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.' . . �:l�l".. ... . _ ' •4_. � r.�.. <br /> '� ... � � - S f• :./. :i�i j�:4��•}��V,*,�r ' <br /> , �' . � .l'... • " <br /> ..t . - ',.C�.���. <br /> . .. , <br /> . ' ::n`>, . { <br /> . .. .. , . , <br /> ., ..., .: <br /> . .. <br /> . , .�,. : � . <br /> .. -. .�. -��.�: . . .. _.-.. — -- <br /> � ' ' • . cY� -� <br /> � . <br /> , . £ <br /> i <br /> . .. �� ., ��. <br /> � <br /> � " � <br /> l �q �,f��(9�� . <br /> I 16.Borrower'fl Copy. Hcarrnwc.r ahall M;given onc conformcd copy of thc Noto d�of�this ecurity Inswment. " <br /> � 17.Trpnsfer ut the 6'►operty nr w HenRflclal Interetet in Dor�ower. If all or any part of the Property ar any interest in it is <br /> sald or trwtsferrcd (ar ii' n i►cnciicicd u�i.�erest hi IDurrow+cr is sold or trunsfcned and Barrower is not a natura!person) without <br /> L.cnder's prlor wrlttcn conunt,l.cncicr mny,ut Itx c�pt�an.rcquire immodiflte payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security <br /> " inswmcnt. Hawevcr,thiq apticm fit�nll nut I�c cxcrci.scd by i.cnder if exercise is proh�bited by fcdcral lnw as of the date of this , _ <br /> Sccurity Insuument. ' � <br /> If L.ender oxereisev this aptfcin, l.encler hhull giva[larrawer nodce of aecelaration.The notice shall provide apericnd of not less <br /> than 30 days from tho dUw tha notlw i� dclivcrcd or mnllcd within which Bonowcr must psy all sums secured by diis Security •• <br /> Instcumcnt.lf Borrawcr f'nlls u�puy theso enms prior to the cxpirudon of this periad,I.andcr may invoke any remedies permiued , _ <br /> by this Sccurity instrumcut wltbout ftuA�r nattcc os dcn�a�td Borrowcr. Bp�Wer shaU havc thc right to hav� • � •, � <br /> 18.Borrower's Right t We.w�if �3qw'dwcr mec�t certc�+ln condidons, :�;�.�s <br /> r <br /> enforcement of this Secwit in ment d1:SdcMidnual wt any time Pnar W the earlier of: (a) 5 days(or such other period as '�' �`,_;,_ <br /> wer of stile canu+ined in this Secudty { ''x���""" <br /> apPlicnble law may spccify r rc�IsMtltri�f�e[aro salb of the Praperty Pursuant to any po ,,,��:_ <br /> Instrument;or(b)entry of n udgmcnt enforcing th�(s Securlty TnstrumenG 1liosc conditions are that Bonowor.(a)pays I..ender all , . .��t:{, <br /> sums which thcn would bc+duc undcr thls Sccurlty Inawmcnt end Ihc Nous as if no acceleration had occurred', N)cures any �,,.. . <br /> .'..Ur;,,_:. <br /> default of eny oth�t covenant,s ar agrccmcnt�; c)pays ull oxpcnscy incurrcd in enforcing this Security Instrument,including,but ��,`"u� <br /> `��— <br /> not llmited to.reasonnble auorncyR' tas;and( )cakcs such actfan as l.cndcr ma}�rcasonably req,uire to assure thet thc lien of this ��_, <br /> ' Security lnsu�ument, Lcndcr's ri�ri��.s In thc {�o�scrtY :.nd Bonawer's abli�anon ta puy the sums secured by this Security _. <br /> Insuument shull continuo unchonged, Upon rolnswtement by Iiorrower, �hie Securiry Instrument and the obligattons secured ���� <br /> hereby shell remain fully elfecUvo as if na acceleration had occu��ed.However,this dght w reinstate shall not apply in the case of ,_�,�-- <br /> accelerndon undcr Fnragraph 17, � <br /> 19.Sak of Note;Change of LoAn Servke�� 'i1►o Nuta or a pardal incerest in the Note (together wilh this Security <br /> ' ' Insaruancnt)mny lse sold onc ar moro dpr►cs without priar nadco tn 8ortowcr.A sale may result in a change in ths endty (frnown , � �� ` <br /> as the"Loan Servt:,er")that coAacts monthly uymantx civa under tho Noto nnd this Secunry Instrumen�T'here also may be one or . <br /> �, more changcs of the Loan Serviccr unrcla�to n ea�o of Iho Now. If thcrc is a change of the L.oan Servicer, Horrower will be , ,-�' ,� <br /> given wrltten notice of tho chango in eccordnnco with paragcaph 14 ubavo and appllcable law.The notice will steus the name and <br /> �, , uddress af thc ncw l,oan Scrvicer and thc to whlch paymcnt� should be made.Thc nodce will elso contai►►anY ather �.� <br /> lnformadon rcqulrcd by appliceblc lsw. ' , <br /> '� 20.7iez�trdous Substanecs. Horrower ahall nM c:auso or permit tho presence, use, disposal, storage. or release of eny ;:t�; � <br /> Hazardous Subst�u�ccs on or in Ihe Property.Bottowcr ehnll not do,nar ellow enyone eise to do,anything atfecung 1he Prope�ty .}�;t+-,` <br /> - - • .,-- -�---.n-..:-^^--.