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92�- �.o��±�o <br /> applicablo Itw nuy specify Por relnsfatrmrnq before snk of�he Propeny pursuant to any power of salc eomained(n thls <br /> 8anrily inshumrnr,ot@)rn�ry of a Judgnxnt entorcfng this Sceurity Instmmmt. Thosc conditlons zrc�hat Borcowcr. (a) <br /> pnys f.ender all aums which then wouid ba duo under thls Security (ns�Nmem and �ho Note as If no accelemilon hnd <br /> occartuf;(b)eurcs any defpnit of any aher rnvcnanu or agrc.mcros;(c)pays all expenses incurced In enPorcing�his Securiiy <br /> � InstNmeol,intluding,but net ItmitW ro,reawnabla atromeys'fca; and (d) �akes such nclion ns Ler.der may rcesonably <br /> requiro to assuru thal Iha Ilen of Ihis Secudty Instrument,l.ender�dghts In�ho F'ropcny anJ Uorcowcrk obllgatlon to pay tho <br /> sums socured by thls Secuft�y tnsimment sh�li caminuo enchanged. Upon rcinsialemem by Uorcower, thls Securi�y <br /> ' L�strumenl and the oUligations secnnA hereby sM1atl remaln fully effective as if no accclere�lon had occuRCd. Nowever,ihts ,. <br />� dgLt toreinsln�o shall no�apply in ihu caso of accelera��i1o.n under pungraph 17. � <br /> �'/� �R V1 RVICj NIIIII�V YI fNPll a[I\It�lr a11V I�VIi VI i�Y4il�u�i¢iGlao�ii� iiM1 i v v\ivbr^:Li 4li:I:C::i S°vCni::l <br /> Tnswmeot3�y be sotd ono ot moco qmes wW�out pflor noiice to Bonvwer. A sato�nay result in a cFange in the enti�y _ <br /> pmovnt ns U�e"Loan Setvicei')ihat mllects ma�ui�[y paymeuq due acC,er Ne Note a�xl this Security[nstnuctnt. Trx[e also -. <br /> may Ge qne or moie dunQes o[�:e f.o2a Se�vtcer unreLUed to a s32e of tEe IYOte. lf U:erc Le a cteange o€&�r Lcn2n Servicer, _ <br /> liottower will bo given vrtiUxn mtice of�Re ch,mde ia arco[dsme uePa p,r..e,,u.r 1 l4 a6oce�.�arpli:.}'r.!aw. T6e cmice _ <br /> will�tatc du namo anA xdArcss of Qie nevr Lwn Seniccr h:r2��c a93ress co n?z�(3)-¢�M.S�M't�S C'C[i!.Y.j^. �'�.`IYYUC"+/•lII - <br /> . • AlsocomainanymhcrinfoRnadonnv�uindUyaFpZirnbleln�v. <br /> - " 20. 1lntnrdovs SaDslniices. Rorcower shali not cnuac o�pemu�the presence,use,disposa",m:ege,ar miease 6:n.n�� <br /> Haznrdous S��bs�r.nces on or in tha 1§operty. Tlonower shail not do, nor�ttow anyone clse ro do,nny�hing ntfceGng the = <br /> Propeity that is in violation of nny Envliommentel Law. 77ie pmceding Iwo sentences shai[noi apply to the presence,iur,o: _ <br /> sroragcon�he Propeny of smnil qunui�ies of Hnzn�dous Substancas�hat are genenlly recognized to M r.ppropriate w r,umrtal <br /> residentie.l usa nnd to mafinennntc ot the Property. <br /> Dorrowpt shA�l promptly g�ve Lender w`1¢en no�ico of nny invcsiigatlon.ctalm,demand,lawsui�ar o�her eaton by nny - <br /> govcmmcntal nr regulatory agency or pdva�c pany involvtng tho Propcny and nny Hazardous SWstanco or Cnvimnmcmal = <br /> I.nw of wMch Dorco�vcr has ncnud knowledgc. If 13ortoirer Ieams, or is notl0ed 6y any govcmmental or rcgulmory _ <br /> a�nhority,tLat.ny removnl or aher rcmc4ie�lon of any Hamrdous Snbs�ance nffeciing ihe Propeny is necesnry,Dorron•cr -. <br /> s6a11 promptly tnko nll naess�ry remalinl ac�fons in accordanco wiq�C•nviranmemal Lnw. __ <br /> As nsed In Ihls pamgr,ph 20,"H�z.rdous Substances"zru ihose xubsmnces defined as�oxtc ar hamMous subsiances by _ <br /> Gnvironmrninl t.nw and�he following subs�ances: gasoline,Aerosene,o�6er flamma6le or�oxic pctrolcum prodnas,toxic <br /> peetkldes and herblcides,voletlle solveNS, materials comaining nalxxtm or fnnnalAChyde..nd radioac�ive mnlerials. As _- <br /> uscd In ihls pangr�ph 1(1,"4'nv(ronmcmal Lnw"mcans fcdcral laws,nd laws of ihc Judsdk�ion whcro ihc Pro�r�y h loca�td =i <br /> �hal rclalo m hcalth,s�fety or cnvironmcmal proiwtlon. o+ <br /> NON•UNI�QRM COVfiNAN'fS. Iforcowcr nnd i.ender funhcr covcnant and ngrce n.followa: - <br /> 21, Acttleration�Remedks. l.ender shAO gire nciln to Rorrower pdor lo acnlerailon tollaxing Borrox�er's . <br /> b�ath of any corrnonl or agrament In this fiecurlly instrument(but not rior lo acceteratlon undrr paragrop6 17 _ <br /> ttlllKf ApnIICAbIC IPW(1f0YIA�S 01hCIWLSI'). ��C 7101IC2 6hp11 SJMCI(yt Ia)thc Srfnullt 16)thc nction requtrrd lo wrc lhe - <br /> �:laul:;(e)a d^.t.