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<br /> _ . _
<br /> WARRANTY D�D -
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THE3E PRESFNT3, That Ja�es A. Sartin and Larie I. Sartin,
<br /> husband and wife, eaah ia his and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> in consideration of Other Consideration and One and no/100-----------DOLLARS
<br /> in hand paid, do hereby grant, bargain, sell convey and aonYir� unto
<br /> A�rthur G. Daberkow snd liary F. DaberkoW, husband and wife,
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in coao�on; the f'ollowing described real
<br /> estate, situated in the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, to-Wit:
<br /> A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast �uarter
<br /> (ST�SE�) oP Section TWenty (20), Township Sleven (11) North, Range Nine (9)
<br /> West oP the Sixth P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described
<br /> as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the 3outheast corner of said Section Twent (20); thence Northerly
<br /> along and upon the East line of said S�ction Tventy (20}�, a distance of Siz
<br /> Hundred Twenty-Eight (628.0) Peet, to the Southeast corner of Bel Air Addition
<br /> to the City oP Grand Island, Nebraska; thenae Westerly along and upon the South
<br /> line oP Bel Air Addition a distance of One Hnndred Seventy-Five (175.0) feet to
<br /> the aetual place of beginning; thence continuing Westerl� along and upon the
<br /> South line of said Bel Air Addition, a distance of One Hundred Thirty (130.0)
<br /> feet; thence running Southerly and parallel to the Tast line oP said Section
<br /> Twenty (20), a distance oP Two Hundred Eighty-Eight and Pighty-Eight Hunclredths
<br /> (288.88) feet; thence running Taeterly along and upon a line Three Hundred Thirty-
<br /> Three (333.0) feet Northerly and parallel to the South line of said Section
<br /> Twenty (20), a distance of One Hundred Thirt� (130.0) f'eet; thenae rurming
<br /> Northerly parallel to the East line of sai8 Section Twenty .(20), a distance of
<br /> Two Hundred Ninety-One and Forty-Nine Eundredths (291.49) feet, to the actual
<br /> place of beginning and containing 0.866 acres more or leas
<br /> together with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurte�nces to the same
<br /> belonging, and all the estate, title, dower, right of hoaestead, claim or demand
<br /> whatsoever oP the said grantors, of, in or to the same, or any part thereof;
<br /> sub�ect to easement and right of way to the Westea�lT FiFteen (15) feet oP above
<br /> described tract of land, said easement and right oP way ri�ing parallel with
<br /> the Westerly line of above described tract of land, for the location, construe�iun
<br /> and maintenance oP public service utilitiea; �
<br /> and subject to the following conditions and restrictions, each and all of which
<br /> shall be and remain in full force and effect as covenanta rursiing with the land
<br /> Por the time hereinafter aet forth, naffiely:
<br /> (1) All divisions of the above described traat of land shall be lmovn and
<br /> described as residential building sites, hereinafter called lots. No apartment
<br /> house, duplea, or triplez ehall be built on any lot, no struature shall be
<br /> erected, altered, placed or per�itted to remain on anp lot other than one
<br /> detached dwelling not �to ezaeed two and one-half stories in height and a pri vate
<br /> garage for not more than three cars, and other secondary buildings incidental
<br /> to the residential use of the plot. -
<br /> (2) All frame buildings other than the main: structure shall have the same quality
<br /> of outside wall finish and rooP as that spproved for residence. No such building
<br /> can be made oP unsi�itly materials, or bozes or similar lumber.
<br /> (3) All buildings shall be placed a minimum oP forty (40) feet back from the
<br /> front lot line; and on the corner lot all buildinga shall be at least five (5)
<br /> Peet baek from the side street line. My detached etruCtttre shall be not less
<br /> than sixty (60) feet back from the front lot line and on the corner lot shall
<br /> not be less than Pive (5) feet from said side street line. .
<br /> (4) No building or dwelling house shall be moved into said tract of land and
<br /> placed upon a lot. No trailer, tent, garage, shack or other unsightly out-
<br /> building, on said tract oP land, shall be used as a dwelling at any time, nor
<br /> shall any structure of a temporary character be used as a residence.
<br /> (5) The ground Ploor areas of the sain structure ezelusive of open porches and
<br /> garages, shall not be lesa than 1100 square feet Por a one story house and not
<br /> less than 900 square feet for a one-and-a-half or two story house.
<br /> (6) No sod, earth, sand, gravel or trees shall be removed to the injury of the
<br /> value oF or appearance of any lot and no unuaed building naterial, junk or
<br /> rubbish shall be lePt eaposed on sa3,d lot ezcept during aetual building operation�
<br />