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_ ,. __�-.� ... .__________ _ . . ..... . <br /> ,... . . . , ,,..: :; <br /> _ • . <br /> 92 :�Q9Gt3'7 . ":Y;,a;,:; <br /> .,.,, ;,, , <br /> '7'pOGIFIGR WlTft a11 thc improvnn�ms naw on c�rc�Rer erccttd on tlr�propcny,�1 aIl taumrnls,ap�rlt�x�MRS. �::. ` <br /> , aiid filu7is 16W 0�1'a�wtitr a p`at of thc property. All mpiscenxms xnd ndAitiats shAl aiso bt covorul6y t ds SaNf�IY <br /> inAmmcifi.A1E otthc forego(ngls rckrced�o In lhis Stcudty inswmMl ns�ho"i'ropcaY•' <br /> �fORROW�R COYIiNANT'S�hFt 8orrowcr!s I�wNlly soisul oi�l�o amto hereUy com•eycd and has Ihe dgln ro g�+mt <br /> 071A C01YCy�NP PfD�eny and tA�t the P�opcny is�mencumbercA,exccPt for cncumbrancos of�xad. IIorrox•er wanams nnd : <br /> will ek(end genetaily�he t11ie Io tM lYeperty agatnst nll ciaims nad demnnds,subJttno any encumbr.mtts of rscord. . <br /> T11I3 SECURITY iNS7RUMCNT comUincs unifom�mvcnams tor natlonil usc .rd non•uniform wvcnanu witA � <br /> �imitcd v,daqons byjuflsdlclim to constllmc a uNfomi r.ccnrity insimmcm covedng rcal prop:ny. <br />- ,d a$c�a fclloa:: <br /> UNIPORMCOVIINAFlt]. Uortowtr+uxil-cnJcrw'rtaa��:ar - <br /> 7, PAyment oPPrind{�1 and 1nlerali Frcpaymrnt and Lale Cherges� Oorrowor sLa�l prompqy pay when duc tIK <br /> principal of and imcres�on�hc ckM evidenccd by tl�o Noro and any prcpaYmem and laic cLarges diw undcr tl�o Koto. <br /> 3, Irundsfu79xesandlns�ir�ncc.SubJccnoappllcaUlolaworwavrrittcnwaivcrbyl.cndcr.Dorro�vcrshallpayto <br /> Lcndcr on�he day mambly paymems aro duc nnder�ho Noia v.eUt thr:�oce is pald in full.a sum("Punds")for. (a1 y¢arly _. <br /> lpaxes:r.d assessa:ents wtitch may attafn pdoril over tLis Sccuriry Gudvment as a lien on�6o Propeny;(b)yearply IcaseLold <br /> iat��eance�r�niucWis,if anY:(e)y'eaz[y mon'gagenf mcn ce FRm��•�aay� and(t}any unis payabto�by SSarro�er w " <br /> (.er, accaniaix.with Ne�covisiom of p�n3r�ph licu of the payrm.nt of inettg:�ye insnra�ce Premmms. '[tese <br /> iuma aze cailed'Fa=m"r ltems. Lendsr any Itnw,mllect nnd hotQ F"•orJs m an ur.aun[nct ro enceed tt�e nuuimum . <br /> amoc�ct�Iender ftt a[�denily rzLated mertSage loan may requirc for�escruw aecoune cr.der thz[edr.rat LReai <br /> Ew;aS=idemcntPfi.�.zaiures Act of 1474 u a�.nded from time to�ime.12 U.:i.0§2GOL usrq.("RESP�'1.unlessar.othu <br /> law tiu�applies ro�he Iiinds sets a lesv:r amount. If w.Lender a�Y tim:.to1'•ect anH Cold I'vnAs in fln amcueA nAt lo <br /> excecd ihe lasur amoum. Lender may cs6ma�e �he amount of T�nds Cuc on i*e t�xvis uT curmm data and reawcw6:e <br /> csdmotesofcap�rvliturcsoffumrcfserowlcenexorahcrwiscinaecordanccaitha�y^iica�ir;aw. <br /> 7}a Wnds shat[be held In an Insiimtio: +.hose deposlls ue Insurzd 6y a f:dc+al