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<br /> TOCifi'i't�R WITH al!tho improvcmcn�s now an c�reattcr erected on thc propeny, und ntl cascmen�a, srnurtenanccs, ��''; + .
<br /> Cixtures now or hercaftcr u nart af the property. All repiac�ments and additions shall also be covcred by thls Secarlty Inssnime�t.
<br /> ��-, -.
<br /> f�ll of the forcguing is rcfencd to 1n this Security lnstrument as�he"Property" �"�"
<br /> o `�:�t;:r:
<br /> BOItROVJ�R COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully seiscd ot thc cstetc hcrcby convcycd und has the�ight to grant nnd �' 1r ,
<br /> i:
<br /> ' convey Ihe Froperty and thpt the Propeny is unencumbered, except for encurnbrances ot reso�d. IIorrower warranu and witl . `�
<br /> deFend generally the title to the Property egainst all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of reco�d. �
<br /> THIS SECURITY WSTTtUMEPr'T com6ines uniform covenents for nati�nal use and non•uniform covenants with limited �:��`�'�
<br /> I'.
<br /> :��ni,.�
<br /> variatioas by jurisdi�don to consututc a unifortn sccuriry inswmcnt covcring real propcny. . .. � - :r�•:--
<br /> r � ��ti; _
<br /> UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender covennnt and agree as follows: a when duc iha � •: �
<br /> , 1.Payment ot Principal and Interest;Prepaymeat and Lete Charges. Borrowcr shall prompdy p y _ �"'°"
<br /> "'.�,,.._.__�
<br /> : ,�;,-,,.,_--..�..
<br /> principal of and i�nterest on the debt evidenced by�he Note and any prepayment and late charges due undcr the Note. I`r .. `�`,�•,_
<br /> 2.Funds for Texes and Insurance. Subject t,o epplicable!aw or to a written waiver by L.undcr, Borrovicr shall pay to —
<br /> ' Lender on the day monthly payments ure due under iho Note,until the Note is paid iui full,a sum("Funds") for: (a)ycarly taxes ���, •';�;,��
<br /> ;.`� and assessments which may auau►prioriry ove: this Securiry Instrument as a licn on the Property;(b)Y��Y j�ehold payments ,,• �,,,����.
<br /> �;;? or ground renu on the Property,if anY:(c?Yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums,if yt, "
<br /> . •.s •.�'�'s'i;=:_-.
<br /> • .r; any: (e)Yeady martgage insurarice premiums. if any;end(�anY sums payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordence with the Y,/
<br /> Y�` provisions of paragraph 3, in lieu of the payanent of mortgage insurance premiuins.'I'hese items are called Escrow Items." __
<br /> ,�.. ;�.
<br /> ;;�;• ;�
<br /> ;r
<br /> Lender may,at any time.collect and hold Funds in an amour►t not to exceed th�maximum amount a lender for a federally relatccl f —
<br /> .;�:�`. �,q,, '' ,�.�..
<br /> °,� mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as r:, ;
<br /> �:i� amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Secpon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applics to the Funds sets a lesscr '-��__
<br /> :rl' r: t•,. ����1��_ -
<br /> . ,.• � amoun� If so,L.endu may, ac anY time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not w exceed the lesser amounG I.ender may `�+i:� ��.
<br /> '�;:'�� .�� estunate the amount of Funds due on the batis ot current data and masonable esamates of expendiwms of future F.scrow Items or 4��-
<br /> othenvise ut accardance witt�applicable Iaw. �. ,•ti#:, •:.���
<br /> .�,'� � �,�-';�"' ,
<br /> The Funds shall be held ��an instiwdon whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,insaumentality.or enuty(including
<br /> •`h' � � Lender.if I.ender is such nn msatuaon) or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the Escrow w ,,�`
<br /> the escrow account,or verifying .`,�.�ti�
<br /> , JJ;,: , : ' 1 ' the Funds�ann�ally analyzing s `�.
