. � -
<br /> . . . .. ,:r.2 _.
<br /> . . •.. .. I . ..
<br /> 97-��Ua�O�O L�AN N0. 1 ti a t a t�o
<br /> , If Lor►dor exer�lses thls optlon,Le�der shall g!ve eorrowar noticc�of accolomtlon.Thn nntlr.�atbAll{�mvide n pnriv� � � s�_
<br /> ot not losa than 30 dnyo(rom tho dato tho notico Is dailvored �r rnn�lr;ci wtthin v�hich Aormwnr►nuat pns�r�ll numa nor.ured S
<br /> by thls SQCUrfty Instrumant.If 8orrower falis to pay these eums prlor to tho explratlon oi thin pnN�d, l.ondnr m�y Inv�ke I _
<br /> any remedlos perr�ltted by this Securtty Instrument wfthout fu►thor notic�or domand on t3orrov�nr.
<br /> 18.Boaow�r'�Riyht to Rslmtel�. If Botrower moeta r.eRnln condliEons,Bo►rowar ahnll Itipvo tho ri(�itit to hnvri . -`
<br /> entorcement d thls Security Instrument discontinu�d at enp timc�prlor to the earitc►r o!:(�)fi dnyn(car nur.l��thnr{�arlod
<br /> as sppllcable law may epecify for relnatetement)betore salE►of the Rraperty pursuant to any prny�r�f naln r.nrrialnt�d In
<br /> thls Sec�ariry Instr�ment;or(b)erttry of a Juciflment onfar�clnp thlA Socurlty Instrumont.71�oIIa conOtlinna nm iNat
<br /> Bwrower.(a) pays Lender all sums whlch then woutd be due undor thta Scacurtty Instrument anti th�+Nc�t�nn tt nn
<br /> acceleratlan had occurtai;(b)cures any detault af any othnr cavonants or agreemento;(a)pAyn Atl c�x�nnnc�n Inr.��rrAd
<br /> In enforcing this Sacu�iry instrument,►ncl�ding,huS not IlmltQd to,rea3.ma.We attomeya'tean;�nd(rJ)tak�in nuct�ar.11on
<br /> : as Lendor may reasona6ly require ta assure thet the Ilen d thls Securityr Instrument,l.or►d�r'u ri�htn In if��+I�mpc+rty snd '
<br /> Banawer's obllgation to pay the suma secured by ihia Sucur�ty inai►umern shall continue uncht�n��c�rL tJpnn
<br /> relnstetoment by Borrower,this Security Instrument ertd tha oWi�tlans secured heroby shell rc�main tuliy�ff�ctivc��a ff •
<br /> no accele�atlon had o�curred.However,this rt�ht tm rvlttat�tq shall not apply In the caoe o!accalt�r'�ftlon undAr .. •
<br /> paragraph 17. ., �
<br /> 1�.S�le ot Note;Change of Loan Serviaer. Tha Nato or a pertlal interest in the Noto(to�sthAr��td�thin seauriry
<br /> Instrument)may be sdd one or moro tlmes wfthout prtor rtatfce to Bonower.A sale may reauit In A chanpa in tl�a entity
<br /> (known as the'Loan Servicer)that collecta monthlv paymeitts due under the Note and thla 5acurity Intdn�men�There � �'.`-�`•� ^
<br /> � also may ba one or more changes of the L�xn Servir.er unretated to a salo o!tho Note.if thore lo a�}tini�E�o c�t tl�a Loan ,�
<br /> QH
<br /> SeNicer. Borrower will be given wrttt9n notice of tho change In accorc9ance with parepraph 1�1 abnve and npnflcable Iqw. _:�5�.+=�r=�
<br /> a The notice wUl state the nama and addross of the rtow Loan Servicer and the address to wf�ich ryaymonta oltould be �
<br /> rnado. The notice wlll also contaln any ather infcrrmatton raqatired by app!lcaWe law. �..�-�",,�`�=-
<br /> � 20.H�zaMous Substences. Borrower shall not cat[oe or permlt the presence,uso,diup�nal,�tor��c�,or rolease of ��*f;;;�,�
<br /> any Hazardous SubManc�s on or in tha PrdQerty.Borcovrar shsll not do,nor aliow r►nyons else ta dn,anythinp affecting ► � �
<br /> ttie Property that is in vldatlon af any Environmentrill Law.The preceding two sentances shafl not apufy 4o the presence, �{--
<br /> use,or starage on the Property of small quarttfttes of HazaMous Substances that aro gener�ally rscflgntzetl to bs ' .'� . '�
<br /> � appropriaioswr � d to malntarta�ce of the Property. � '�a
<br /> Bor I bl�PJ writton rtcttice oi eny invest(gatlon,claim,demand,lawault or oiher actfon by �,,
<br /> • any gov m �r, r prhrtito Frarty(nvdvlrtg the Property arxl any Hezerdoun 5tibtitance or
<br /> Environ � � a actttal krto�vledge. If Borrower leama,or ia noitfisd t�y any q�vommontel or
<br /> , ragulatory authority,that any removal ar other remedintton of any Hazardoua Substance aifectlnp the Property fs I
