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�,1 ; . tar f, <br /> 1 fi�t yl � � t Y_' �w I 4 <br /> s ` t ��+� i y t 1 ��5�,,���f s�.� [i,... <br /> �f� '��.fy/ �l - IS1.i - A . �}1rLGl\`4 �..,i � , .. <br /> - ����,� .} �.* � . . •,.-:. <br /> _ . ...__. . � �aS.;?! � J1it!la��Y.�s�.n:.,..o,.w�n- ��.._L�.--T*:rl:::Z!'.ltALi —.....�.«....�.�..w...t . . •� ¢,..� <br /> ' ��y�," �.09"Jt}5 <br /> • � S. Haird or T'ropdiy Irwur�ntt. ilorrowcr sh�ll koep thc improvemen�s ni.w xi'sitng on c�rca0cr crca�d on tho <br /> fmpsey lnsured�g�lnst loss by fire,have�ds Inciuded wlihln the term•extenckd covemge'nnd noy other hamrus,Inciuding ��,� .� _ _ <br /> - fle:Ms or fl8odtng,for whkh Lender rcquircs insarnnca Thfs Insvrrm sh_11 M msimalncd in�6c ammmts and for�M;(R�iods - --- <br /> ttut Lerdet ruryires. The(mm�nco carrler providing tlio insunnco shali F�choun by Ilorrowcr subJect ro I.ender's approval °`f�c=•:?��-:_ <br /> whkh sh�Jl nd ba unrasontbly withhr.ld. i(Rorcower fells ro maintain dacrilxd abova, Lender may, e� Lcmkr's �'�"�`"�`"��` <br /> oqion,obtain mvcrage to protat I.endePs dghts in thc Property in xmrdancc wf�h paragraph Z F�, � ` <br /> /}tl Insur+nca pollclts and ronew+ls shall be accepiablo lo I.endor and sh�ll includo n slandard mongago clause. Lsnder t ,sJ�� z -_ <br /> ,..:,:1, _.,._:,s'_: <br /> ehill havo ihc dght to holA O�o pollcics nnd rencwals.If I.cndcr roquiru,Qorrowor s6ell prompdy givc ro l.endcr ntl rcceipts uf a;�,-,..-._,,,a.-. <br /> ��'I�ttip�i'(i'3°_.^.3 tiNW:�M`!�C!'e.tfl 4F.^CVrS!�Q�IiK3.Mf(Oe+�(5I4sI1 pl�'n�mSnj4 nMirn In A�r in��nncc carricr vxl Irndcr. f:'-`_' ;- <br /> l.cndcr may mako proof of loss if not mndo pron�:ly by llortowcr. -��_,+�G�=� <br /> e .�:;:.,.:r.... <br /> Unlcss Lender anA Bonower o�herwise a3rx in wriiwg,insuranco procecds shaA Iw npplfcd to rcstoration or rcpatr of tho � .:< f t - <br />. Pxepeety damagcd.If iM:n;staattoa or regztr is ern�e� feasibtc and I.eo3zr s security is r�lesscnat.lF�t�restorat[on or ';» <br /> ttaatr is rea7 av.�omlcally feuiblo or I.erx'er's s:r�rity o.Wld be lessernd,tt:e insumnce prca�ds steall be aFpliod ro tL�e vims ��€Y '�a � <br /> ssxurtfl by tflts�curity instrurrwnt,�rh.dkuu 'u co1 t1Kn due, with any excas paid to Dormwst. 3f 6ormx�er abandons tEe :;.-��ra.i;.;-'__-�- <br /> A�operty,a dots ao:ansuer wflLin 3Q dn7s a rmti.e Yzam Lender�hat tM insurno;e wrrier ha�o;3:red io xttte a claim,tMa r�-`:y yt <br /> �Ee�der nuy mllx�th;ienirence proceuts. 4enA%r mr.}�uu thc prcneds m nry�ur or nstorc thc Propeny ar eo pay sunss t Lf;`� � <br /> rva=�:d by this Saurity Ir.�rmnxnt,whaher or nw i!�snste. The 3Pday ptflod uil4 he3in whrn thc notica is gE.en. i y'���1�"` . <br /> Uf�ICbF�K] and Bmrower alxrwise agra�in wriiing, any :�7pllc��ion o(procoeds to p�incipal shall na extertd oc ����`'*� <br /> p nst p on�t�e�`,z Oate of the nwn�hly paymenu referral to in pamgm�hs 1 and 2 or change tAc amount of�he payments.EO' i��i 'z_ i�- <br /> under para3rm,i?t the Propeey Is aa{uircd by LrndM,'Borcower's right to any insnrance poticics and procuds rcwi�ing irom =rr?