<br /> �
<br /> �i�����L f� Y.�� V � ��� ��� �
<br /> 17604—The Augustine Co., County Supplies, Grand Island, Nebr.
<br /> /�;
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESEN7.'S, �'hat I, Mar�ha Richmond, of Elm Gt�ove Township, County of
<br /> Tazewell and 5tate of Illinoig, and also of the City of Palm Harbor, in the County oP
<br /> Pinella� in the State o�' Florida, have made, consituted and a,ppointed, and BY THESE PRESENT�,
<br /> p.0.D�Iavan,� III ino ia
<br /> do make, congtitute, �nd appoint Richmond Robison �oP the Town of Boynton in the County of
<br /> Tazewell and 5ta,te of Illinois, true a,nd lawful Attor n�ey for me and in my name, place, and
<br /> stead to do and perPorm each and every act, thing or d�ed neces�ary, in his opinion, in cor�-
<br /> necti�n with my busineas of every kind and nature in the State of Nebraska and particul.arly
<br /> in connection with a certain trACt of land described as the Northeast Quarter (�) of Seetion
<br /> 35 in Harrison Townghip, HaIZ County, NPbraska; to do and perPorm each and every act, thir�g
<br /> or deed necessary in his opinion connected v��ith any transaction of any and every kind or
<br /> n�.turP in which I a,�, may be, or h�.ve been a party v�ithout restriction of any kind; to make,
<br /> pxecute and deliver any and all instruments of Pvery kind and nature which, in his opinion
<br /> may be necessary to carry out the requirements of my business in Nebraska or anything con-�
<br /> nected thPrewith; to collect any and all monies due me or to b�come due me on account of �
<br /> any trar�saction or business condition in Nebraska and to make, execute and deliver such
<br /> paper8 or instruments ae may be necessary to complete tYie eame, and to make and deliver
<br /> proper receipts therePor �,nd to sign necessa,ry requisitions, if, as and when, thP same
<br /> rn€�y be required including such documents as may be required by the Government of the United
<br /> States, the State of NebrasY a or any �ubdivision thereof, and to do and perform eaeh and
<br /> every ottier act or thing necessary to be done in the premises without re�triction oP _any
<br /> Ikind or nature giving and �r�.nting unto my said Attorney, full power and authority �to da '
<br /> and, perPorm all a.nd every act and thing �vhatsoever, by suit at l��v or in chancery, by com�
<br /> pr�omiee, release, extenaion, or in such other manner a� he may deem best, as fully to all
<br /> intents and purposes as I m3ght or could do if per�on�.11y pre�ent at the doi�g thereof,
<br /> with Pul]_ power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all� that ;
<br /> my s€�id Attorney or his subatitute shall lawPully do or cauee to be done by virtue hereoP;
<br /> IN TESTIMOPIY WFiERFOF', I have h�reunto set my h�.nd and seal this 7th day of November 1939. '
<br /> H.Paul Jones � Martha Richmond ( SEAL) � �
<br /> V�itness
<br />' STATE OF IL1�IN(�IS ) I, --------------- A Notary Public in �.nd for the said County, E
<br /> �g�.
<br /> COtTNTY OF TAZEWELL ) in the State aPoresaid, DO HEREBY certify, that �tartha Richmond�
<br /> -
<br /> who is personally known to me to be the sEUne perQon whose name is subscribed to the for�- !
<br /> goin� Instrument, appeared before ffie this day in person and aeknowledged that she aigned,
<br /> sealed, and delivered the aaid Instrument as her free and voluntary act, for the uses and�
<br /> orth
<br /> purpo�ea thPr�in set P .
<br /> GIVEN under my h�,nd and notarial seal, i�his 7th day of November, A.D. 1g39. �
<br /> H.Paul Jones ;
<br /> (SEAL) Notary
<br /> My eommission expires July l�, 19�F3.
<br /> Filed for record this �th day of December, 1939, at 11 :30 o 'clock A.M.
<br /> �
<br /> . ����-�-� ��
<br /> Register of D eda i
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-U-0-0-0-U-U-�-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0+
<br />� DECREE . ,� �°'�`�" '
<br /> Be It Kemembered that on the 7th day af DeceMber A.D. 1939, that bein� one oP the days oPj
<br /> the September 1939, term of the District Court of the Eleventh 3udicial Di�trict of the ,
<br /> 5tate oP Nebraska, in and Por Hall County, held at the Court House in the C1ty of Grand
<br /> Island, bef'ore Hon. E.G.Kroger, one of the Judges of said Dietrict, the followin� among '
<br /> other proceedings were had in words and figures fol.lowing, to-wit :
<br /> V$ Plaintiff � DECREE '
<br /> Cleo ,�'.�peCk C�
<br /> �
<br />► DePend�.nt � f
<br />