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<br /> the pownr and praae�dure provldod fav by le�w t�uv trs e�i�+�citLition of n Truoter�or i�uor�Ur� in ii�u pifsr.e aF t(vr�1'r.t�stee �`
<br /> .. or 'Prusteas nmsned �arcl��.
<br /> "' • 17. Forba�anncs by Brn�MclsrY ar Trtia�",�k��3s u�'���(v�v. A forbc�nrnnr.e by I��nnficlnry or Tn�ste�IR c�sc�r�,�sing &�:
<br /> �r•-:
<br /> - � any ri0ht or �e�nedy hereunder, or c�~aiLr�;�rt� ��49rd�:t1 bY �Rp�ic.ebl[� In►�e�oh�ll nnt�be n v�nivnr o4 or pr�r.li�r�'re the �-:-
<br /> exerciaa of eny right or remedy her•ar,�rn�a�tr, 1.4f{Owl�a�s,thn��va�lv�r by f�onniialnry �r Tn�oton of eny d�f��alt�f Tr»star �
<br /> under thla �eed of'i rust ehaN�ot lr��3��.�«�irt�3 ¢o i��a��rritvsr �f r�ny othr.r �r.;timllr r �lefnult:� 3ul�sc�n��enttl, or.r�.rrrin�. �, -
<br />�r._:�'�� 1 B. Tru�tor Nut pdNS�d. Exter.�e��n q'�tho tinan�for payrneni or modl0lanll�n or�mortizetion of tho sum+s��sr�¢red N_
<br /> .�� by the Deed of Truat pranted bv Benet�r.htry tp amf��,i,rwssot In Interant�f Trur�t�r �hail nnt operAta to reles�r�, in eny E;-,
<br /> mennar,the Ifabliity of the origirtei'frusEOR er�a iru�siur's ou�cossoi lii inini4oni. i���n�`f c!.��,r a l i A l l n o t l a e r�q i l i r.�d t o
<br /> �' cammence Qroceeclings egalnse aitr,h��ar.ce�sor or refuse to extond tim[�for pnymenY.or ather�+ise modify emnrf:izxtion o:;--
<br /> z o! th� euma secured by the P3eee1 ot. Tr�st I:y� reoson of �ny domnn�i mnrlr� bY the� ori�inn{ Trustor nnc� Fr�a;s:;or's �:
<br />- � .°�� succassors!n intereat. . -
<br /> " �, 19. Opdon to For�ci�an.. UW�rn th� accur�enr.e of eny default I�or,�undor, l3r�naflclary sliall Mave tM� c��sir:c�to
<br /> ` • foracloae this deed of Trust ti;i i;�rt m�nnr:r provided by law for tho foroRinnuro of morYfloges on real proport�r.
<br />� 20. T�uetor'o Riphte, Ak�co�rn DaE.�i21¢. U��til erry de�ault in thn peYmpnt of Ind�btodnoss heroby secura�,ar until
<br />` tho breach of any covenant h,�reii� cc.ontainrsd tho Trustor, ito succonoc►r:� end en�ipn�, &IIfIII p0&SBSG Unf� (:Rj()�' LF1B
<br />�';".,:•�.:.`;:• ., p�aperty and receive tFie ►enta end prof�its thereirom. Upon peyment of,yll swna uocured by this Qeect ot �f�rust,
<br /> - � 6en�fic!ary sheil requeat 1':tist�xe�R�c Few�n�ra��the p�o�erty enri ehPll s�rrotecler Y3efR peed of Trust en@ ail not4�art�ILOen __
<br />- ��•''�4`` Agreements e�idencing Stt•rB�?h�r.r��i�RRS ser,ursd by t��e Deed of Yrust t�Tri��tnc�. Truat�en sitait Peconv�y�hr rrr�pariy =_
<br />�A•`'�'��r�r without warrenty end wiL;'�+awr chae�g2 to tha peraons legelly entitlac� thorat�. The Graiitea i�i any reco��ve����r.r3 may �
<br /> ' be descrihed as"the �ers�n o� �rtrsc+e+R ent6tlod tFiareto", anti the roclt�lp thereln of aiiy matters or 9aCta r:l.�tbil be
<br />-'���:°--�' � conclusive p�oaf of tha t�t�^3���h,rtns tSnr,reof. Such person or pe►rs�nfl�hnll�pny aU costs of recording, tf an�. -
<br />,.>..r
<br /> "' 21. Transte of tEtn P��c�C�ti'tY; ass�ixn�tia�. {f all or eny part of th� f�roryArty or en tnterest ther�i►� iR ��Id or
<br /> '''°'�^r.,%�.� ' t�ansferred without Bc3�r,�s,:chte}r's prfi�+r wcitten co�eent, except es o41tt+r.valnc► providod by law, 13enaftcir�ry irslay, at
<br />�'�:`•o'•'`' Beneficiary's optlo�, dualt3c� ell ifire surJns secured by this Deed ofi Tru�t to IsA immedistely duB anct �1rs�yable.
