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<br /> 6
<br /> ��"� ���]I117C7 • •
<br /> „ 4.Ai additionnl RauNey,Zlru�tor hereby Riveo tn anc!corot'er�upoa I1eneficixry th�i�tpht,;,ownr wnd authnrlty,during tho continu�nce of
<br /> '(, theae 7Fuetn w collect tho rnnta,i�suen and proAts of eaid prcpotty,reeervinp untn 7Y�mtar the Bght,prtor to nny dnfnult�y 1Yu�tor in p�yment � '
<br /> . of anyladebtednr.:.3�:cur•�3 hercby or in p:r4orr«anc�of uny ngr.�:,icnt linreunder,LJ COI(CCC Ulld E'�G�ln nuch een2a,t�,uc�nnd�mlit9 rn thny
<br /> i ., � 6ecomn due and pqy�6le. Jpon�ny�uch defNUlt,DenoRcl�ry m�y at eny tln�n w;thoiie notlee,eitl►er In prnon,by aQent,or by�racelv�r to be +,
<br /> , eppointed by a caurt,ond with�ut reyurd W the rdequecy at any iecudty for.ho lndehtod��e��here�y�u;cumd,nnter upon and take pos�e�don ° �
<br /> _,,,,�;,y,. nf raid property or any part theroof,tn hi�own nnme�ue for oretherwle�c!+ltec!wch ren►�,lr�u�^»nst pro(it�i,inclu�!+r.�!hoea��ei due aad � '
<br /> :: �»,y� unpald,snd apply tho iune upon any indebtednr�e�r+currd henby,nnd ia ec:h ordnr an AenefiMary mtSy datm�ninn. The entaiap upon�od �(•.__
<br /> takinp poa�cwfon of euid pruperty,the collectlo��of euch ronta,bstia end p,ofite nnd thn appli;Ation thoroof n�aforeaafd,�hall not curo oc �';�;
<br /> ' .' waive my defnult or nolice of defeult hereunder or invalidate�ny tact donn pur�uent to auch notire. �::
<br /> ` 6.Upon dnfnult by ltiuewr in tho paymen¢of any indebtedneua eecur.rd homby or in th�perfopmnnm of nny uyroement contained harefn, ���'-
<br /> ' all eumn eecured herrby ehull irumetlietmly become due and pay�ble A6 thu nptton of fho Be,nefirfary, In oucli ov�int and upon written reqne�t ;�t:
<br /> of BeneRciary,'IlrwstAe eholl eaU the trust pro�ky,in accord+tante with tho NeArankn l4usi Ikede�Act,nt ptiibHn auction to the htghest blddan ;�•`:
<br /> Any peraon except'IYmtee mny btd at Truatee'e eale. 'I4uetee ehnll epply tho pmceede of tho ealo ne followa: (a)to the oxpenw of thn aala, �=
<br /> including a rcasnna61o7Yuetee'e fee;(2)to the abligstion�ecuned by th!a II:ed of Truat;(31 tho eurplue,if any,ehnll be dietributtd to tho peraone -
<br /> � entitled thnrrto. ��
<br />- 6.'nuatee ehnll deliver W the purchaser at the salo ite deed,witE��ut war�nty,whlch ehall corn�,y tn tht+pttrohaer tha intemt in the
<br /> properiy which Ztuetor hnd or had the power w convey at the tiaio ot hin oxeaution of thie Deed of 71�uz,and rac1�ae he m�yr have aeqidred `�-
<br /> ' , theneefter.ZYvetee's dced s6ap rncite the facte showisg thst theealn wue conducted in compllance with a11 U�e n+�qi4iromenU uClaw and of thii �___
<br /> Deed of ZYwt,whleh m[tal ahall be pr[m�facie evidena af nuch complinnee and oonalueivo evldeace thereot in firv�r of 60;��6de purehuero
<br /> • �ad eneumbranw�forvdue. —
<br /> 7.'Ihe power ot sale coaferred by thia Dced of'14�uet te not an oxcluoive remedy;Be�ne6cinry mfly c�uee tlitn ISfled of R�uet to be Careclosed
<br /> � aa a mortgage. ���_
<br />- B.In tAe event of the desth,inapacity,dIsabili or mei R��
<br /> ":• ty gaeHon oP3'ruetee,Benofictnry mfly appoint in writfug a�ucceuor trwtce,nnd s-
<br /> upon tha mording of euch appointment ia the mortguge recozde ot'tho cotutty in whfch thie I)oecl of�uet it�tvmrded,the euoceaaor truetee
<br /> , �hall be voeted with nU powero oF the oiiQiael truatee. The trunkn ie n�t nbliQod to notify any pArty hereW of pen�iing sale under nny other =
<br /> Deed ot'IY�uet or of any ution or proceeding ln which 45rusWs,ZYuotefl or Sene&ciary shall he a party unl�ya each aciion or proceeding ir brouQht
<br /> by the�istee.
<br />_ " ' 9.ihsa Doed oCfl�wt eppUtib to,inuree W the benefit of,sndb binding not only on the psrt{es bemto,6ut on their heiro,derriseeo,lejateee, `;
<br /> h' �
<br />- ,, edmiaietrators,e�cecuton.sucaeaore snd ueigne.Tha term Bdaeficinry shall moene tDo holder and owner of tltn nnte eecurad hereby,wheWor ��
<br /> -. °� or not named ns&ne6eiary hernin. y
<br />- - - ._.. SL�.P.v"j.iS oL:Li::L".�w Lf.r.o'fiw�L L:::�:w ui..°i�o�i'o. It ii a cyuowiw.v�iat i W�rji vi nuf i�iniw vi MiuiiZt vi�iii��iLv�ii uaTo uv+u�"vu w oaC�i `-�-
<br />- " � : person who is nemed in thL Zlruet Deed at the melling ndrL�eae ot such peraon ne oet out sbuve, �!.y
<br />