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� , <br /> J.i'J�� �����L� l�l �� �J � ��� ��� � I <br /> 17b04—The Augustine Co., County SuppHea, Grand Island, Nebr. <br /> upon such terms as it may see Pit. It is further expressly stipulated that, if the assi�n= <br /> ors, or their successora, occupy said premises during the existence of said loan, the Aes�g- <br /> nee shall have t,he same rights of for�eiture, e�eetment for forcible entry and detainer, as <br /> such assignee might have againet any other tenant, who has no interest or title in and to <br /> said premises. The temporary waiver of the collection vP the rents shall m t be construed <br /> as constitutin� a relinquishment oP the r3_ghts granted hereunder, �hich rights may be exer- <br /> cised at any time during the existence of the above mentioned mortgag� or extension thereof. <br /> This assignment of rent being made Por the express purpose of h�ving said revenue applied <br /> to the repayment of the above mentivned loan. <br /> Said Association ma.y, in its discretion, use the rents so far as it may deem neeessary, Ppr <br /> the purpose of making such repairs upon the pre�ises as, in its �udgment, may be pr�per ar�d <br /> may use said rents so Par as necessary Por the pay �nt of insurance premiums and taues ' <br /> upon said premises. It shall also have authority to deduct Prom said rents a fair compen- <br /> sation, to be payable to said Assaciation's Agents, Por services rendered in the collectlqn <br /> o� said rents; the balance to be applied upon the payment of monthly installments upon said <br /> Ioan. <br /> Dated at Grand Island,Nebr. this 17 day of November, 1939• <br /> Fred J .Hintz <br /> Witness : F�atherine �.Hint2 <br /> Florence V.&Iyers Geo. Kehm <br /> �enevieve Kehm <br /> State of Nebraska ) On thi� 17 day of November, 1939� befoi�e me, the undersigned, a <br /> )88: <br /> HaII Cflunty ) Notary Public, in and for said County, Personally cam� Fred J . <br /> Hintz and Katherine Hintz, each in their own ri�ht, and as Husband and �1ife, and George <br /> Kehm and Genevieve Kehm, each in their own right, �,nd as Huaband and Wife, �rho are person-: <br /> ally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are af'fixed to the abov� instrum�nt <br /> as grantor, and they acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. , <br /> �'itness my h�,nd and NotariaZ sea]. the date aforesaid. <br /> Florence V.�yere <br /> SEAL Notar <br /> � ) Publ ic <br /> Y <br /> Niy Commi�aion expires Augus� 27, 1g43. <br /> Filed P�r record this 21st d�y of Nove�nber, 1939, at 3 :00 o 'clock P.�. <br /> �.���d � <br /> � Register of D� <br /> 0-0-0-0-J-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-U-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-a-�-0-0-U-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-t�-0-0-0- <br /> A$STGNA4EPdT OF RENTS v� ' <br /> i1 <br /> KNOW ALL �IEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That we, the undersigned, Veeta D.Harris and B.A.Harris, <br /> �ife and Husband, o� the County of Hall, State of Nebraska, for and in consideratio�a af <br />, � Four Thousand and No,�100 Do].Iars, as a Ioan in hand paid to us by the Home Federal $aving� <br /> � <br /> � anc� Loan Asa'n of �rand Island, Grand Island,Nebraska, and other good and valu�ble consid+ <br /> � eration, the receipt wher�oP is hereby acknowledged, do hereby assign, 'Gransfer ar�d set � <br /> � over to eaid Association, as eollateral seeurity for the duration of the loan, all the <br /> � <br /> rents, ineome and profits aecruing upon the following deseribed property, situated in the <br /> � ' <br /> � County of Hall, State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> AII of Lot `Phree (3) in Hlock Eighty-three (�j) in Origlnal Town, now Ci�y of Grand Isl�.nd, <br /> Hall County, Nebraska, as the sa.nie i� surveyed, platted and recorded. <br /> And we hsreby authorize and empower the Home Federal Savings and Loan Ass 'n oP Grand Islartd, <br /> ,� Grand I�land,Nebraska, its authorized agents and attorney�, to act for us, and rent the <br /> abovP deseribed prer�isP�, and in our piace collect and receipt for �aid rent, at sueh <br /> pric�s and upon such terms as they may see P'it. <br /> This a+asign�e�St of rent being made for the express purpose of' Yhaving said revenue applied <br /> to the rep�yment oP the above mentioned loan. i . <br /> Said A�sociation may, in its diacretion, use the rents ao Par as they may deem neceasary ' <br /> � <br /> , � <br />