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<br /> , � :
<br /> � •2. Tix�s. Tru9ror shall pay eac:h Inef�ltUnnrr.0 aP s11 ta;<e.y and snnr.11�l:t�nnnn�smanta of au�►y klnd, now or hereatter �
<br /> • .., ��,,� � 1'evled ageif�st the Trust �st�ta av eny psrt tl�ornof,• �r�ia+� �I��IIitAi.c�nr,y, tivlthout r1flt10n�r dnm�nd.
<br />_._ . .+ .. .,.��.� ��.�nrnnn Innur�nr.n lnsurlrip the irnprovements
<br /> ,,,�.,fi.v�++� 3. lnttrrllle�and Ks,wtrs. (J+/tilrin 9i7i1ii.�rrni�nroi�e iii•u�:...���..--.-•..
<br /> l.On4tltUtll9g (181L OI thC TfUSt ESLat9�Of SUQITi i�711'���tITtA A17Q Qil SIlRI1 IQftT18 f0A0011At1I�', f1At�fl�ElGtO►Y t+[I�;411A11CI3Iy. Sa lonp as tho
<br /> Y Praperiy Is secured by a Ilrst d9ed of trust on.vnarr�naR� cnrnpllnr,ao ar!?h tt�o Iraurnnr.n roqulr�mnntm�f�he Ilrat deed of trust or
<br /> „ �' mortgaqe shall be sutficient to sattsfy the r�iq�{Ii�3iYtattte af thlo p�raprapl� 3 ralf�tlnP�to Innuranca.
<br /> �l Trustor shall pramptly repair and repiaAe tfta TrrJnt�state ar eny pert thnroc►i sn that,exc�spt for ordlnary wger and tear,
<br /> the Trust Estate shall not deterio►ate. In nn.�ruonA st►all Nm Trustur commit waotq�on or ta thn'Tni�i,�e�tate,or commit,suffer or
<br /> permit any aat to be done In or upon the TQUemI?ao�ua Irt.vinl��tfnn of any low,ordlnennn or rnpulntlon. Tn�star shall pay and promptly 4
<br /> discherpe at Trustor's cost and expense e11i�i11no,.onoumhranaoo end charflos lovlad;ImposoA or��an�ac�d eflainst the Trust Estate �`
<br /> qr any part thereat. =
<br /> .
<br /> ' 4. ActlonsAt/�cting Tnnt/Intr�tii..Trarntar sh�ll appoar in and canSnRt any ar.tion or pmr.eedin�purportinp to attect �,
<br /> the security hereof or the rlghts or poworn"ai:l�+i�inftalnry ar Truntca,eMa s��►��nfly.�u�Qnt��nd�yaa°',�ins, Including cost of evldenco =
<br /> of titte and attorneys'fees, in any sucil�Dntinn or�prart�odin(t in v�hich F3en�liclery;ot.TruAton may t�1�D�ar. Ii Trustor lelis to nnake _
<br /> any payment or to do any aot as and ImtYt�martnec�rovided fn any at the LoAn�Ihst���ments, ila��ie!ilr.lary andlor 7rustee, each in __
<br /> ; tholr own dlscretion,withot�t abllqation sn�tn�di�end withoi+t noticn to or demand•upnn Truetor and without rRleasing 7rustor irom �;
<br /> � � �ay obligation, may make or do the sama tn.suah.mnnnar and to auch extont ae oilh4r mAV���m nRr,�issary to protect the socwity �
<br /> � horeaf. Trustor shall, immediately upon�i(imand thorefor toy BnReticic�ry, pay alliaoAta and ox�nnnns Incurred by 8eneticfary In _
<br /> . -n�'�° carnection wilh the exereise by Bennfiriiiry of�2h�t iorap�ing riebts. tnctudln� wlthniit IlmilaUon c:aats ol evldQnce o1 titte, cour� _
<br /> " casts, apprais�{s, surveys and attorneyu';tgan.
<br /> .�e .,� � g, Eminent FAom�ln. If th�1'o�n17l��r.ote,o�any part tharflof or(ntor�aAt tiic�raln, ba Y�kan or dare�a�ed by reason of -
<br /> " A.; '� any public improvement or condemnatimt,,pa�neeQing, or iri anv oAt�er mannvr in�lb�in�dond In II(�t�therenf I"Condemnation°1,or -
<br /> If Trustor rec�ivea eny notice or other itt$irrrtntiprt r�pnrdinp sucFr�prnc�adtnp, 'Trustor sttall(�ivn{3rompt written nottce thereol to
<br /> _„��,.:;�.,4. ; 3e�nni�c�e�y. i'�usi�r sh!!Sc tnt!!!e�!C 81!CL�1'!pR�flAtinn, awords an�!ather pnymente or rollc�! Nsrsroof end shall be entitled �tiis
<br /> optlon to commence, appear In and prpnacutr�in•iCo ov+n Ramo 0ny ection ot pronondinpP. Trusirrr shaii aiso be eniiiiau ic�.s,�ake
<br /> ,T ;'. �nV 4�mpromfse or settlement in connpatf�n vr�th�such taking or domape.
