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- � .t .�GF tJ . � Y/ ...,a -- . i d �3i . <br /> � t <br /> Z �i '.Y�f�' S[ "M1 �f . � }. . �fJ?14'Y <br /> ..N �� v /{� f, 2 �r, s�Am � fi� -� s r�4 \ �1 �''•'- <br /> - � --J'� �i�trr ,ii,t s . ; r- ��� !�} }Y �V '' .e �� . � ... <br /> -. . ,-: � . ° r! _: <br /> '+�+N�iY�F11F{ii�..GW:c�tatda+..:.l1Yw.u:rv...k..SehL �'4 1�f �y. r. i. -[t�� -��-.v�r�• ...A��.mru �. <br /> . '� �.�si+w�]�W' •.wau.�,+YG�,.n..1Ln.G(/���31..:�152'.�, t1e__�t�l,Yi�La _ . , � <br /> �wi ��r� �.. �2�+w�Q17\7a71•) .. •�f' ' i'� 1 tl - <br /> I <br /> � 1. tht� conv�Yance tt�►de upon�nd�ubfwt to tlw turllyr truR ttut tM suu Iru�tor �Mtt nxln�In � � � r�ryG'.�rn`rwR .,. <br /> _ . .— gu1�1 eM p:�c::bte (ne:eeelc:+ e/tfk xbe+n OKnteJ eM ekae�IMfl pr�:Uex e� tde th-protlte thereol to �-`f. -'� - .. <br /> --- _ I)ti�, tY}t �tti tM d�fault 6e rde 1n�ny N�nl ot�n In�t�liwnt dw cn�Hd note ar 1n Ihe pHorunce �qfrc�,���f e;��y�r� '. <br /> �� o) 7�M t!r covMwntf a aaMltlons w.tltnW thrreln er 1n thle DeM ot trL�tt �nd. �t�o to�scuN tlx %���tyt ; `.. <br /> �;��1 ulMwriwnt o/ tM 6m�flsUry er�ny otMr MIEa of t�id rote, iho- Tmspe or�ny aut�tiWte truttte of p �,�;��, �� � ' --- <br /> "'T� uiy �nd �13 co�ts�nd��mn tnwrnd, tnetudlnp rNton�bie�ttorny#iNr, on�ccount of wq ilttp�tion �.�_,zr[;'��k, Fft� <br /> ��?!,� rhtoh a►y �rin rllh rotMet W this Trctt or rllh nsprst to tht 1rdeGttdneti aldrneW by tNd notq tM Y+,�.✓$i Au y �� i[-7." <br /> � - ProtKtlon �nd s�lnt�n�ne�eI the nrofwrty�6ov�dqerlGM or In ebt�inlM pn�e��slon of��1d prM+rty eY -+�-�= - <br /> ,4��� �/tv�ny t�L whleh Ny W w�d��� MrHn�fter prmlded. r` ��i�t srrj° i-,.-. <br /> .7 r� ry�:�.+�rf.r?_ <br /> 'tr7:it:1�}� f� Ufon LIM fYll {�.,',r;,-^r:y:-"{.-,rr.;f,'"> <br /> p�yqnt a► tM frdebt�dr,es tvldenced by sNd wts nnd tne entarrtst dlkrnsn, tAe . <br /> .:.._��,,�,6,,�� P�yrmt ot �11 olMr rnn Mroln provlMd for. tM nP�ywnt o��11�vntq�o?emx�9 or rtn)ers5ed pt�+vuatt ¢�f ' �' -,,`n ` '_'Y <br /> , 3�i H1d eqto rte thls tna¢nprnt. �nd uAn b1e G�Y*�nt ot aii ozUer SmPta sat:�. clur es, eawltstr,�:�. a�r! �;``'-"�t ' '�:.'�, <br /> .'��i ex�ms, t[se r3aK dexrl"M praps:tq arult Cs reTZ�rrt aM rrxirn�!iv sa!�t tM wat of tM TnnRCr. � � -� �- � � <br /> ' x 4 . n, r)! t:- <br /> - �. 3• Gwon dttault 7a pny o7 i:Y caiyr.kn2s cr ca+lt2'ba�s of 1Ueta fa�truKnt or ol the mt2 cr 1an j r� �jf.{} ,� �:� <br /> �is f ' yrNMflt setVttd AtNOY. th! DcMTtCf�rr ir �I7 Of3l�.+i aiY NtOrot3 nitlCe��d rllhout rep�rd f.x 7`r �1� "'�, "�' ,' <br /> �6qWCY Of �NY1'12y(0[ih! (Ml�14d'd]3 iKVtNl. ¢St3�er=iriyylly o�by�ohia-MY Or�p�nt wltiqut irC�,1�g � ��s;��'��f'; "t�� -. <br /> .