�q,,;-„_�� <br /> 8 !K Y P� aq T` Y Y �,.:,�:•:;�_.. <br /> dar�u e to the Pro rt nor to the uisitlon shall .er.o I.cndcr to�he extcm of�hc sums sscurcd b thix Sccurit Instrumem ��r+` � _ <br /> immodistely pdor to thc xquisitiom �Y1�?�z4 �� <br /> 6.Ottupmcy,!'reseivalbn,Malntea+ntt and Protcetlon ot the Proptrtyi Bor*owefs Lwn Appllntbn;I.easthotdc. Fi`��t: t�2 . <br /> `{,;t 1+ ,� <br /> Horcower shall oocupy,esublish,and as:�Property az Oortower's pdncipal rcsidence wiitva ss.�y days af:er�he exxwioa oS r ` , <br /> this Seturity Ins�nrment anA sh�ll oontiur.Ya ecwpy�ne Propeny as Borrower's principal m�rt��:�for at Icast one ycar otier �r �� +$� „ <br /> the date of oavp�ncy,unless Lender olhwa'ise aG:us in wri�ing,which rnnunt shsll no�be nn:casonably wi�hheld,or uNCCC , � �#�'tl�,._,: <br /> a«enuating circumstances ezist which are bepo:+3 Uxrnwer's control. ISorrox•er shall not destroy, damage or impalr the y{,5}�� ?�;r e;;:-:_ <br /> Propeny, xllow the Property to,or c�:ani: wastc on the Propcny. Dorrower shall 6e In dcfach if any forfciwrc ,�,�'`}�Iif�i��`a�, <br /> acHon or procuding, whe�her efvll or crimina!,is bcgen th�t In Lender's good falih judgmeN could raul�In Podeimre uf�he t.��;y''��r�s,�;-',� <br /> Propetty or othenvise maledal�y Impair etti lien tresir�d by this Sccuri�y Instrumcnl or I.cndcr's sccurity inten:s�. Dorrox•er may �;ti k�ir;�„;:_.. <br /> vi�;sJYir .j,�,:. <br /> eurc such a deGuit anJ reinsrete,ns provlded in paragci�h 18,by causing the actinn oT procee4ing to be di.missed wiih a ruling �i;y�-�y�.;3�;._,., <br /> !h�!, In t�nn.�e�m�J ta�{h Ar�em�Inaiion, prcelub:s fodciwro of ihc Borroures imues� In �hc Propeny or o�her ma�edal tf�:.�a�x:::-..v:-. <br /> Impilmxnt of the Ilen crca:od 6y this Suurity fns�mmcnl or LcnQer's security so�crest. Borrower shall ziso be in defauii (f �,+,'�:,tgf . <br /> Horcower,dudng fAe loan application process,gave maiedally faise or inaocureie infomu�lon or s�aiements io Lender(or faited �t,r,f-,,S � �-� <br /> to provide Lender with any rtutedal infarma�ian)in connectlon whh�he loan evidt�Ked by�he A7ute,Inclnding,bw not Ilmited �'�=�r�;�:„;�;> <br /> w,rcpreunntions conceming[tortower's asvpancy of�he Propeny ac a pdncia+!rrsidence.IF this Securiiy[asinmxnt is on a �'��'' "�"'-- <br /> r1l;�:��=;-.::;�. <br />- ta;uhold, Qorrowtr shall eomply uith atl �he prac:siuns of �he icase. If Dcs�owrr acquires fee tiile tu eA: Propeny, �he i�(c�z�-��-[�=-� <br /> �.� '}:., <br /> itauhold and lhe kc titic shall not mcrge unless 4endet agrces ro�6c mcrger In ieri�ing. a�!`; �r - <br /> 7.ProteNiae o!Lender's Rtghts in the Prope+ty.f�Iiorcower fails ro perform�he covenams and agraments mntainat fn ��ri�zt .