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<br /> �� f [3EED OF TRlla4 � 4 � W `�' � p ''" .
<br /> .....��, , ,.
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<br /> PARTIES:This De�:d ot Truat Is mado on_ ApRrL. l�j� 19�17 ,among tFio Grentor,P T•s�R1[ GARFfI1S,�.,^, �
<br /> ' �_iCATI1iFFIS M�ARM�RR� Ht�ajj7AllT] ATTTi�j7R _ ("Borrower"�✓ _ -:.S:T..:•
<br /> �- ARPNn,$ PAACH A'j"fQ�V _ � ���. ��a•xii_
<br /> (Xzl�
<br /> �vhose reaidencA address Is �^ ^^ ^^;., ^�a.,a Tnl a u�,�1 County, Nebraska("Trustee'I,and the Bonsficipry, \� '�.�.�;,.��
<br /> , acorporattonorpenixad \ Q �..;rrq;?�,k:.
<br /> ��e. FF.i]RRAT, SA��?tkrQ r nrw� i�aG�flnTnTTf1N \ � *�-
<br /> �i.� antl exiQUnfl under 1he 18ws of •.RT�A�ua whose addross is 7,y� q T(3�7T�?•^^�*�m QTDE�OT� ' -
<br /> il � � ; dRATy�?�3�ZIl. �•�aaacua 6RA0�-700� 1'Lender'1. ���,� ,4 _
<br /> � • ;�� `��� C Q�J V E Y A��C E:F o r v a i u e re c e i v��d,B o r ro v i e r irr ovor.ebl y prants and aonva ys to Tru�tae, in tnist,with powet af sele,the reaf property,07 which -_
<br /> . ' i '%� -
<br /> � ,� ;.�. Borrowor Is IAwTuiy seixed, desaTibad boluw and all buildings, fixtures, and exiating nnd future improvements theroon end ell rlghts-af•wey, r .
<br /> �'��-'`' ` '�'°•'"'1�•. easements, rOnts, issues, profits, incoma, tenements, hereditarnen4s, privllagas and any appunonancoa thoreunto belantiinp {all Cellod the R.w�+.�-� .
<br /> I
<br /> •,;'?�i ' �ft;'� 'proporty"L �3,^.,-
<br /> _.�`�� ��'i•��:`.; PADPERYYADDRESS: zAl2 �RF.NTW{t�n vt,{� , rsnnnm TCT.ATSn .Nebraska �B�Il.i
<br /> •.t•.:�.. -
<br /> '���:��... t5t�em) IClryl fZ�pCOdel
<br /> c.,�,t� LC�AL DESCRIPTiQN: -
<br /> ; 4 �.-._
<br /> ' �� %�- --
<br /> , k
<br /> . � �
<br /> •, loaeted in nua*t� tc�nt�m. ga� County,Nobreeke.
<br /> �
<br /> TIT4E:Borrowor covemnts and werrnntn titto to the propeny,except tor _
<br /> 6ECU11EU DEST:Thfa daed of truot seeuroe tn Lender repeymant of tha sacured dabt end the porformsnce of the covenantc snd aflreemente
<br /> contelned in this deod of trust end In enN od�or doeument incorporated horein• Secured debt,aa used in this deod oi truat,i�cludes eny amountc
<br /> Borrowor owea to Londer under thle dued of truat or under eny Instrument secured by thia deed of trust, and o11 modiikations, extensions ond
<br /> �` renowats thereo}.
<br /> ' • ' '` Ttio secured debt is evidenced by lLlat etl insuuments end apreements secured by thle deed of trust end the datea thereof.l:
<br /> - � � �� nc+mmrmv wnnt+oRRL+wtm nflT4+T nnnrr S�y� l Q97 �
<br /> SJ::�_..,.'f�$'`_ � Y
<br />;-::w-�.r1•:.f•\.r� �ff.utun Advaae�r. Thn ebove �nmount le secured even thouph all or part of it may not yaS be advanced. Future edvances ere
<br />----;�:�.�. �.;,�};�,•� cnntempiatod and wfll bo socareU to the same axtant as if mada on the dato thie deed of trust Is exacuted.
<br /> ,��.. ..�,, �
<br />,�:;;.'',:'.�� ��:.}'� ❑ Revolving Bne of credit egreemont dated ,with Initiel annuel Inter�at rate of _%.
