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<br /> ., . .�"�� ACKP�ife►ii'iiL�D�i�'t�1clh�T �Cl �h�E�D �F TRUST =
<br /> .�,,�.���s The und�rslgne.3'Trustoe"ae Identifled in the�t�llov�+fnp �o�d ��f T�ust, whather one or more,understand thet the _
<br /> document they ere ebout to execute la e peed o9 i runi auu ��ui_., �����.��Bs� and that the power of eale pravided!or �.
<br /> In the Deed of T�ust provldee aubntantially diffe•rtsr�t riphte and �k�lipetlone to the E)arrowers then a mortgege In the ;_.
<br /> '� event of e defeult pr breach of nbliq�tlpn under ttrn�aod of Taunt,, including,but not Ilmlted to, the Benaticlery'e right '
<br /> � � to have the Propert�Identiiled In thn fa�lowing l�e��ed a•f T��rot erc�ld by the Tru�tee without eny �udlclal proceeding. _
<br /> ;, Truetor represents and wnrrr.ntn thet thin Acknur�vt�ud{�niant won r�xecuted by them before the execution of the Deed
<br /> ' �� 04 Truet hereettar set fArth. -
<br /> . .• �
<br /> f�IIC 1 L E LECi O
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<br />- nBrrY LECif30TT
<br /> � HOME Ea11�t"fY L.IM� ��:�D OF TRUS7
<br /> TFlIS TRUST DEED mede thia �7��� dayof APRIL , 1997 between
<br />=- heretnefte�call "Truetor",whose meiliny ��ldrer�s is ��az ���� �►v�, ap.Arm iSLANn, rts 5eeos
<br /> �� ; ea"'P�uatee";.�nd[lom�Pednrr�l.6evinAs and loan Ass�cietion of Grend Islend,�Nhose
<br />-- ,�.�� meiling address ia 22S South Locust, P.O.Box:1009, Grand I�Nnnd, Nebreska 88802, es "Beneflciary".
<br /> �' For valueble consideretion, Trustor Irrava�r���y grante, trnnc�fqrs, conveys end assigns to Trustae, in t�ust, with
<br /> �` - -�. � -�:�a�•v:o�{::,+ar::se L��:�`€F s::u.:ss:sss:t, _'�_��f�¢4��Arw;��ndnr and subJoct to the terms and conditlons of this Deed
<br /> I v�r G _
<br /> " � ;� of Trust,the following described property IocotocJ in � t��L �
<br />���ro !��'" Nebraska, to wit:
<br />,!� •• ,:-.• EAT ;�iIR'I`Y SSVEN (3T) , CAPITAL fi�It;HT9 SBV1=SfT�T. (7TH� SUBDIVISION, CITY
<br />-;:;;�•.::„�;,. , OF GRANV ISLAND� HALL COUN'TY� NE'slF1i3KA. .
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<br /> -��-`''� together w(th ell buildinga, fixtures, Improvemente end sppurt��nances thereunto belonging.(t being agreed that eil ot
<br />=-�;��`� the foregaing sh�il be hereinafter referred to es th� "FruporRy".
<br />��� FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING porformenco oY eec�ag�eamont end covflnant of T�ustor h�rein contalned end
<br /> �-"�' the payment af the princlpal sum of rEN THOUSAHD noui,nas m n�ulc�erra
<br />-._•��,:��
<br /> --�a 4�-=�__—_ Dollars ib 10,000.OU ►, as evldP�c�ced by a t•lome Federal {�ome Equlty Loen Agreernent botween
<br /> �`W�':"=�-��. Trustar and Beneficiery (tho"Loan Agrooment"1,E�ursuc�ntto Ndifch Beneficiery will edvence funds to Trustor from time
<br /> s-:-;�,�; to time,et the fntereat rates and upon the tormc� pravided thnfein, together with any sum or sums of money with
<br />_ '�'����'�`':.� imerest thereon which mey hereofter be pald or wdvanced unQ�r the terms of this Deed of Trust, both principal sum
<br /> � � �- � and interest thereon beinp payeble eccording to the 4�rms sec forth In tho Loan Agreement, reference to which is
<br />- • , � hereby made, at the offfce of tho Beneficlory in Ciranc]Isl�nd, Nebr�aka, or at such other pt�ace as Beneticlary may
<br /> ' ��` desiguete fn writing. °
<br />- . �`•;: �
<br /> �;, �� 1. Vlfsrronty ot Titie. Trustor ts lawfully snfzed of th� Prv�perty; hes good rig9��t and levwful authority to setl and
<br /> '' � ; convey the Property; the Rroporty ia froe end cloar of all diuna r�nd �ncumbrances except 1(ens now of rscord;and
<br />- = Trustor will wanant end defend the title to tho Proporly unh�s tho Trustee and Its successors and essigna forever
<br /> � "''"��� against the cleims of all porsons.
<br /> - - -- -- n n___.�.�s e�t��f����...1 Iw�.�.� Tw.n�nr oholl n����nhiollu r�au fho nr{�1R{IfAI Af.Afl(�It11A►AAt[ffl.HII H(IV9IIC�S
<br />_�°---�-- --`—�— -- �. ratnm�a v�rs..rv.po.a........e.�.. .......... ....�...r......._....��_� _.._�...._'�_' _'• _.._ ..." "' _
<br /> �, r under the Loan Agreement and wlll punctualiy porfonr all ogroemants,conditfons�nd provisiona of eny other sacurity
<br />�t instrument givon in connection with this tr�nseotion.
<br /> = 3. Preaervatton en�11llefntenAnce vi �rops.:y. "'�ustar.i�rll) not commit eny weste upon the Froperry at will, at
<br />= ail times, maintein the same in good ordor and condillon� and will mokA, from time tn timo, all repairs, renewela,
<br />-- replacements,edditlons end improvements whiah a�u����con�hly roquired 4o prevent waste,impefrment or deterioretion
<br /> � � of said p�operty. No buitding or improvemont naov rrc hor�oftar erected upon the Property shall be alterad removed
<br />- �, or demolished wfthout tho prlor�vri;a�� �o���o������ar.c',:::;r;. ,
<br />- 4. Innurence. Trustor,et its exaense,wlll meintaln�vfth Inouror�epproved by Beneficiary,insuranc:e with respect
<br /> - to tho tmprovemonts end personal proparty constitutin g tht�property ageinst Ioss by fire, Ilghtning,tornedo and othor '
<br /> � p�rlls coverod by stendard extended coverflge endorsernont In un emount equal to et leaat one h4ncirp�gy��ent of the
<br /> i" full replecement value thereof, and insurance npoinst�uch z►ther hozards and in such emount as ts cU�oi}Fe ly carrfed
<br /> .q
<br /> 9/94 408•1
<br />