<br />._�d�:�:�';,; � �t�;, Appolnt►rrent o/3unvus9nr�'rustu». BeneHciery moy,trom timfl la timc�,by a ti�uritten Instnimani executACi and
<br /> - `��-�if� 2cknpwledgpd�by Heneileiary,maUedtRa�Truatn�en�!recorded in tho County in whloh,tho TruFt-E�tstote islocatad�nd by athsiwise
<br /> ,--YS:`a1�. � .
<br /> --,•_m� • complying witN the provisions of ih�.�pptlaable law a14h� St3to of Nzlbraska st�LAtituto a eucc�=<�or p►successars to tha Tcuatee
<br />-�-'�"' �amed herefn or ecting heraundar,; ., . ,
<br />-=;;=ti�,;�• ,
<br />'�»'`�"����`� • 7. Succ�ssnmand.Aasfnpn•'.Thlb$Hcantl Dead ofTrust appli�s to,Inurne ta•tho t►en�efit of end binds aIV parties�ereto,
<br /> ...��� ""�� thelr heirs,lepataea,devlsees,porRnirjttirt��raMentotivos,successora end asstpna. 7#tn turm"Elom�iiclery"ahall mean e�e owner and
<br /> - -�� �
<br /> _,,,,_,,,o„�:,,,�,.,� huldor ot any promissory note pivan,rta�,banolialory, Iwhether ar not �amed as [lnnoiiniery iinrainl. .
<br /> 8. M�r, ConsolidWtJail,;:Sralna a ILena41• Trustor covanants that�'�fUAtOT W�II fbilt 5811� lease or otherwise d'espose
<br /> � bf,eny of tlee Trust Estate. In the eveq�i¢tteit,Trusta sells,leasos ar othorwisa cNspnsos o1 nnV OFUt of the Trust Eetete,Beneftclery ,
<br /> � 'may at its optlon declaro the IndebladrtnaR sec�ueQ hereby Immodlatoty duo and'{1AyAblfl, ����hothot or not any detauit oxisis. ,
<br /> — Beneftciary shall consent ta a tranafumpi�,thtf�rust Estate ta a third party to thn�oxtont such third party meets the requ(rernents
<br /> � contalned in,end�ssumes the oblidatlitii�84t forth fn the Firet l�ead of 7rust. 'fiin auv�nanta aontalnad herein shall run with the
<br /> ----� �� Property and shati remaln in tull forau•end aftoch untll tha Indabtadness Is paid in t1dl;
<br /> °� g, EveRis of OefauJL A+t��uh tltn fnliuw►np evonts shail be d�ompd!amovunt o4�detoutt hereunder.
<br />__:��,� (el detauit sh�ihhq mp�e jn �ha paVrr►ont af tl�a Indobt�dnnse or nny otl�er sum secureil�I�ereby when due;
<br /> --- =°-:.�• or
<br /> --:�c:.�.
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<br /> - -=- (b) Trustor shali per!artn any eci In 6ankraptcy: or
<br /> _�`���•�� . .
<br />—�1.:�=if�,
<br /> ;,_-�,..-- (c) a court of compoYctnt.juri!tdictian shall Qntor an ordor,jUd(�mont or dacree approvinp�:{�BUtton ttled aga nst
<br /> - __ .�;�,•� Trustor saekinp any rearganfzatinn,�.diltsttiutfqn or sfmllc�r reliof undor any;prasant or luturo f�doral, stato or other statute,
<br /> w . ,.i�� � ., o �,
<br /> - law ot ragulatlon relating to banY.ru�:4:y, �i�suiu6�1GT ar �L•�. r..••-t .Q. .lt�t�tet_, ��! sUCh ordor,judgment or der,rQe sha(I
<br />=:-,'�`�. ,' � �•� remain unvacatod and unstayod fqr etrnpgrrs8aco nf siKty 160I days(wllnthor or not conscscutivvl Irom the first date oi entry _
<br /> � thareot; or any t�ustee, recelver ar Ifqulitntnr ar Truntor or ot aU or a(�y,pnrt o1 tho Trust Estete,or of any or all of the
<br />���,, � :.,, royalNes,revenues,rents,Issuas or prafNt�thflrr;�af,shai�bn appointod+rvlthout tho consent o�acqulescence of Trustor and
<br />" • • such appofntment shail remain unvaaataR and urt¢tayQd tor an a�t�ra�t�to oi slxty(G0)days(whether or not consocutive);
<br />_ ���,;;r��r.• . or
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