agency. (nsm�memali�y.or rntity <br /> (ineTuding 4enJer,if Lender is sucfi an institution)or in any fideral Home Lvan Btnk. Le�er sUali appiy ihe Ilmds to pay <br /> �he Hscrow Rems. Lender mxy mx charge Oorto�rer for hoiding and applying�he analyzing the escrow _ <br /> attaum.a vedfying tho Gsamn Ieanu,unless Isnder pays Dortawer interest on the�uada and applicablc Iaw pcm�its <br /> Lepds co make such e ehuge. ltoo�ever,Lender may rcqufn: 6ortower�o pay a one-ume chirge for en indepenGrnt rrnl _ <br /> estq]xtu reporflng serviee used by I.enderinemu5ttiion wi�h thts Ioan,unlas applieabiz 4+.�+�Frovidesoihe(wise. Un}.�s+an <br /> agreemcn�Is madt or applicable law r�ufrts iurereA�o be paid,l.ender shall not Ue rcquin:d io pay llorru�.er;my imercs�or _ <br /> on lho A:rAs. Rorcmrer drd[.ender may agree in+vridng,however,that interesi shall M po�.taz cna Ponds. I.ender <br /> sA�i[gi+e to Dortower,withos�char�,m annnal acmuming of�he Nnds,s6owing crcdits anA Ce^�:c c;+ilk Punds ond ihe <br /> p.u�os:for whlch cach debit io Yar£mnds was made. 7Le f'vnds aze ple0ged as additioiut s,re��..}•tor all sums securcd by —. <br /> this Suurity InswmeN. . _ <br />- {f itR H:rN:N.:...`-' L•; !�^�!:r exc^_ed�h� !!mnun�s pemiiued lo Ia:held by applicab:e lax, 3zo:ier shall nttouni lo - <br />- Dornouer for the excess I'vn&in accordance witli�he rcquiremenis of applicable la�v. If ihe nmoc�e o:ir�e ivnds ncld by <br /> ispskY af any Ilme Is not sutficiert ta pay�he G'scrow Items when duc.Lender may so nMi.*y IIom���cr+n wrfdng,and,tn _ <br />- such cax.Oortowcr shall pay ro f��dcr thc amount ncecssary to makc up the Ceficic�ky�. Dononrr shall makc up�hc _ <br />- de�ri.ncylnnomorc�hantwelvrmumhlypaymems,a�LenderSsolediscrclion. . _ <br /> Upm payn�nt in tull of all sums s^.curcd by ihis Scaurity Inswmcn6 I.cndcr chalf p�omptly refund l0 6onooc�any . <br />�- Mnds heid by l.ender. If,under 21,Lender shall acquirc or xll ihe Propeny.Lender,prior to�he acqui�i�ion or _ <br /> sale of tix Propcny,shall apply any runAS 6ef�f by LcnJcr at �he timc of acquisition or sale ns a credi�agafns� ihe sums _ <br /> secund by this Seeuriry Inslrumem. ;;'� <br /> 3, Appflcntion of I'ayment�. E'nt:« applicabte i��v �rovides o�henvise,all �}�menu received by Lendar under :. <br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firsi,m+u�vpn paymrrt c�a:�ges duc undcr thc Note;sa.rond,lo mnouNS payeble ur.dcr �;.�� <br /> paragraph2:third,to inreres�duc;founh,w princl{�I duc:ancl 9as6lo any la�c chargcs dnc undcr thc Ncte. __ <br />� 4. Charges; Liens. ffortower shail pay all �axes,usscssmenu,chargcs,�nes a�d imposit:an>auribu�ablc ro�hc p_:- <br />= Ropcny which may aiwin pdority over this Security Ins�mmem,and Icav.i,da�{r+ymcn:s or�ound n.