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<br /> _ ,�,,,�"� .. . _- -
<br /> �� _.
<br /> �ISC�LLAN���JS �.�� �R� '�'
<br /> 17604—The�Auguatine Co., County 8uppliea, Cirand Island, Nebr. � �
<br /> said premises. The temporary waSver of the collection of the rents shall n�t be construed
<br /> �.s cor�atitt�ting a relinquishmerit of the rights granted here�Ander, which rights may be exer�- ,
<br /> �
<br /> ciged ��.t any ti�ne during the exi��ence of the above mentioned mortgage or extension thereo'f.
<br /> This a�si�nment of rent being made Por the expres� purpose of having eaid revenue applied ' '
<br /> to the rep�.yment of the above mentioned l.oan.
<br /> ,
<br /> Said As�oeiation m�.y, in ita discretion, use the rents so far �.s it may deer� neces�ary, for '
<br /> the �urpoae oP making such repairs upon the premises as, in its ,judgment, may be proper a.�id
<br /> may u�e said rents so f�.r as nece�sary for the payment of insurance premiums and� tt�ces upon
<br /> s�.id premises. It sha.11 aI.sa have authority to deduct from eaid rents a fair compen4ation,
<br /> to he payable to s�id Association' s AgentB, for serwices rendered in the collPetion oP sa.id
<br /> rent� ; the b�.lance to be applied upon the pay�ent of monthly in�tallments upon said loan.
<br /> Dated r�t Grand IgJ_and,Nebr. this 22 day af November, 1939•
<br /> Witness : Glen C.Zlomke
<br /> Florence V.&Iyer�
<br /> State of Nebraska ) On this 22 day of November 1939, before me, the under�igned, a
<br /> ) S8 �
<br /> Hall County ) Notary Public, in and for said County, Personally eame Glen C.
<br /> Zlomke , a single man, whc� is personally knoevn to me to be the identic�.l peraon whose name
<br /> is �ffixed to the above instrunient as grantor, and he aeknowledged the same to be hi8
<br /> volunt�.ry act and dePd.
<br /> Witne�s my h�.nd €ar�d N�t�,rial seal tr�e date aforesaid.
<br /> Flarence V.1�yer�
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My Comrnission expire� August 27, Z9�3.
<br /> Fii ec� for record triis � d�.y of January, 1940, at .3:30 o'cloek P.9�. ����d ����
<br /> .�d
<br /> Register oP Deede
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-U--0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
<br /> KN047 ALL MEN £3Y TI�ESE PRESEN`1'S: Th�.t v�e, Herbert F.�Iayer, and Edward B.Perason, TrusteP-
<br /> �ort��.�;ees, of Hall County, Nebrask�, named in thP real Pstate mc�rt�age made, executed
<br /> €�;
<br /> and. delivered on June Zo, 193b, by �inna Roeser and Oacar Roeaer, �+ife and huaband, in
<br /> favor oP said Tru�tee-mortgagees, securing the payment of �22, 500.00 a,nd conveying as ae-
<br /> curity therePor, the foll.owing described real estate, to-wit:
<br /> Cor�menaing at thP Northwe�terly corner of Lot Thres (3) in .Block Sixty-eix ( 66) in the
<br /> Origin�.I Tovrn now City oP Grand I�Iand, �:ccording to the recorded plat thereof, running
<br /> � thence southerly on the v��est line oP said Iot eighty-eight (��) .feet thence ea�terly at
<br /> �` ri�ht angles seventeen and one-half (17�) feet, runnin� thence at right an$les in a
<br /> � sc�utherly direction fourty-Pour (4�-+�)Peet to the alley in �s�id� block, running thene� easterly
<br /> � €�t ri�ht an�;Zes on the southerly line of said lot twenty-six anci. one-half fe�t (26�) thenc�
<br /> � �.t right an�Ies northerzy one hundred th�.rty-t�o (232) Peet to �northerly line of ��.id lot
<br /> and running thenee wegterly at right an�les forty-Pour (�4� feet to pla.ce of beginnin�.
<br /> � �hlch re�I estate mortga$e i� duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeda of
<br />, �
<br /> ,� HaI7. Gounty, Nebraska, in �iook No. 71 of b�ortgages at page 642, for and in cvnsideratlon
<br /> , � of the covenants and obZig�.tions assumed and agreed to be carried vut by Kenneth F.Jones '
<br /> � of H�,�tings, NP,bra�ka, in the herPinafter described I.ease, do hereby subordina�e our rights
<br /> and lien in the above-described real estate as Trustee-mortgagees to the conditions and
<br /> � obll�;ations �nd ternis aet forth and contained in a certain written lease entered intm
<br /> �
<br /> November �, z939, �etvaeen said �Iinna Ftoeser, now a widow, odmer oP the ebove-de�cribed real
<br /> �. estat�, �nd �aid Kenneth F.Jones, which written le�ae I.easee a portion of the ground fl�ar
<br /> �
<br /> •� and basement of tYie building located on said mortgaged premi�es, Por a term of six years
<br /> 1
<br /> `� comr�encing J�.nuary 15, 1940, and ending January 14, 1946, with an option for a five year
<br /> �
<br /> extension, t� said Kenneth F.Jones, a copy o� which lea�e is hereto attached, marked
<br /> �
<br /> '�Exhibit A" and m�.de a p�.�''� of this agreem�rit.
<br /> Sn Witnega Whereof we have hPreunto aub�cribed our signature� thie 22nd day of December, .
<br /> 1939. rus ee— or �agee
<br /> Witne�4 ; Arthur C .Mayer Ed�vard B..Persso '
<br /> _..
<br /> Tru�tee-�ortgasree i
<br />