<br /> , } .::,•.:4 Items.Lender may noc charge Borrower for holding end app y�►g �'° l �y
<br /> ' '�`.��i,';�� the Escrow Items,unless L,ender pays Borrowes int,erest on the Fur:ds and applicable law permits I-ender to make such e charge. ; �;
<br /> �.i:l,�`�--
<br /> °-,,:_.--== Hv;�eva'.;.�d�srw;zs;:i i r e R o�n w e r m p a y a o n e•t i m e charge far an inde p endenc real estate tax reportin� service used by _'.'�.�;' _�—
<br /> `� �� � Lender in connecUOn with this loan, unless applicab�e law Provides othenvise.Unless an agreement is made or appuiau ie i s.�+ ` � —
<br /> `z -i ' requires interest to be paid.Lende.r shail not be required to pay Borrower any inteiest or earnings on the Funds.Borrowor and ,
<br /> ' �"`� Lcnder may ngree in writeng however,that intemst shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Horrower,without charge,an :`' ,± � ;� �
<br /> f`<��:. � ' sE for which each debit to ihe Funds was x ;
<br /> _ "�..:: annual accounting of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and tlie Paupo
<br /> :,; .,, '
<br /> �•. • ' �, made.'Itie Funds are pledged as addidonal sec�iriry for ell sums secured by this Sxuriry Instrumen�
<br /> ;� If the Funds he l d by L en der e a c c e e d the amounts p ermiaed w be held by appGcable law,Lendf:r shell account w Borrower for _
<br /> ` �,,, d►e excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds held by I.ender at any time is � -,
<br /> �' � �'. nat sufCcient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing�and,in such case Borrower shall pay _ .
<br /> i .:�•'� Nall malc e u t h e d e fi c i e n c y i n n o mocc than tvielve �'��,•�� —_��_
<br /> �' �� to L.ender the amount necessary co make up the deficiericy. Borrower s P ��„r,_��_
<br /> ,;i; monthty payments,at Lender's sole cliscretion.
<br /> ,; ���'I �
<br /> .�, �� Upon paymer►t in full of all sums secumd by this Securiry Instrurnent,I.ender shall pmmptly refund to Borrower any Funds - �
<br /> ;�:•• held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21, I.e�der shall acquire or sell the Prope�ry, Lender,prior to the acqvisiaon or sale of the _
<br /> �„ ,;'�,:.�"`' . 1 Funds held b Lender at the ticne of acquisiaon or sete as a credit against the sums secured by this = _-
<br /> Property.shsill aPP Y�Y Y :
<br />-.t1 ...:,':.:'::t : � Securirylnstrumea� l..;��:i:-•--
<br />'•'. � `%' •� 3.Application ot Payrnents. Unless appGcable law provides otherwise, a�payments received by Lendcr under paragraphs �_
<br /> � '" � ' 1 and 2 shall be applied:first, to any prepayment charges due under the Nate;second. to amounts payable under paragreph 2; =�__�=
<br /> •'��• th'ud,to interest due:fourth.eo pN►cipal due;and last,co ar.y late ch�rges due under the Nate. �A"°�==��_=--
<br />-� ,�'�:;,�:• :.�' 4.C6arges;Liens. Barro�ver shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges. fines and imposidons aunbut2ble w the Property - ..--...��-----
<br />" � °�T��� �� which tnay suain priority over this Security Instrurnnt�t,and leasehold payments or ground tents,ff any.Borrower shall paY these �•�°+t,,__
<br /> � ' �,' -� h 2,or if not paid in that manner�Boerower shall a them on time diroctly to the ��:�. .--.z.--=
<br /> } obligadons in r�e manner pmvided in paragcap p y �!�^-y�'!�'
<br /> � person owe.3 paymen� Borrower shall prompdy fumLsh to I.ender all nodces of amounts to be paid undcr this paragraph. If •'��'�-,����:..
<br /> ' � Bonowar makes these payments direcdy.Bomower shall promptly fumi�h to Len�er mceipts evidencing the payme�ts. .??'� �`^
<br /> � Botrowcr shall prompdy dischar8e anY ken which has pricrity over this Sxurity Inswment unless Boaowcr: (a)agrecs in �_
<br /> writin g to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accep�able w Lender,(b)contests in gaod faith[he lien ����
<br /> � '� in le al r o c e e d i n s w h i c h i n t h e L e n d e r's o p i n i o n o p e r a t e t o p r e v e n t t h e "'���;;�; 2R
<br /> r� by. or defends against enforcement of the lien , S P B °,�, � -���_='
<br /> ���
<br /> enforcement of the iien:or(c) secures from t}ie hotder of the lien an agrcement sausfacwry to Lender su8�rdinaung the lien to :�;�.',.�.T r.,,.
<br /> this Security Inswmen�If Lender determines ihat any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attnin prioriry over this •"���•�:.��;:�� t,,:�,�,
<br /> " idenrifying the lien. Borrower shal! satisfy the licr.c .�.'•:- . - _;«���•. _ �;, � .r ��•�•
<br /> , Security Instrument,Lender may give Sorrowe�a no�ce , , ��M F�_---y�•�:,r �: ,''�;�f,;,
<br /> of the acdons set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. �;;':-:: ���,;
<br /> Form 9028 9IB0 �fa,•: ; ,.
<br /> , �.! �';' ;�iu;:
<br /> Initqlr.-------
<br /> Pap�2 0l 8 . ��:- �
<br /> �-8R(NE)tc2t21.o, . , `•, 4�tr;:
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