-,�j.iT Wr wtlm or yroce�3f�g. or!7�r,ettlrer to ts oqvinttd by UK court,vnhr upe•.aM Gke pa�tas5:++a7 y{,,4N����i4�.'r4y�Ll��'': <br /> , �'-Fi uld PropertY or �ny Mrt thtm?. and da�ny�cts wA1cR @e�:?7el�ry de�prqwr lo proteot the aau'!tY L < < .s�{���``:f zi: <br /> s -,�� herwf. �nd �Ittsr x�l•R cr rithnut t�klrq pofsaaton 'a'! rmvdCropertY, co71Kt md recelre the rmia. ���•�'pr,�r*'�X -- <br /> �f�yf roy�itl�r. issas. �r,d an.PS7y tMrui. tneludlnp rints acercc0 ord urq�id. ud�ppty the sre. 1��� c»eca a�t s �,; ��''r�l'�J� <br /> c+sYn� aventlon �nd eolteettrn. ypon QM intkbttdMti �ecorW 5Y th13 hd of 7�u�t. ��Id r�nts. roY+ltt��. �aovea. '�r> - t�up,}i;�x�- <br /> Y(aut �J 7�' �i� IIIL'.. <br /> nr�a� �M �rofttt. betny Mre6y �u1�i to tM Mneitc7�ry c�s fuHhr ��turltY lor !he qywmt oY auth �,1(t�tc,�-•.�i - <br /> !`'�%�y� Inde6ted�ess. Ex�relu af Nphte uMer thfs p�ra9r��,s2o11 not curt or w Ire�ny def�ult or nottCe d! `��,f.�-{;�t• ��4'. <br /> . �4`�'� d�f�ult hrtuniMr or 1n»11Gte�ny�et dp�e puraumt lo eu:h m;tice 6ut sM11 be euwhttrt to�ny Npht er�f rtY i,=��e = <br /> -;�lu: r«wd� to d�chn • deAult �nd to ause notice of dehult to 6t��tordb�s Mnin�ft�r prorlded, an:� f��{l�r�� .� <br /> �"J t� cuwl�Nve to �ny other ripht�nd/or r�wEy Mrw���r. or provlGd 6Y l�w, �nd My 6e exe.cltW Caneurreu7y �{d�}${�}r � <br /> r n��; or IMependtntiy. fxpentes tncurred by hneflcf��y Ixreunder Inelud�np rasaublt�ttorneY'f fat sMll Le ��t�t;r;.f��� yx�-:�- <br /> � l�' ilCVff� �1l�LSL�. <br /> a���:� ��'t«..�v�����`����"' <br /> 4��Vtxh'F {. 1M irvrtor mvan�nb �M �9rqs tMt If he fMll f�ll to S�Y fitd Indtbtedxaf, or eny qrt X�y��# �uj,S�x�$s - <br /> �}��� 4htnof, Mxn due, or ahatl f�ll to perfon�ny eoren�nt or �qrt»ent oI tTU lettr�enl or o iho prtnlssory ��l�l�§��+"1Q{f . <br /> i� '��f rate �ecured hsrt6Y� the entlre tndebtednns herebY ieturcd fMll liredl�lely6eccne�ve. pr�b3t. �nd {�4''�5.,_<£�(t°� . <br /> ! collKtlble at lhe optlon Of lhe lenetleUry or�ss19�s, cr�rdless of«IuNty, +ad¢te beneHol�ry or ;y,..� �+},IF� .s_ �: <br /> --`ilt�?� _..:/i�:.'i':��£i>ff:yC,! �___ <br /> ���_- t:slpie qy¢ater u{Kr� �NJ propertY�nd coliect ihe rmta �nJ piofils lhermL Upon sucb def�utt In q�m:nt -�rr -T'"St rr�'-_. <br /> -.Sa� or perforMnet. �nd hefow or dtv euah mtrY� the Trvstee, �cNnp In the aeat lon of this Tmst a/tc* the +� i r- ,-��r��}r ,.