<br /> �I ���L�.A,��O�JS l�]E� OR.� '�
<br /> 17604—The Auguetine Co., County BuppHea, Grand Island, Nebr. � �
<br /> Said Associ�.tion may, in its discretion, use the rents so far as it may deem necessar,y, fo�
<br /> the purz�ose of m�,kin� such repairs upon the premises a�, in its �udgment, may be proper and
<br /> may use s�.�_d rents so far as neceasary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes upon
<br /> said premise� . It sYiall also have authority to deduct from said rents a fair compensation,
<br /> to be pay�ble to said-Aasociation's Agents, for services rendered in the collection of s�.id
<br /> rents ; thP balance to be applied upon the payment d�f' monthly installments upon said loan.
<br /> Dated at Grand Island,Nebr. this llth •day of December, 1939•
<br /> Witness :
<br /> �QrQ. Bertha Irene Hyder MrG . Flora L.Bishop
<br /> State of California ) On tYiis llth day of December, 193y, before rae, the undersigned,
<br /> ) sa:
<br /> Los Angeles County ) a Notary Public, in and Por �a.id County, Personally came Flora
<br /> L.Hishop, a P,iidov�r, foremerly F1ora L.Lefew, who is personally known to. me to be the identi-
<br /> cal ergan v�hose n�me is affixed to the above instrument as grantor, and she acknowledged
<br /> P
<br /> thP �ame to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and Notaria.7_ seal the date aforesaid.
<br /> Elizabeth C .Plant
<br /> My Commission expires 6/1�/40. ( SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record thia 13�h day of Decer�ber, z939, at 2:00 o 'clock P.M.
<br /> ���-�d�-�-�-�
<br /> Re�ister of Deeds �
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o_o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o�-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-c-a-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-�-
<br /> � . �
<br /> �, .
<br /> KNOW L IEN BY .�H SE RESENTS . Ellen T.Beilke and Hobert E Be1lke .
<br /> A L h E P . �P�f�':. n d:
<br /> �. Hu�band :;o�:.t e
<br /> � � � _ , h
<br /> �
<br /> C o u n t y o f H a l l, S t;a t e o f N e b r a s k a, f o r a n d i n c o n 4 i d e r a t i o n o f t h e s u m o f E i�;h t e e n H u n d r e d
<br /> o ,�
<br /> � and no/100 DoZlarL, as a loan in hand paid to Ellen T.Be1Ike by The Equitable Build3ng and
<br /> � ' Loan Association, of Grand Island Nebrask�., a cor oration
<br /> , p , �nd other good and v�luable cori-
<br /> 0
<br /> �
<br /> � siderations, the receipt wYiereof is hereby acknovrledged, do hereby assign, transfer and
<br /> �
<br /> � set over to s�,id Association, as collateral security for the duration of the Ioan, aIl the
<br /> C rents, income �,nd profits accruing upon the follov.�ing described property, situated in the
<br /> � ' County o�' Ha1I, 5tate of rlebrask�., to-wit :-
<br /> Lot Number 2'hree ( 3) in Block Number One Hundred Twenty-Six (I.26) , in Koenig and Wiebe ' s
<br /> , s
<br /> Addition to the City of Grand Island,Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> v�e hereby authorize and eMpower The Equitable Bullding and Loan Aasociation, of Grand '
<br /> vr
<br /> � Island, Nebr�.ska, its authorized agPnts and attorneys, to Act for us �nd rent the above
<br /> ` ' deecribed premise�, and in our place collect and receipt for said rent, at such priees
<br /> e�.nd up�n such terr�s as it may see Plt. It i8 further expreasly stipvlated that, if the
<br /> � as�i nor� or tYieir suceessors occu
<br /> � g , , py said. premises during the exiatence of said 1oan,
<br /> the Assignee sh�.�Il ha.ve the same rights aP forfeiture, e3ectment for forcible entry and
<br /> � det�.iner, as such assignee might h<�.ve again�t any other tenant, who has no in�ereat or title
<br /> ln and. to s�.id premises. The temporary vraiver of the colleetion of the rents sr.�,Il not be
<br /> � - r � construed ag constitutin� a relinquishment of the rights granted hereunder, which rights
<br /> � may be exercised at any time during the existence of the above mentioned mortgage ar ex-
<br /> (�� � 4 �°tension tr1P,I�eof.
<br /> " b � �
<br /> � ' This assign ment of rent bein� made for the express purpose of having said revenue applied
<br /> `�'�-� �to t��e rep�.ymPnt of the above mentioned l�an.
<br /> � Said Agsociation ma in its discretion use the rents ea far s it ma a
<br /> � Y, � a y deem neees..ary,
<br /> � for the j�Ul'pOSP, of makin� euch r epairs upon the premises as, in its �udgment , may be proper
<br /> � and m�.y use s€3.id rent;s so far �,s necesaary for the payment of insurance premiums and taxes
<br /> � �upon said premises. It shall also have authority to deduct Prom ��,id rents a fair compen-
<br /> � r
<br /> � � sation, to be payable to said Association' s Agents, for se�vices rendered in the colleetion
<br /> � of said rent� ; �he balanee to be applied upon the payment oP monthly install.ments upon said
<br /> Ioan.
<br /> �
<br /> . i
<br />