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+�.. <br /> � <br /> � ,� .. .. <br /> :, �., ---_.._ . . <br /> .. . <br /> ,...e-•...y�... ... <br /> � ......._.... . , , ..-.• <br /> 9�.���a�'�� °,�}>. <br /> LOANNO. i� 5aaso •�� <br /> • All Insur�nco pollcles end renowals shall be acceptablo to Lendor and ohall Include e a2andard mortgafle clause. <br /> Lender eFuill have th�ripht lo ho�d tho po�lclos antl raneu��zls.If l.endpr roqulros, �orrower shail promptly�Ne to L�ender i <br /> stl receipis o1 paki premlums arid renerral nottcas.In the ovont of toss,Fiorrower shall glve RramFt notice to the <br /> Insurance carrler and Lender.Lender may maka praaf ot loss M not made promptly by Borrower. _" <br /> lJnless Lander end Borrowor othenxiso sgree In wrRing,Insu�nc�proceetls sh�ll tae eppllod to restaretlon nr repalr :� <br /> � of the Property damaged,It the restoretlon ar ropalr Is economlcatty faealhle and Lender's socurity Is not lessened.If the �,-�,_ <br /> , rostoratlon or r�palr Is not economf��lly�easltjtd or L,nndsr's sscurfty z•rauld hs lesaened,th�Ineurance proceeda ehatl , <br /> � be ap�illed 4o the sut�a�ccure�t�y this Sccurlty InRYr�ment,wheth�r o�not then due,vvlth any excess{�Id to Borrower. <br /> It 9onower abandons the PropoRy, ordoos not aryower wrRhln 30 days a notice?rotn I.ender that the Insurenee c:ar�fer ��. r <br /> or rest�oreedthe P•opeRy ior o tpay s ms secu od by hla Scjcurfty Ins,t u ent�,whet a eor ot then due rf he 30�iay pe�rlaf � <br /> will begin when the notice Is g(ven. <br /> Un!ess Lent+er erxl eorrower athenvise sgree In wrfting,any appilcatlon ot proceede to princlpmi shail not extend or <br /> � postpone the due date of the monthlypayments refeRed 4o I�p°►aQrephs 1 and 2 or�hange ths amount of the .,::_:`� <br /> payments. If under paragraph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender,Borrow+er's rlg7�t to any Insurance poll�les and ;,��,_ <br /> proceeds resuiting irom damage to the Prope�ty p►lor to the acquisltlon shall paes to�ender to the extent of tlie sums : ,,;�._:� <br /> sQCUred by thls 5ecurity Instrurnent Immedlately prior to the acqulsftlon. �.�y� <br /> � d.Occup�ncy�Praservstton,M�Intenanc�Nnd Protfctlon o1 th�propKty;BaROwtr's Lo�ry Applicatlon; — <br /> Leaseholds. Borrower Shall occupy,estsblish,arxl use ths Properry as Borrower's princlpal resldsnce w`thtn sixry days ___ <br /> after the exocutlon of thls Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Praperty as Borrower's pdncipal _ <br /> res{dence for at least one year after tho date of acct;pancy,unless Lender otherwise aflrees in wrfting,wh�h consent <br /> shall not be unreasanably wfthheld, or unless extenuatinfl cfrcumstancos exist whlch are beyond 9onower's contrd. _ _ _ <br /> � BaROwer shall not destroy,damage or Impalr ths Praperty,allowr the Property to deterlorat�,or comrnft waste on the _ <br /> Praperty.B�rrawer shall ba In def��lt N any to►tekure actlon ot prxeoding,whether civu or criminal,Is bepun tha.t In �_� <br /> Lendee's gc�ad fa�th Judgment could rese�lt in farfeiture of tlw Propetty or otherwlse mateNaily Impalr the Ilen created by ri;_: <br /> thls Security Inst�ument or Lender's secu�cy interest.Borroaver rt�y cure ouch a defauit and relnstate,as provkied In �,,:�. <br /> paragraph 18,by causing the action or proceodln�to be dismissed wfth a ruling that,In Lender's gaod talth �'' r�„�: <br /> � determination,ptedudes forfeRure ofthe Borrower's Interest In the Property ar othet materlal impalrrrtontof the Ilen �n;� _ <br /> created by this Security Instrument orLender's securiry Interest.Borrower shall elsa be in detault if BorPOwer,during the <br /> {� loan application proce�s,gave mater�lly ialse or Inaccurate Inforrnatlon or atatements to f snder gorti�flendOt lmfted to, �"� <br /> • Lender wfth any matert�l Infom�atlon�In connoctlon with the IQan evidenced by the iVote, ncludln , <br /> representations concerning Barrowers occupancy oithe Prv�erty as a principal resldence. If this Sece�rity Instrument is <br /> on a leasehdd,Borrower shall compty with all the provislons of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee tme to the Property, <br />-- - -- - ihs!sa_?h�!!