<br />`�:•���- � � All�mounts owed undar thla aflreement aro cocured evon though ell emnunts may not yet be��vanced.Future edvanoea under
<br /> ,�-,,;,: ;.
<br /> �:�.. • � ,:r�;�� the egreement ere cantomplatod ond wfll be seCUred to the seme extent es if made on the date thla deed of trust le execu!ed.
<br /> - ,>.. .�..;�•t. •:
<br /> .;� • �' .�'f. The a6ova oblipaUon Is dua and poyabla en MAY �n� ?0�� if nat ppid eatlier.
<br /> - -=-�� •�;,��;'.-,;.` Tho total unpafd balance securod by thia deed oi trust ot any one time ehetl not excaod a maximum principal amount of
<br /> -q�'"'_�;; , �nrnnrt�t ruonsnnm �wrz�.�mv nrm sn/ioe Doilore(8 2�.�.020_50 _1,p�us Irterest,
<br />-�,,,�^� • plu3 eny amounts disbureed undor the terme of thio deed of truat to protect tho e�curity of this deed of trust a to perform any of the
<br /> �� covenants contained In this doed of truat,with intoroat on such dis4ursements.
<br />:: ~ •..'
<br /> �� - ❑Vu1�bi�R�tr.The Intoroat rate on tno oblfgetion secured by this daed of truat may vary accordi�g to the terme of that ohligatlon.
<br />_ . ,� ❑ A copy oi tho loan egruomont contoining tho tarme under whlch tho Interest rete may vary ia ottached to this deed of truat and __
<br /> mndo o part heroof.
<br /> r � HIDERS: CJ Commerclal �x ACCT(3NMFN'T bF RF,NTS ❑ -
<br /> DESI(iNAT10N OF HOME9Ff11D - --""�"
<br /> : � Purauant to the Farm Homostoad Protoction Act,designation ot homastoad ❑ la attuched to this deecl oi trost ond mado o pait hernnf �":�•
<br /> - ❑ has hoon dlaclolmod;tho discloimor Is attachod to thla doed of truat end mndo e pert heroc+f. �"y����-
<br /> . J __ —_ J'." -
<br /> ��r��.'_
<br /> - Y:`—.
<br /> - � SIQNATURES:By siyntnp b�low.BorrowK�qru to th�t�rms end cov�nant�aont�in�d In tM�d��J of t►uit,lncludlnp thos�on p�2,�nd in ,k�.Q;;;_
<br /> an �i s crl6�d�bovs dpn�d by Borrow�r. •'=�"`
<br />_ , �(J( � ••�"`r�_
<br /> �� �/�� � � -�,�,/� ,,.�
<br />- ���asoil,er , �1 �_c-�^•vr°o� ���.1--�Q,.�"-^". ,.� -.y ._,i_.
<br /> -- ---- - --=-_ E CLARK RASMU3SEN ItATHLE�N M RASMUSSfiN '�
<br /> - --- -
<br /> ---- -- : -1 .. - •-� •°
<br /> - ACKNOWL[DQMENT:STATE OF NHBRASKA,, C;RAPIT) TS .ANn� tant,i, _ _ County ss:
<br /> a . Tha forogninp Instrumont was ocknowlodged boforo mm on thia �STt� dny of�ppvr, �ae7 .
<br /> bY Y.�� OLRM�AP.T7F, x ia� anun nun }�F .
<br /> R
<br /> ,4�, , ��T����� ITq�olell .
<br />=[r4 Cano�n�or 1 of 1 �� GIlll=�.NASRIE__- . - --�--- - .
<br /> ' rcnn;.t:p �NOme oe Cornorecim or v�n�e�udvt
<br /> -_ ,,;} AcMnowl�dqment �„ `����W��W ����� __ on boholf of tho corporotion or partnorehip. �� -
<br /> , ,: �:� � My commieslon oxpfres: (/nI� ,,[n � u�.f.� •
<br /> . I8��11 '___1..�."_l'_l�Y!'=____-----INotM'Wblitl .
<br /> - This InBttumont was pr�parod by cuura r, xncxtr•. � - •
<br />�.�f ' ���, m108Gl�INERSSYSTEM6.INC.,6T.CLOUD.MN88307I7•800•3fl7•23411FORMOCP•MT6•NE8118l81 Anrz# 000aiz�s fpeye�JOl1�� ASKA '
<br /> ::"�!;
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