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�0�+ � <br /> �Y������ 1�1 �O 'l.J S ��� ��� � : �� <br /> 17604—The Auguatine Co., County SuppHea, 6rand Island, Nebr. �.�_^ <br /> first part to re-enter said premises; an� the parties of the second par'��;,�gree �Go vaeate : <br /> said premises without notice. The re-entry to said premises by the first parties will not <br /> prevent them from bringing auit for the rent due or to becorne due under this 1 ease; and <br /> the first parties may exercise their option to termin�.te sa��,d lease, or tv perrnit the aea- <br /> ond parties to continue in possession thereof and collect the rent due or to become due, . <br /> during the term of this lea8e. <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, That the par'Ci:es of the seeond part �hall �.ave an option to extend <br /> said lease for an additional ten years from August 31, 1950,under '�he same terme and con- ; <br /> ditiona as set forth herein. But the partles of the second part must give the parties af ' <br /> the first part one year' s no�ice of their intention to exercise eaid optlon previous to <br /> AuguBt 31,1950. said notice shall be by registered mail addressed to the �'lrst parties at ` <br /> Grand Island, N�braska. <br /> And the said partiee of the second part further �.gree to pay the partlea of the first <br /> par� the rent as above apecified, except when said premises axe untenantable by reason of <br /> fire, from any other eause then carelessnes� of the partiea of t�i� second part,or pereone <br /> of the3.r family, or in their employ,or by superior foree or inevi�able neeesslty. <br /> And the said partiea of the second part covenant tha� they wi11 use premise� as a <br /> fun�ral horne, and for no other purpos� what�ver,and that they espeeially will not 1et said � <br /> premises or permit same to be used for any unlawful business or purpose whatsoever, except <br /> aecond par�i�s may reside there3n; that they will not sell, aasign,underle� or relinquish <br /> � said premises w�thout the written consent of the le8aor,under penalty of forf eiture of a11 <br /> their rights under this lease, at the election of the parties of the f irst part but first <br /> parties will not withhold their consent if assigned to a financially responsible peraon, <br /> and that they will use a11 due care and diligence in guarding said prop�rty,with bu11d- <br /> ings, vines, ahrubbery, ete. ,from damage by fire and the depredations of animals,will pay all , <br /> water rent and charges for gas or elec'�ric li�ht that �ha11 become due thereon during thi� <br /> Iease; that they wlll not permit a.ny noiee or nuisance whatever on said premisea �o the <br /> disturbance of other tenants or do or permi� anything on or about eaid premises which w�11 <br /> inerease the rate of insuranes; that the lessor and their a�ents may enter at a.ny tlme to <br /> v�.ew same or for any necessary purposes. The lesseea Pur�Gher agrees tha� �hey wiil in a11 <br /> respecta coznply wi�h the city ordinance and requirements of- the health auth�rities and <br /> particularly as to keeping eaid premises and the atreets and alleys ad,�acent thereto, <br /> free and clear from a11 filth,rePuse and obatruction a,nd the stepa and sidewa,lks free from <br /> snow and ice; that they will keep �he buildinge, glass, e�Cc. , in good repair as the same now <br /> or ma�r be placed at any time by the lessor,or as often as the Bame may require it, <br /> damage by superior force, inevitable necessity or fire from any other cause than eareles�- <br /> ness oP the Iessees, or persons of their family,or in their employ excepted, and at the ex- <br /> piration oP this lease, or upon a breacks by said le$aees of any of the covenants herein <br /> contained, they wi11 without further notice of any kind, quit and surrender �he possesaion <br /> and occupancy of said �aremises in a$ good condition a$ rea,sonable use and natural wear and <br /> decay thereof will permit, damage by fire a$ aforesaid, superior foree or inevita.ble necees� <br /> ity excepted. <br /> IT IS FURTHER AGREED, The Pallbearer ' a Seat�, the Morgue Cabinet, Veneitian Blinds, Hracket8 ` <br /> for draperies, are a permanent part of said building and the same shall,at the termination ; <br /> oP this lease,be left in said premi�es and shall belong to '�he parties of the first part, <br /> together,with all lighting fixturesand lighting equiptment. <br /> IT I� FURTHER AGREED, That in the event that the parties of the first par� should decide tg <br /> sell said premises during the term of thie lease, that they w111 �ive the parties of the <br /> � j <br /> �; <br /> I <br />