<br /> necessary,Borrower shall prompUytr�ke all necos�ry rsmadicl actlorss fn accorrlanco wlth Envlronmet�tal Law. l , �' �
<br /> ___ � As�sed in thts�►pt�raah 20.°�lazar�+cus Suh,startcss'a:e ti�ose substancea dafinod ae toxia ar hazardous � � '
<br /> substances by Environmental Lew and the fdlowlrt{�substences:gasdine,kerosone,other flammabf��r toxic �- 'T'; � �± ,�-� �
<br /> petrdeum prod�cta,toxic posticklna and hert:Icklets,vdatAe sdvents,matertals containinA aabaatt�a or formaidehyde, ° �`� �' '
<br /> and radioactive mateNala.As u�ed In tht�aarr�{�ruph 20,'Emrironmental LaW'rrtaans fede�l la��ro antl laws of ti�a T. °��' , �
<br /> Jurlsdictlon where the Property(s locatod that roluto to health,safery or envlronmeMat proi�ct(�n ,;:f, �' �
<br /> NON-UNlFORM COVENAf�IYS.Borrower and LendortuRher covenant arx!agT�ee ae foflotiv.v: �� ;t `�" ��
<br /> ' �.^;:; ..��
<br /> 21.Accelerstion;Remedlea.Lender shall ytve rt�tice to Borrower prior to�aaa9aretton 1t�ll�wing Bomarover's '!�d'� �
<br /> breach of any covan�nt or agreement In thin Security Inacrument(but not pMor to a000loi�atlo»under parayraph k ��` ` �
<br /> � 17 unl@ss eppllcablo lew providos othorwiooj.The notice ahs!!epealiy:(n)tho dotnult•(H) 4he mottan rsquked to '.�-
<br /> cure the defauft; (c)n date,not loas ttmn 30 duys from the dato tho notlao te yivan to i�orrower�by which the
<br /> defeutt muat be cursd;and(d)that falluro to cure the dofauit on or baforo tho dato upeclfiQd In th�notic�may ~ -
<br /> � resuft Iro accelerAtion of the aumo aecured by this Securit�o In�tn�mont end salo ot the Property.'Ru notice sludl ��'
<br /> „ fu�ther i�atorm Borrower ot 4he H�ht to nUiatets after acceferetton and the rt�ht ta bring�court�otlon to�ss�rt �` '�•,•��
<br /> ths non-existence of s detauft or my other detense ot BoROwer to eoaeleretlon and sal�.lf 41�v dohuit H not _ _�'-
<br /> � � cured on or before tt�e dato spacltlod In the nottce,Lander at Ns optlom may raqulra Immodlato paym�nt In tutl o! -���m==-�� _
<br /> sll sums sec�u�d by 2hls Secu�ity hiatrumoM wHhout turiher demand��d rr�y Invoke the po�v�r of at�end�ny �'"�r��
<br /> other remedie�permttted by�ppltaabl�Mw.Lender sh�ll t�e erttttlosi t�cott@st all expen:os Inewrad in pursuirr� '=P�,- -----
<br /> the remedies provided in thto parmgroiph 21�inaludtny,bui rtot Ilmttesi to,re�sonowl�attomeye'tees�nd cost�of ' �5�`""
<br /> '��-�'�-::��
<br /> ' :�,,� titicevidence. ,`..;.�,r_:= .
<br /> . ". It the powor oi sx�lo is invokod,TQUatoo shall reconi a narir�o!dmsauit in each county tn�vhicH any p�K of `'{' ""
<br /> !he Prop�rty I�loceted and shAll mAQ coptos of such noti�e in iho manner prescrlbed by sr�plic�ble law to "-�---. �'�
<br /> BoROwer�nd ta the other persona prgscribed by applicabfo law. Aitat the Ume roqulrai by eE�pilcable I�w. - `�_�_a,___�,_
<br /> � , `'�;i:� � Trustee siull yive publlc notice of ale to the parsom nnd In the m�nner proscribed by�pplicable law. Trustee� -�r;�o-:'�-*��
<br /> _ '�°����' without demand on Borrowor.shall sell the Prope�y�t pubfis euatlon to the htgliest bidd�r ut th�tims and place ' �� - ''
<br /> � ' end under the terms designatod tn the notice of ule tn ons o�more rcels and tn�ny ordor T'rustee dot�r,mtnaa. -;'�' : ��
<br /> Trustee�niy postpone seilo oi aii or�ny parcel of the P�operty by pu lic arenouncement at tho tims end pt�r�of ���.;,
<br /> any previously acheduted aale. Lendor or tta deslynee may purchlse ths Property et any enlo. „ � „
<br /> � � Upo�o recelpt oT peyment of tho prtce bid�Trustoe�h#il dollver to the purchas�r Trustoe'u s�eed aonveying ;,,�;; . .
<br />� :�'�,,, the Propeity. The rocRals In tho Truetee'�deed sha10 4g pr1m�facie evidence of the truth of 4he K�toment�made �;�;�.,:, .
<br />, � theretn. Trusteo ahsll�ppty tt�o praaeeda oi the�ale in th�tallowinp order:(a)4o all cons and expereses ot :.��
<br />° ISC/CMdTNE//0792j302a(a90)�l PA(3E 5 G."-8
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