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. . , � . � . , <br /> .t,Fnrratity beed I-80-6{3) R-31b Tract B-!�0 <br /> 1Q10ld ALL Mr.N F3Y TH�SE PRr�S�1TS: <br /> THAT We, Roderick J. Martin and Cora Lou Martin, husband and wife <br /> of the County of Fia]1 and State of Nebraska for and in consider�ti�n <br /> of the swn of Fmur Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-eight and 60/100 - _ _ DOLL.'�RS <br /> in hand paid do hereby grant� bargain� sell� convey and confirm unto THE ST�1TF; <br /> OF NEHRASKA the following described real estate situated in Hall <br /> County, and State of Nebraska, ta-wits <br /> A tract of land located in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast <br /> G2uarter of Section 8, Township 9 North, R,1nge 11 West of the 6th P.M., Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the eaat quarter quarter corner of the Northeast <br /> Qnarter of said Section 8; thence uesterly on the South line of the Northeast <br /> Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 8 a distance of 732.I� feet; <br /> thence northeasterly a distance of 781.3 Peet to a point on the East line <br /> o£ said Northe�st Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence southerly on said <br /> East Iine a distance of 272.0 feet to the point of beginning, conta.ining <br /> 2.29 acres, more or less, being the acreage hereby secured. <br /> Also a tract of land located in the South Half of the Southsrest <br /> Quarter of Section 4, Township 9 North, Range ll 41est of the 6tn P.M., Hall <br /> County, Nebraska, described as follo�as: <br /> Beginning at the south quarter corner of said Section I�; thence <br /> westerly on the South line of the South Half of the Southxest C!uarter of said <br /> Section Lt a distance of 210.3 feet; thence northeasterly on a 16,978.71� foot <br /> radius curve to the left (initial tangent of which forms an angle of 151� <br /> degrees 2!� minutes right fram the last described course produced} a distance <br /> of 234.1 feet to a point on the East line of said South HalP of the Southwest <br /> Quarter; thence souther]y on said Ea,st line a distance of 102.6 feet to the <br /> point of beginning, containing 0.25 acre, more or less, which includes 0.13 <br /> acre, more or less, previously oecupied as a public r.igtn,�ay, the remaining <br /> 0.12 �cre, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby secured. <br /> And, also, a tract of land 2ocated in Lots 1 and 2 in Section <br /> 4, Township 9 North, Range 11 '�lest of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br /> described a� follows: <br /> Beginning at the south quarter corner of said Section Lt; thence <br /> easter],q on the South line of said Section !� a diatance of 1,212.l� feet to a point <br /> on the southwesterly property line; thence southeasterly 60 degrees 11 minutes <br /> right and on said �outhwesterZy property Iine a distance of 516.1 feet to a <br /> point on the southeasterly property line; said southeasterlq property line <br /> being the centerline of the Platte River; thence northeasterly 90 degrees <br /> 00 minutes left and on said centerline a distance of 972.2 feet; thence <br /> continuing northeasterly OS degrees 09 minutes leYt and on said centerline <br /> a distance of ?97.9 feet; thence nartla�esterly 91� degrees !�8 minutes left <br /> and on the northea�terly property line a distance of 599.6 feet to a point <br /> on the East line of said Section 1�; thence nortnerly on said East line a dis- <br /> tance of 333•3 feet to the northeast corner oP said Lot 1; thence wester�y <br /> along the North line of said Lot 1 a distance of 393•9 feet; thence South- <br /> westerly 31 degrees O1� minntes left a distance ot 1,166.9 Peet to a point of <br /> curvature; thence continuing southwesterly on a 16,978.TL� foot radius eurve <br /> to the right (initial tangent oP which coincides xith the last described course <br /> . produced) a distance of 1,3?6.6 feet to a point on the West line of said I,ot <br /> 2; thence souther7,y along said West line a distar►ce of 102.6 feet to the point <br /> of beginning, containing 5�+.52 acres, more or l,ess, Which inclndes 3.93 acres, <br /> more or less, previously occupied as a pnblic highway, the remaining 50.59 <br /> acres, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby secured. <br /> , ���—i�� i <br /> b <br /> i , , <br /> � <br />