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�� <br /> l�JL� ����9��1�1 �� �J � ��� ��� � <br /> 17b04—The Auguatine Co., County 8uppliea, Grand Island, Nebr. � <br /> Dated at Grand I�land,Nebr. thi5 2d day of Decen�ber, 1939• � <br /> Witness : Ellen T.Beilke <br /> Florence V.D;3yers <br /> � Hobert E.Beilke <br />' State o� NPbrASka ) Un this 2d day of Uecember, 1939, before me, the underslgn�d, <br /> )�s <br /> Hall County ) a Not�ry Public, in and f'or said County, Personally came Ellen <br /> T.Beilke and Hobert E.Beilke, �'ife and Husband, who are personally knovrn to ine to be the <br /> ident ical per$ons a�hose names are aff ixed to the above instrument as gran�or, �.nd they <br /> acknowl.ed�ed the same to be their volunt�,ry act and deed. <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial seal tY?e date ' <br /> Florence V.➢�yers <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My Commission expires Au�ust 27, Z943. <br /> FiZed for record this l�th day of December, 1939, at I. :30 o 'clock P .M. <br /> ��� � <br /> ' Re�i�ter of Deed <br /> 0-0-0-(J-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- <br /> A.SSIGN�iEAJT �F' REI�dTB ^ '"` <br /> KI�10W ALL �IFPd E�Y TtiF�,SE PRESEN�'S: Ch1oe J.murton and Arthur '�.Turton, �iif� .and ,Husband,, of ., <br /> the �ounty of Hall, St�te o�' Nebraska, for and in consider�,tion o� the sum oY Fourteen Hun- <br /> dred and no/100 Dallars, aa a, Ioan in hand p�,id to Chloe J.Turton by The Equit�.ble Buil.din� <br /> and Loan Asaociation, oP Gr�nd Ysl�.nd, Nebraska, a corporation, and other good �nd valu�.ble <br /> coneid.erations, the rsceipt whereof is hereby acknowZedged, do hereby �ssign, tranafer �.nd <br /> set over to 4aid �ssociation, �,a collateral sPCUrity for the dur�.tior� of the loan, aIl the <br /> rents, incame, and prof its accruing upon the follo�ring described property, situated in the <br /> County of' Hall, State oP Nebraska, to-rvit: <br /> Fractional Lot 31x, Block Sixteen, Kernohn.n and Decker's Addition to the City of G�and <br /> IsZand,Nebraska, and its Qomplement Fraction Lot Six, Block One, Charles Wasmer' s ddition <br /> to the City oP Grand I�Zand,Nebraska, aIl being as surveyed, plat�ed and recorded. <br /> And we hereby authorize and empower The Equltable Building and Loan Assaciation, of Grand <br /> Islanc�, Nebraska, its authorized agents and attorneys, to act Por us and rent the above <br /> described premiseQ, and in our placs collect and receipt Por said rent, at such prices � ' ��° <br /> and u�an such ter�ns as it may s�e fit. It is turther expressly stipulated that, if the <br /> - ,� � <br /> assignora, or their successors, occupy said premises durir�g the existenee of said loan, � �� <br /> the Asaignee shall have the same rights of forfeiture, e�ectment for Poreible entry and �` <br /> � <br /> detainer, as such aesi�n�e mi.ght have a�ainst any other tenant, who has no interest or <br /> title in and to said premises. The temporary wa3eer of the collection oP the rents shall � <br /> C� <br /> not be construed as conatituting a relinquishment of the ri�hts granted hereunder, which � <br /> rights may be exercised at any time during the existence of the above mentioned mort���e or � ' <br /> extension thereof. <br /> This assSgnment of rent bein� made Por the express purpose of having said revenue applied °r� <br /> ,� <br /> to the rPpayment of the above mentioned Ioan. � <br /> 3aid Association may, in its discret3on, use the rents so far aa i.t may deem necesaary, for-� � � <br /> � <br /> the purpose of making such rep�.irs upon the premi�es as, in itg �udgment, may be proper <br /> � <br /> and may use said rents so far as necessary for the payment of insuranee premiuma and taxee � <br /> upon said premises. It sYi�.11 have authority to deduct from said rents a' fair compen- � <br /> sation, to be pt�yabl.e to said Association' s A$ents, for services rendered in the� col].ection _ <br /> of said rents; the balance to be appI.ied upon the payment of monthly installments upon said � <br /> . ' c�J <br /> Ioan. Dated at Grand Island,Nebr. this l� day oP December, 1939• � � <br /> 1Nitness: ChZoe J.Turton <br /> � <br /> Arthur L.Conrad Arthur W.Turton � <br /> State of Galifornia ) <br /> � ss. �n thi� 1� day oP December, 1939, bePore me, the undersigned, <br /> 1Lo� Angeles County ) a Notary Public, in and for said County, Pereonally came Chlae � � � <br />