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,�Arranty Deed F-215 (3) R-9b Tracts 27 and 29 <br /> KNOW t1I,L M�11T F3Y TIi'sSE PA�St3dT5: <br /> TH�'iT tiYe, Nenry F. Scheel; Evelyn E. Wixson; Louis D. Scheel, F?olders of Intei <br /> Mabel J. Scheel, wife of Henry F. Screel; Floyd A. �lixson, husbanu� of Evelyn <br /> �Jixson; Josephine Scheel, wife of Louis D. Scheel r <br /> of the County ef and State �f for and in cc+nsideratinn <br /> of the suri of Two Thousand One Hundred Sixty-one anc! 00�1� --($2,1d1.00}DOLL�'�FtS <br /> in hand paid do hereb� grant, bargain, seil, c�nvey and cnniizm unto THE ST�1TE <br /> � � �iOF NEBRASKA the following described real estate situated in �all <br /> .��, � � <br /> : � <br /> ' County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit: <br /> A tract of land located in part of the Northeast quarter of the hortheast Quarter <br /> of Sectiun 1, Township 10 North, Range 1� �:yest of the bth P.;,�., Hall Counjy, Nebraska, describE <br /> as foilov�s: <br /> Beginning at the northeast co�n�r of said Section 1; thence westerly on the North <br /> �line of the Northeast t�uarter o` the Northeast �uarter of said Section 1 a distance of 157.0 <br /> fee•�; thence southerly a di7tance of 191.0 feet to a point on the South propert» 1ine; thence <br /> easteriy on said Sout}� property line a dis+ance of I57.0 feet to a point on the �ast line of <br /> said �oftheast �uarter of the �vort��east Quarter; thence northerly on sai�� East line a di;tance <br /> of 191.0 feet to the point of beginn`ng, contai�ing 0.69 acre, �nore or less, �Nhic� includes <br /> 0.14 ar,re, Tore or less, previously occunied as a �ublic t�igh►aay, the re�na�n�na o.55 acre, <br /> more or less, being the additional acreage he�ehv secured. <br /> � F There will be no 3ng:�ss or eqres� over the above descrined tract onto the remaining <br /> lan„ o. the g�antor eYcept ovsr one field ent*ance not to exceed 2(? feet in !�idt'r. to provide <br /> for the Tova�=nt of far-nina imp L ments and crops so long as it is used consistent with norrnal <br /> far�ing operations or the owner, the centerline o,`. which is to `�e Ioca�ed 1-.� feet s^utheriy <br /> from the Nor�ci� line of said `dortheast Quarter o� the Kort?�ea,t Quarter as ;neasured along the <br /> centerline of theh;c�w�a��. <br /> Also, a tract.o` land located in the Eas� �alf of the Southea�t ��art�r of Se�tion <br /> 36, To+vn�hip 11 ?�'ortl�, R�nge 10 ;'dest of the 6th P.'N., Iiall County, '�e7raska, �es�rioe^1 as <br /> f o 11 o�vs: <br /> Beginn�no at the southeast corner of said Sect�on 36; thence northerly on the <br /> East l�ne of the East Half of the Southeast Ouarter of sai� Section 36 a di�tance ot 2,519.7 <br /> feet to the nort'neast corner of sai�� �ast 3�a1` ot the Southeast �uarter; thence �vesterly on <br /> the I��orth Iine of said cas± Half of the Southeast �uarter a distance o` 118.7 feet; thence <br /> sovtherly a distance of 2,519.4 feet io a oo?nt cn the Sou±h line of said East i�alf of the <br /> Sou±heast ��uarter; thence ea�t�rly on said South linQ a distance of ?57.0 feet to the point <br /> of beginn=na, 8.29 acres, more or lass, •rvhich ircl�des 0.9' acr�, more or less, <br /> previous'y occupied as a public highway, the remain�ng 7.32 acres, more or less, being the <br /> additional acrea�e hereby secured. <br /> There will be no ingres� or eoress o��er the above described tract onto the re�aininq <br /> land of thegrantor exc�nt over one f??1� entrance noi to exceed 20 feet in width to provide <br /> for t�e movement o` farmino imol�ments and croos so long as it is used consistent wit}; nor�nal <br /> farmin� operati.ons o� the otivner, the centerline of which is to be Iocated 2,5 13.6 feet northerl� <br /> from the Soutn Iine of sai:l �ast Half of the Sou±�east Quarter as �neasured along t�e cen�erline <br /> of the highway and e-�ce�t over the exist-ng County "oad extending westerly across the soutnerly <br /> portion of said East Half of the Sovtheast �",��uarter. <br /> Also, a tract of land located in the Southwe�t Qua*tPr of Section 32� Township 11 <br /> Nort�, Range 9 rlest of t�e bth ?.'+., Hall County, tlebraska, descri�e�1 as follows: <br /> Beginnino at the west auarter corner of said Section 32; thence east�rly on the North <br /> line of the Southwest !�uarter of said Section 32 a distance of 31.7 fe�t; thence southerly <br /> a distance of 2,286.1 feet to a point on the South property line; thence cvesterlv along said <br /> Soutl� property line a distanc= of 50.9 feet to a point on the "lest line of 5aid South�vest C�uarte <br /> thence nort}�erly on said 'Nest line a distance of 2,309.4 feet to the po;nt of beginning, con- <br /> taining 2.05 acres, more or less, w?�ic� inclu�?es 1.(?6 acres, ^�ore or less, previously occupied <br /> as a pub2ic highway, the remain�ng 0.?9 acre, more or less, being the additional acreage hereby <br /> secured. <br /> There will be no inor�ss or egress over the above describ?d tract onto ±he rema�ning <br /> land of the grantor exce�t over one field entrance not to exce�d 20 fe�t in w�dth to orovide <br /> for the movement o` farminq im�l?�en=s and crops so long as it is used consis±ent u,ith normal <br /> farming onerati.ons of the o�aner, the centerline of wr�ch is to be located 2,108.8 fe�t southerly <br /> from the North Iine of said Southwest ^uarter as measured along the centerline of the ?�ighway. <br /> Alsq a tract of land located in Lot 1, in Section 31, To�vns?�io 11 l�orth, Range 9 <br /> '-"�est of the 6th F.��,, Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the northwest corne� of said Se-tion 31; thence eastPrly on the North <br /> line of said Section 3? a distance of 66.0 feet to the northeast corner of said Section 31; <br /> / <br />