<br /> '"'`"'�`� Beneficiary shail hava w�ived�ur,h op4lan to accelerete if,p�ior to tho o�lo�r tranafor, B�noficlery end tiie pei�:son to
<br />��t:;:� ' � whom the Property is to��:sQh�or u�nnferred�each agreement in w�itln�.tl�nt tho cradit of such person is�sr.Lrf.actnry
<br />�:�`:`."°":s t,o Beneficiary end tha��2n+r i��tmeest payablo on tlne sums secured by tho [7oAd of Trust, shall be as suclT ir�ate ae
<br /> w�;v�t;'a.: � h 1 .e n
<br /> y�,=- E3eneflc.ary shall r�Gusa. Lf �un�4ici�ry h�s rrai;:a ,h, a,�tion to ncr.nlnrato provided in this PacngrAph �?,, an if
<br />;;,,.;���:�, Tn:iator's success�r i►*1�Ut�t,ere3t n�3A�lxeCUtea e w�itten assumption ayreuu�uiii n�coN«. ir :�r�2ia� �;� k:.::.^'.�;s�s:,�, -
<br /> - "'`�T"' HanefiFiary ahail raleatt�Treat,nr from a11 obUp�tfons under this Deed of Truat ond the Loen Agreement. if 13tsi�ml��ipry
<br />�:�-x;, .�:... �.
<br /> -='����Yi;�`�' exerciaes s�c#�optiort to�iCCet�rat�e.fEienofici�ry m�y invoko o«v remudloa permittod uy the Desd of Tcufff.. ,
<br /> ��°-�'�� 2�. R�qu�t !`dk !►loE3ce. Thq�Tru�tor reque�st that e Co�y�of eny notlee of default end of any rtntice� df sele :
<br />,.�.:�,,.: -
<br />-'`��-=�-"'"`���` hereunder bo meil�d'riy 7'PUator at tha edclress herainbefore set forth, _
<br /> r.
<br /> °?-�hJki�,�� . ' ", ... . ,__
<br /> —�' IN WIT�ik�S W�I(�Pw1�r,t;7o Trusaor hes executed this �o��of TruRt tlte day and yesr first a6ove wriM�+�..
<br />_-_.��.�,�.�
<br />----- .;�� _�T �����.�-���'GI���:.����
<br /> --R,.;;� MI L. � Y�80c�'P' nnTa BETT3t K L�sG�GO'fT Dl1TE .
<br />- _----= STATE OF Ml�..�RAS�(A�1�
<br /> - . SS:•
<br /> ` COUNTY OF �� ,:; 1
<br /> -�� - --- 'Before me,e Mutary.4�uf�iUi q��alltf:ed for seid County,personally ceme MIU!(�EL 1.R LEGCOTT AND Bti'�xY' 1C LSCi(i0'17.', '
<br /> �-�.�-- Kp81311H0 ANQ W�PB �'' -
<br /> '-- known to me•io 1w the:idn►�Gir.al:persan(s} who signed the foregoinp inotrumoni and ecknuwtedgacf tl�ca��execution
<br />_�s��;�, there�of to bo �t(a/hcr/3hefr volucir,nr.y act and deed. •• • "
<br />-_-=�'�'�... �
<br /> - �=°'�'�'� Witneas my.hand��ttt��l���artal Seai tt�fu 17� day of ni'3;x� , 19��
<br /> �.-��;•
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<br /> _ , �-
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<br /> --.`�u���t` .'�---� My Cammission Expires: rJ�c••�l,• ��'�
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