- <br /> . it jy noNp of dehutt Ms 6een recordcd, Sh111 NII �COpY of the def�Yll to aCh pe�lon Yho IS �p�tY t0 thlt ".tzr �`s' - <br /> r ,- Instrwent, �! tht�ddress �et out tn thlt Imtrunent, u rell �s to+ny penm wM Ms reqwsled�ny mtice � ��1,rI-�'4Lat i� -- <br /> n)�};j of def�ult ord notloe of ate by recording ��Id reSuest tor notice�itb the rpister o/ &eds In the ewnty +t i t�,Cl��> % <br /> f+���L In Ndch ifi7s in�lr;mnl Is rewrded. �nJ after the I�Pse o1 81x yhloh ts reQalreO bY lar Jter�IHng lhe s n.-�; �+(��`� � <br /> " �� Mtite, tM Trustee a1m11 Mre the porer to aell uld properbi� ��d It sMll be the T�uslee's duty to sall r+Nf�v ��° -� <br /> ��� »id DropertY (�nd tn wse of �ny dehult of eny purcNser, to resell)a:[��lle+uetlon. to the Rt,r.est tl '�}rjj �r;kl� t�v--� <br /> r� h�t4 t`•�r. tlrst 9lring /Ir:weN;�' noHCe ot the t1sl. terws.-�nd rtoee of a¢ch aah. 6Y��erUsaent r.¢r. ieu �`i1 t{ ._F �y� . <br /> _�tl�'y_ tMn onee durinp peh of ald fire rreks fn�ne.r,�yer pu4hn�or diatrlWted In 1M aavatY ot po3ftled ° ,'r}Sir, --. <br /> 1y� ,. �ubdlvlslon 1n`hleh uld prqurty 1s tltwted, �nd�Ntten r.t7u of s�le �Mll be Mlled 90 ath penm Mq - - �r;r* xr ���r <br />-::.�Y-'tc.r' li � plrty to thls Instru�ent �t tM�ddres�wt ferth Mrs1n. i��d tM EtneflNU or�n �` ��-: i�3n��':li�`:;?•�.: <br /> - 'l Y Y Mr�on On.ttl4lf r���•. i .:i.Y'�ti.r5•, <br /> j S} of the Otne/fal�ry My 61d �nd pvreMte�t auch�ile). Such ate�111 6e teld�t�sult�bfe pfixrz io be S n _�,y � r � <br /> t ; �. aNeGled !Y the Mneiloluy Nthln�dd countY or =oHtltd �u6dlrislan. The Trvat�e i�MrtbY�utMNiN to r. � v .:�e� ;, � <br />.���ita;,��� exeeute end dellnr to the r 0 opert Mleh cmw�nes 's'.�';.='!'v-:'�:=�t�,:;. <br /> i� purcNmr�t �uch�d� �aufHcteni cmve �nee ol old r Y. Y <br /> r '!j`[ fM11 cccto�n reeluts �s to tM h.�ypnlny of defiult u�x.r.e%�tch tM�xetutlon of tk powr of tde Mrdn i ' ��l,� <br /> ;�i� yqntM c<re�m; and ihe :Md Trv�tor Mreby const4tutq ua a�potnn tM Trv�tee u hls yent�nd Ntorny 1����L -,�`t <br /> ri yu,.. y f�ot to afls 7ccn reell:ls �nd to eaewta a��0 cMre7+nce u.1 iKreby co.eMnis ud eflne� tlut the sf S. �� � . <br /> �' �.�t, reclttis ao aab. ltu17 6e bindlny�M toneluflre u,an the tru�ton uA sNd tonrey�nte thall 6!�fhotwl t0 1� �.t�-• - � ,. <br />',t..•.j� Mr �il aquili or Nght ot rede++pllon. hmf7eed. daar. rf;ht ot IpPrd�e�Mt. end ell tlher Hy'�7��nd � � �..."1r :�'� <br /> :=.v:;-. " <br />,.s,;-- : {. . <br /> _ <br /> . .,, _2_ �: "'. <br /> i � <br /> " <br /> .f <br /> . !f <br /> _.(i1 " ':��i'•�^�"�')�l'��.. :',�/'��'�%-: ! _ _ _ .. . '. . � • i .. . .. . . ' .i .. . '" <br /> ._..�IR�_ _ . _. <br /> .�t'� • <br /> 1!. <br /> �rt'. <br /> ',.-=�. <br /> Y!(�. <br /> �Jl <br /> 1 ±�. , . ....... ` <br /> � <br /> � <br /> u � _ <br /> � ' • . �; <br /> � .. �i_ <br /> f ."C _. __ _. . ... ti-c. 4. . .� _. . ._ _ . _. _ . _ _ . _ _ <br />