^�,:!L»;�,'Tt� �`�dino�wo sentcnccs ehell not eAD1Y to the presence.use,or storage on the �';°:����' � ,�� _. <br /> �� ((Ip(1u UI YlQ11tUU!!V!P!!7 uuvuuuusw� �----o ^`'T�:Y, <br /> '�� Propariy of small quanuUes of Hauudous Substances that ara gen��alty rcco8ni:'°.��� be aPPtoprinte tn normai residenval uses � �^-:�=z ._;�.. <br /> ; �iiS. <br /> and to maintenanco of tho Praputy. �}��,.,��;s . <br /> ;c;, a, <br /> Barower shall prompUy glve Lendcr written nadce oP ony tnvestlgudon, claim. demand, lawsuit or other acdon by any ,,y���r;,tF <br /> �.t,::i�:...� <br /> _, ' governmcntal or rcgulawry agcncy or pdvato party Involving U�o Property and any Hazardous Substence or Environments�l Law �. .�f �• <br /> of which borrower hes acwal knowledgc,If Borrower Ie,ams,or is�otlfled by eny govemmental or rcgulawry authority.that any y t��;:� , <br /> ':;: <br /> � ; removal or other rcmcdiadon ot any HAY�(10U9 SUD9�IICC II��OCU11�1I10 PfQj1C(Ly I9 IICCCSSBIy,Borrower shall prompdy tako all ���.c�, ,, t; <br /> ,:�. � ,�t r . <br /> nocesssuy remediel acdons in accor�ance with Emironmental I.sw. �� <br /> As used in Ihis paragraph 20. "Haaardoue Substancca" aro tho�o eubstances deflncd as wxic or hazardous substances by <br /> �• Environmental Law and the tollawing substanccs: gQSaUno, kcro�Cno, othcr tlammeblc ar eoxic petroleum�roducts, toxic . _ <br /> "' pesdeides and herbicides,valadb salvents,m�teri�l�euntaining esbaxu►s ar foimaldehydo,and radioncdve matec�ils.As used in I_r <br /> thls h 20, Environmental Law"mcans foderal lawa und Inwe of ttw jurisdicUon where the Progerty is located that rclate �,, „� � <br /> to heal�ery or onvironmcntel protccdon. V�-_-------.�"=-'J <br /> �• R. <br /> � NON-(JNIFORM COVENAIJTS.Hortowcr and Lcndcr[unhcr covcnant and egrca as follows: --� <br /> � � 21.Accekratbn=Itemedla. Lender sholl�ive notke to Harrowe�priar to rccekratjon folbwing Borrower's breach ot _V_ <br /> any wvenant or agrament in th{s Recurity instrunnent (but not prlor to tccekrotton under ppragraph 17 unless �;`_ <br /> �� applkabk Ww provtdes otherwise),The notke�h�ll apecltys (o)!he def�uNi(b)the�ctbn reya�ired to curc the detuult;(c) _:_.-_ <br /> A dQte,not kss th�n 30 daye trom the date t6e nollce N Rlven to Borrowe+�� by whkh the default m��t be cured;and(d) ���'-. <br /> �' that failure to cure the default an or before the d�te specffkd in the notice moy reault in accekratioa ot the sums secu�etlll �����,� <br /> . �;. by th�s Security Instrument wnd e�le ot the PiropeMy.The notice�yll turlher Intonn Borrower o!the rlg6t to reinsts►te ::,_.;;;�____ <br /> �: aner acakrAtbn and the r�ght to brinq a rnnrt�ctbn to wr�ert the non�xf�tena at p detQUlt or any other defeese ot ;�>;;_;:;�� <br /> ' Borrower to accekration�tnd sak.If the detwut!b not cnred on or befare the dde specltled En thr notice, Lender,at its ;,;.M' ',„�;-.v <br /> opilon,mAy require immeall�te payment In tull ot all eume secured by thb Security Instrument witho�t turther demend �,:',;��;,�,.,�,y,�,% <br /> � and may invoke the powcr ot ss�k and any other remcdlq permltted by applkwbk aw.Lender shall be eatitled to collect � �;-,r,��.,;.�;. ,,�:;,:,,:.., <br /> `t''r�•-:.;.,;u,:;:, •, <br /> aU expenses iecueed in pursufng the remedks provlded In thls pArpg�Nph 21�intluding, but not limited ta,reasanable , ,, . .;.. <br /> ; .� .'.-..'..r';:i:., ... ����.. <br /> � attorneys'fees and coste of tltk evldence. , ;.; "���; ;Y'�>-=-:�:;�t' <br /> It the power oP s�k L9 Invoked. 7'ruatee s6a11 rxcwrd a notke �it det�ult In eACh county In whtch any part of t6e , ;;t:;' • . �.,;s.;:��;,:.::: <br /> Property is Eocated and ehall mafl cupta of such notke In the m�nner preACrlbed by�ppllcAbk law to Borrower and to the � ;- �'���' , <br /> other persons prescribed by applicabk lAw.AfYer the tione reyul�ed by wpplkwbk law�Truatce sball giWe publlc notice of : <br /> sale to the pers�ns and in the monner prescri6ed by wpplicatbk ww.7'ruwtee,wlthnut demand on aorrowev�shaU sell the .�. ,.;`�:"�'( <br /> - Property at public wuction to the hlghest bldder at t0e time and plitCe wnA urede�Ihe tsrms desfgnAted in ths no3lce of sale <br />— Form 3028 9/80 1 � <br /> •,` <br />__ �•ER(NE)laz�z).o� v�p�e oi a inmau: „ • �. <br /> .o.....tcs - - - <br />-_ _ .-,--_— 8 . ;��1� ` _— - <br /> _ � . . <br /> ......., ,. .. _. . .�1:. _ .. . . <br /> • � . <br /> __„� . ..___ . - <br />