�a,if any. �orto�«r �:�. <br />= shall pay�hese obliga�ions in�he manncr provlded in paragraph 2,or if nx p�hid in�ha*.mvnncr,Uortower shall pay�hem oa <br />" dme dircctiy to�he person owcd paymem. Oortox�er shnll pror.r.p:ly fn-nuh�o x[[nmices of.mounts io 6e paiA un.!.r _ <br />- �his p�ragr�ph. If Oovox�cr makes ihese paymems directly,ktm.coaYr shall promyuly S'umish lo Lcndcr rcceipis c�� _ <br />_ �hc paymems. _- <br />- 6ortower shall promptly dfuhuge any lien whtch 6as prioriry o�er�hic Sccuri�y lusuumem unless Qortoa'er.(a)ngees ° <br /> - in writing�o the p'+ymenl o(the obiigaiion stturcd by the licn in a manr.eraaeptab7e�o Lender,(b)contesis in good fai�h�he ���_ <br />-- Ilen by,or deknds agains�entorcemem of�he lien in,Icgai proceedings���hich in�he Lenderh opinion epe2te lo prt�ven��he _ <br />-- eniorcemrnt of�he lien;or(c)sewres from the holder o(ihe litn an agrcement satisfac�ory w LenJer snSO�dinating the lien _ <br />.:�` m atis Stturity Insuumem. I(Leockr demfmines�hat xny pasi of ihe Propeny is subja�ro a lien �vhich may m�ai�priomy �� <br /> oicr�his Sccurity Inswmem,Lcr�SSr may gire 9onowcr a nnlice idenlifying Ihe licn. 6orco�vcr shall sa�isfq tl�c lirn or�akc <br /> ` oneermorco(theaction5se�fonhaMve��i:hir. lUdaysoflhcgivingoYco�i;c. _ <br /> - 5. Ba-tard nr Cropertg�nswance. Burm��er shall kecp the nuw eaisiing nr hrrrat�rr erected on�he - <br />`��� Pro�.ny insurcA aFaintt lo•s+l�z fiee.hazards includeJ within the temi"extended cover.�ge"and any u:her hazards,induding _ <br /> n n�«n���F, rn wr,::t� i.�n, requircs insurance. Thic insurancc shall be maimaincd in �hc xmaants and tor�hc <br /> „ <br /> ,� <br /> Form 41:A 9 A �N¢�•-�'�r•;�:t�A __ <br /><11 <br />-�I (� <br />.;� <br />, �- . <br />.�I <br /> j� <br /> r.�r-: ,• ti ."r"r'_ _'�_ .\U�Y--� .. �-:'�.,.,, -.�, c- :a7.•:s•�-- 1 rf.�nT;f��'.S�l�{L..�Y� .�r >�v� ,�q� r _;;x <br /> �fa r)- ; i . t= . . . __ '. <br /> � ..1.i .I <br /> }.•l z ., ' ,. .::�. _._ . � ' -. - . <br /> _ _ _ _ _ _..`:. " <br /> "' >, <br /> a:. . ° � ..-�-..-. _ � - . <br /> __ _ . _ _ _ • . _. _ —__ . - <br /> } -.i'ils� . . . � . . . - <br /> �l ♦ `i . , . <br /> R� -, � � <br /> v �K , f. , <br /> <�t�'a ;k l ,� � - - ' � . - . <br /> , v` ,..� R. ---.. ..;, . . -_. ' .' � � .. - <br /> •� � ' .�� . ..� --. : . <br /> F '\� r r:- . . � � - ._ <br /> ;i . . � ' . . -� ' , <br /> L. l <br /> . _ - - . -' .. .1 i .. • S'�'. <br /> ( <br /> l -� " 1 . . - ' 1 ' . <br /> _ 1 {. - 3'tY�)l _ . . ' . . _ r + <br /> a �i.�i_ -.l r t}G . r4 - ' "a'� [ ) i � � Js .'+ <br /> ./1 �: . 1 \) q � ! f y _ - ' ` <br /> r�u �t _ iJf� r� _ 3si_f ` u• ' ' _ � � <br /> s,t: ,, � _ • �i,�< < < ,:. <br /> . . 1��. ' ._ " " , .. � .. ti./.. . l . : . .. . .._ '_ ..�e�!1di1)�1 i i.i! � �.. �� <br />