+e!!ci tha fee dtle shall not rnerga unless LervJer agre9s to the merger In writing. .: <br /> ' � 7.Protection of Lender'�RIyhU in th�Property. It Borrower fails to pertorm the covenants and agreements ��� � f� <br /> I contalnad in this Security Instrument,or thera Is a legal proceeding that may&IgnN(cantly affect Lendet's rights in the .�.. ��_ � <br /> ' Pr o p e r t y(s u c h e s a p r o c e e d i n g I n b a n k r u p t c y,p r o b a t e,for conderiii�atlan orfa�fsiture or to enf�celaweo� : <br /> z regulations),then Lender may do aM pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of t h e P�opertal e n d L e n d e r's f�._ ,�.• ,. <br /> • # ri phts In the P�op�rty.Lender's actlons may indude paying any sums secured by a Ilen which has prloriry over this v;! f: <br /> n reasona b le a ttomeys'fees a n d e n t e r i n g o n t h e P ro p a r t y t o m a k a �` " �• <br /> Security Instrumeni,appearing In court.payi g ' <br /> ' , . � repalrs.Although Le n der may take a�lon u n der t h ls pa�;,rep h 7,Lender does not have to do so. �� _ � <br /> Any amounts disbu�sed by Lender under this paragro�ph 7 shall become addftional debt of Borroweraecured by ;: <br /> • this SecuHty Inst►ument.Untess Borrower and Lender egree to other terms of payment,these amounts shalt bear <br /> ' � inierest nom the dAte of dlsbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,wfth interest,upon notice from Lender to . <br /> . Borrower requosting payment �� <br /> ' e.MoRys9e ln�urence. If Lender required mortgage Insurance as a corxiftlon of making the loan secured by thlo ��'• �,��. <br /> � � '� Security Instrument,Borrower shall pay the premlums roqulred to malntatn the mortgage Insurance in effeCt.If,for sny �:-- <br /> * reason,the mortgage insurance cuveraya requfred by Lender lapses w ceases to be In effect,BoROwer shall pay the �; <br /> premiums requfre�d to obtain covera4e subst�nttally equlvalent to the mangage Insurance prevbusly In effect,at a cost �. _ <br /> _¢ ; substantlaEly equhralent to the cos1:to Borro�.v�er o(the mortgage tnsu�ance prevlously in affect,from an ekemate _-_ <br /> - __ j, mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. If sub�tarrtlally equlvatent mQ►tgage Insurance coverage Is not avapable, �""" _ <br /> sorrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelith of the yeady mortgage insurance preml�m being �#f<< <br /> . c� , �"'.,_.__... <br /> pald by Borrower when the tnsurance coverage lapsed or cc►ased to be in ettec�Leruior wlll acce�.st,usesnd retaln these �.�r�;� <br /> � ' pnymonts ae s loss reserve in Ileu d mortgage Insurance.Loss reserve payments ma no lon ar be r uired at the <br /> y eq , `���-�:_- <br /> .?,�<-- <br /> - , optlon af Leruler,ff mortgago Inaurance coverage(in the amount and for the periods that Ls er requirea) provlded by ^_ <br /> ' � an Insurer a pproved by Lend�r agah�becomes avallsble and Is o b t a i n e d. B o r r o w e r shall p a y the premiums requlred to .��,.�.�--�� <br /> ' t.z.���^�vrr <br /> matntaln mortga e Insuranco in effact. or to prov i de a loss r o s e rv e,u n t i l t h e r e q u l r e m e n t f o r m o r t g a g e I n s u r a n c e ends ;�;,, �y,,y,.�,,;, <br /> g �. ,�,:K`•�." <br />� in accardance with any written agreement between Borrower and Lender or applica�le law. . .,,`,: .� :�� <br /> 'e. Inspection. Lentler or fts agent may make reasonable entries upon and I�spectlons of the Property. Lender ; .;;t 7t•., - <br /> sha I give Borrower notice at'the tirne af or prior to an Inspection specliylnr�reasonable cause for the inspectic�n. : . - <br /> � FORM 3025 9/90 . ''� � <br />- NEBAASKA-SINQLE FAM14Y-�NMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INBTRUMENT .;'�,'� <br /> �''`� _ . 18C/CMDTNE//0792/3028(�90)•L PACiE 3 OF 8 ,. , <br /> ,� . <br /> ...-. -i., <br />- � r�. <br /> - • �i; <br />_ _, ;�°, <br /> --.-. _.. _, _ � -_.:._=._T._I,,._ <br /> � . <br />_ � <br /> � <br />,, � <br /> a � - <br />- . . t� <br /> , - �__ <br /> _' <br />