ir, renewal or reconstruction of the Pipe Line, then and
<br /> in that event the Licenaee shall, as soon as possible and at its sole expense, restore such
<br /> fence and/or such other proverty to the same conditlon as it was in before such �'ence was
<br /> taken dot.an or such other pro�erty was moved or disturbed, and the Licensee shall indemnify
<br /> and save harmless the Ra.ilroad Compan� from and against any and all liability, loss, damages,
<br /> claims, d.ernande, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including court costs, and gttor—
<br /> neys ' Yees, which may result Prom in,jury to or death of persona whomsoever, or damage to
<br /> or loss or destruction of property whataoever, when such in�ury, death, damage, loss or
<br /> destruction grows out of or arises from the taking down of any f ence or the moving or
<br /> disturbance of any of the other property of the Railroad Company.
<br /> �ection 9. DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY.
<br /> In the event the Railroad Company shall dispose of any of its vroperty upon which ;
<br /> �
<br /> the Pipe Line is located, as herein provided, the license or permit herein gr�nted, with . ;
<br /> � � i � i
<br />