- <br /> this Sccudty inswmant,or there Is a Iegal procceding tha�may significantty nf(cet Lender's righis in the Property(such zc a s - ,r.F -, <br /> procecding In bankmptcy,probatc, for condemnaflon or lorfcfmrc m m enforce laws or regulatlons),then Lcndcr may do nad• �J>C{=�;����;�_. <br /> �,;. h.r..k=�:`_: <br /> pay tor whatever is nccesury to protxt �he value of�hc Propeny and Lender's�ixhts in�hc Propcny. Lendcr's anions ma}� _„�o;•,�,:,;,, <br /> P Y 8 Y Y P Y Y Pfk 8 P Y S ����� � . <br /> inciudc a in an sunu sccurcd b a flcn whfch has riorit ovcr this Sceur'e[ Instrunxm, a arin in eourt, a in 3. � E� . <br /> ��`T,�}Sj`;�� t,, <br /> reasonable etromeys' kes and enteflny on�he Property ro make rcpairs.Although Lender may lake action uader this paragnp'� yr�?jJl ..,5`t . <br /> 9, Lendcr do.s not havc to do so. �Tr7il+�in�.-?;.e= <br /> f a,.-- <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender nnder thts paragrsph '! shall become additional de6t of Oorrou¢r secund by �his f�i Sb c r �- <br /> Suurity Insltunxnt. Unless Dorcower end Lender agrcc ro o�her�emu af payment,�hex amoums shall bar Interal from Ox +1- fbt:'�r'' T -. <br /> u �U�Y,:y.,.L=� <br /> dalo of disbursenxnt at �he Notc rate and shall be payable, with Imerest, upon r.m{ce Gom L.ender to Oorrowcr rcquesting �tY�.: ..,.,.;p;,;-. <br /> paynxnt. ¢'i4�� 3� ' ' <br /> 8.Mortg�ge Insuronte.If Lender required mongage insurnnce a<a condi�ion of making the loan secured by�his&cu:rt�. � l.}���,µ� <br /> InsuunKm, ISortowcr shall pay thc prcmiums rcquired to maim,ia �hz m�ngegc insurancc in cffat. If, for any rwson. t;�c -. <br /> mon a e insuranee coverr e uircd b Lender la srs o�eeasrs to be in eifecL itnrtower shall a the nmiume uired to �r"+'-'%S.;_`-� <br /> 88 S rc4 Y V PY P ' rc9 Z���'i,-,= . <br /> A.�:-,.--'� <br />. obtain eovcrsge substantiatfy equivalent to the mortgage inwrnr.ce prcviously in riicct,at a cast substantially equivalem lo the ���cf:,'-�r;�.,._. <br /> crost to Darto�rer of the mmtgage insurana prceiously� in etfect, frnm an al�emate n;ongage insurer appro�•ed bp Lender. tf �.--� . _. <br /> substantfell uivalent mon a e insur.ace covera c is na avail.i+M.�tmrower shall a to Lender each month a wm e urt to �'��'"'������'��"" <br /> Y�4 8 8 S P Y 9 >���c._::i'�:1;.�.. <br />- ono-nvelflh of�he yeady mottgage insur.r.ce prcmi�im bcing paid hy IInrrower�vhen�he insurance coverage lapsed or ceaud to �«�^"'°-��'� -� <br /> F:7;,�r.,r.,.p?..?.. <br /> be in e((at.Le�er will amept,uu anJ rc�ain ihcsc fayrr.enx as a iov rascn�r ia licu of mortgage insurarcr. Loss rescrvc �• <br /> �,ti::��;.�`':: . <br />- Tcvm004t ]100 �,:�'y;.,`.1�1_', <br /> op�lND �1:°�i✓- <br /> �< 1• <br /> MC301&NH3 , �.`-.�. - <br /> 1:�l�"� ' s` <br />.. ..-..��:: ic-^a-^.,..nr4a-. . � ._... ..,... ..�•. _ ... .... ... ........F..:,«isx�n::D`.-�.'%ii'.::i,:':°ji.Sr�i�::m....�,...._.: . <br /> _ l'�"'�" .cy.:ie".fl;,fc:� _-.. .n-'�• - ' . _ . <br />!v��:°n�•i�. _ <br /> .3'i-. !.,' <br /> - :m;:..:." <br /> ',-. , _ � <br />_ _"' ;r.- . _ � ' . . ' . <br />.< ; !•�� <br /> t.-. ._ _ _ ' . . :.... . " __ _ ..�q.e-., <br /> ' _ <br /> . - �� � - � � � _ <br /> _.� _ <br /> . �� <br /> � ... �: ( . --_- . . � ' <br /> ( .. . - . . • � . . ' . . ' � -. <br /> i_ ' :_ . <br /> . . •_ <br /> . 4. .u.v-u . . .. � <. . . .: .._ . ..-:,.N' . .._ _",. _ _ _... .... <br />