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<br /> ��
<br /> i'IJ<i ��.���.�. i��� V � ���V �i.`� . � .
<br /> 17604—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, (3rand�Island, Nebr. . �
<br /> �T,�TE OF NEHRASKA � On thi� �0'� day oP December: Z939� before me, the under�igned, a
<br /> )ss
<br /> COUNTY 0� HALL � notary Public in and for �aid County, personally Eame Herbert F.
<br /> �I�.yer and Edward B.Pers�on, Trustee-mortga�;eea, who are per�anally known to me to be the
<br /> identical peraons �vho�e n�nea are �.ffixed to the above instrument a� m�kers and they ack-
<br /> nowled.ged the �a.id instrument to be their volunt�,ry act �.nd deed.
<br /> Witnegs my h�.nd �nd not�rial � e�.Z the date Iaat aforesaid.
<br /> My Commisaion expir�;e June lI'� 19�-1. Arthur C.�Hayer
<br /> SEAL) s� Notary Public
<br /> We, and each of us, for ourselvea, our heirs, administrators, executors and aasigns, being
<br /> the o�anera of the bonds secured by the real estate mortgage in tYie above i�atrument des-
<br /> cr�ibed, in thP amounts set forth opposite our signatures, do hereby authorize, direct, and
<br /> consent ta the execution by eaid Herbert F.�ayer a,nd Edward B.Persson, Trustee-�ortgagee�,
<br /> to the fore�c�in� subardin�.tion �,greement on our behalf and for u� , �e being the beneficia.ries
<br /> oP ��.id TruQt-mortgage ; we and each of ua also hereby agree on behalt' of ourselves, our
<br /> YrPirg, adminigtra�ors, executors and assigns to protect and hold harmless said Kenneth F,
<br /> Jones in hi� poasession of said I.eased pre�nises under said lease from foreclosu�e sale vf
<br /> ��,x Sale Certificates No. I2I3I & I21�,2 with a.11 subsequent taxes paid thereunder by the
<br /> holder thereof', so Iong as the same re�aine unredeemed, each of ua hereby expresely agree-
<br /> in�; to pr�y our proportionate sharP of any such rPal, estate taaes duly le vied and �.sses�ed
<br /> a�ainst said premise� in the event that �. Poreclo�ure is brought against said real est�.te
<br /> for a r�covery of such real estate t�xe�.
<br /> D�,tPd this 22nd d�.y of December, z939•
<br /> Evelvn A.Ryan ��,000
<br /> Oscar Veit 5,000
<br /> Au�usta Cords 5,000
<br /> �'earl S.Ailayer 2,000
<br /> Ar�rs. Elige Har�e�ns I,0�0
<br /> �1111i�.m Blai�e Guardian of Edward Bla�se, a minor �00
<br /> I�iliiam Ahrens,Gu�.rdian oY Harald Ahrens, a �inor I,000
<br /> LEAB� �\
<br /> THIS �GREEZt��NT made anc� entered into this �th day of �Tovember, 1939, by and between Minna �
<br /> Roeser, a widow, of the County of Hall and St�te of Nebraska, of' the first part, and Kenneth
<br /> F.Jones, of Haatin�;s, �dams County, Nebr�ask.a, c�f the second part,
<br /> WITNESSETH: That the 8aid party of the first part has this day Ieased unto the party o2'
<br /> . the �PCOnd part that part of the fir$t f'].00r a� set Porth and described in ��Exhibit 1"
<br /> attached hereto and made a part of this Zease agreement, excepting the area on said Exhibit
<br /> 1 enc�.osed within the blue pencil lines and m�.rked "A" and also exceptin� that portion
<br /> shown on Exh.ibit 1 and enc].osed by the red pencil lines and m�.rked ��B" which exists under
<br /> the prespnt balcony in said prPmises; eaid °Exhibit l�� being the detailed Plaor plan of the
<br /> store to be operated bST �aid second party, together with the westerly half of the basement
<br /> below sald second floor; all of �aid property being located on the follo�+ing descrlbed '
<br /> premiges in the City of 4rand Island, County of Hall, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> Commencing at the northa�esterly corn�r of Lot Thr�ee ( 3) in Block 81xty-six (66) in the
<br /> Ori�inal Town, nov�r City of Grand Island,Nebraska, according to the recorded plat thereof,
<br /> runnin� thence �outherly on the west line of said lot E�:ghty-eight ( ��) feet, thence East-
<br /> erly �.t right angle8 seventeen and ane-half feet (17�� , running thence at right anglea in
<br /> a �ourtherly directlon forty-four (�+) feet to the alley in said block, runni�g thence east-
<br /> erly at ri�ht �n�les on the southerly I.ine o� s�.id lo t Twenty-$ix and one-half (26-�) Peet,
<br /> thence at ri�;ht angles northerly one hundred thirty-two (132) feet to northerly Z�ne of' said
<br /> lot ancl runnin� thPnce v�esterly at right angles forty-four (�-4) feet to place of beginning;
<br /> Par a tPrm of six years beginning on the 15th day of January, 19�0, and ending on the 14th
<br />� day of J�.nuary, �.9�.6, for � total. rental of �17,104.00 to be paid as Pollo�►� : ��F00.00 upo� �
<br /> ,
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<br /> , �, � ,
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