^,:+of:o;lh.n 3�ala�e from She"nte Ihe no!!;,Iven!o llcrro�r:r,4;��hlch ihf�^feRU m�s!!w =� <br /> curcilt and(d)INat fallnre lo cure the drtnutt on or Letore the dnte spccitled In t0e nottce muy resnit in nccelerntton o( �; <br /> the sun�s sre+�rrd by Ihls Securily Instrament nnd Fnle oi the Properly. Ttie notice shail further Inform Borro��er af <br /> l6c rigLt lo retnsipte ntter aceelcrotlon and thc righl!o Lring n court nNlon ro nssed It�c non•exBlencc af o defnull or <br /> nny olhrr defense ot Borrmrer lo nccelernllon nnd snie. If tiie defmdl is not wrnl on or betore�he date specitled fn - <br />- the nuttce,l.ender nt ils optton may requlre Imnudinte papment in Ntl otail sums secured by ihis Secudlp Inslrumenl <br /> �sitNout fur�her demend nnd mny Im•oke Ihc pox�er of sNe nnd nny othcr remrdies permiiled by applleablc le�r. �_� <br /> l.ender shall Le rn11tIM to colleci nll expenses innirrrd in pursuing the remeJies proddttl In thls pamgrnph 21, _ <br /> inclnding,hul not Ilmiteil lo,rensonnUie ntlorne��s`fees nnd costs of Iille e�idenca � <br /> If!he po}rer of snle Is fnvoked,'IYuslce sh:�ll record a notice of defnull ln cac6 counly in ehlch any purt of Ihe =. <br /> Ptoperty ts locnled nnJ shatl nmil mples of such na�lce in Ihe manner prescAbed by npplicabic Imr to Aorro�rer end to <br /> the o�her persons prescribrd Uy appllcable luw. Aher the�ime rcqulreJ Uy nppllca6ie law,7Yuslce shall gire pubiic :� <br /> notice oTsaie to Ihc prrsons end in Ihc menner presci•16ed by nppllcnhlelnw. 7Yustec,wlihnut demand an Dorrosrcr, '-' <br /> shnll se]I the Proprrly nt pu6ilc nuction lo the hlghest bidder nl the tlme nnd pince nnd under the terms designnte�i ln - <br /> the natice otaalc In une or mure parceis end In any order Truslee deiermines. 7}ustcc may poslpone sale of nil or tmy - <br /> parcel oTthe Property by publlc nr.nauncement al lhe Iime and pince ut nny prevlonsly scheduied sate. I.ender or IRc = <br /> designee may purchue thc Propeny al nny salc. _ <br /> llpon rtteipl of payment o�Ihe price bid,7}usfee sh�ll Aelirer fu We purchnsrr 7Yuslee's decd conreying the - <br /> Properly. The rttll�ts In Ihc'IYustce's decd shnll 6e prima fncle evidence of Ihe In�lh o(Ihe slatemenls mnde thercln. - <br /> 'hns[er ahall opply ihe procee<Is of Ihe ssle In Ihe folloxingarder. (a)to nll rnsts nnJ expenses of exrrcking ihe po�rer - <br /> Form yDSE 9,98 �N,���t��n�x�Sm - . <br /> .� <br /> �et --L7 Y( tl'1 4c ' �:4:�: . :i'.'iY'.vn�.. . . ;n°^ .:'r,�v"-+er'ra.�`+tTj'ff7" { _ � ! A��.I �� e . <br /> R . . . . - . � . t��.. <br /> ``�'t. ``:S . . _ ' _ _ _ . ... ' . _.._ . <br /> r��: � �{ ;;�. .. . . _ <br /> r3K(� --_ �r� -f r� - ` . <br /> `: <br /> s F j <br /> 11tr2}S�t�S _ � i . . } �� - _ . . <br /> fCldf✓ � - r� ���t�le� 1 . ..-� f �f I i - �_r �1 � M1i . r ij �yt <br /> i�i��� �Sr � r R�1 ( .,1 1i - 1i �1 f i/ .. �! �.:' �`5� . i� � s�� r t ; !�1'..-.: <br /> c { <br /> f- � - -�}�����f n �i. ( ' ' SiYi� S�t�l l . - �,. � � -. Ii 5 �1{�TI �� _ _ ' . <br /> �. Y��y�`r � �_' 1Y���A�� ��i - ri�t �r��c.:- VS ' i. i � . <br /> �itF�1��F� S tr ) i{,)/1 t � - _ _ . il . � . ��h.v�?i i . �.'tyr d,-: <br /> ��� ��y�}, � ��l��ry�71.��5a. �li _�+��);,/ '� -J�[ �.�4�;1.�'/�\ r�, Y w 1 /1 iS'-. <br /> �})}.��.� f} } � '�G t 'IF�\i�t� � s <br /> .��f W�3i t - t ,� f 75i#ri���i�1$}j�? t i r ... '.} � . . , �.�� <br /> . _.�'aF. .. . . ... : . , . �. .. . . <br />