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,S�tarranty Deed <br /> KNOW t1I,L P�N iiY TH�SE PR�S'r�lTS: F-215 (3� R-9b Tract 14 <br /> THAT �Ne, Claus Clausen and Minnie Clausen, husband and wife <br /> of the County of Hall and State rf Nebraska for and in c�nsideratinn <br /> of the sum afNine Hundred Twerty-four and 10�1�� ------($924.10) --------DOLL�'�ItS <br /> in hand paid do hereby grant� bargain� sell, c�nvey and c�niirm unto TI� ST�1TE <br /> 0� NEBRASKA the following describeci real estate situated in Y:all <br /> County, and State of Nebras�a, ta-wit: <br /> A tract of land located in the �riest Half of the !":est <br /> Half of the Soutrwest QuarfiE�r and accretion land th�reto, in <br /> $ection 17, TovrnsF�p i� Ttorth� Ranoe ° lNest of the 6th �.",�., <br /> Hail County, I�ebraska, descr�bed as follows: <br /> Begirn�ng at the we�t quarter of sai^ Section <br /> 1?; t?-ence scutheriy on the '.":est l�ne of the Plest Half of the <br /> :`lest Nalf of t�e Southwest ^uart�r of saic' �Pction 17 a di-;ancc <br /> of 2,586.� feet te the soutrwest property corner; thence seutheaster�y <br /> alona tre South propexbj line a distance of 112.(' feet; thence <br /> nort}-•Prly a distance of 2,649.E feet to a po:nt on tY�e r?ori�h line <br /> of said 'tdest Half of ±he '.."lest Etalf of the Southv�e=t �uarter; thence <br /> west�xly or, said North line a distar,ce of 66.� feet to t}�e po_r.t <br /> of bea', conta�.r�no, 4.79 acres, more or less, wh:ch �nc2udes <br /> 1.�0 acres, more or less, pre�:icusly occupied as a �ublic riohway, <br /> tre rer*aining 2.99 acres, ^'OTP or less, be�ng the additional <br /> acreage hereby secured. <br /> And, also, a tract of land located in part of the <br /> ��lor±hwest Cuart�r of S�ction 17, Tovrnshio 1�� hortF, Range 9 <br /> `�^�est of the 6th P.M., �all County, Nebraska, described as follo�-as: <br /> Beginning at the nortt��,vest corner of said Section 17; <br /> tr:ence south�rly on the '.Ve�t line of the "orthwest C%uartPr of said <br /> SPctior li a distance of 2,663.� feet to the southwest of <br /> sa;c P1crj_hwest Quarter; t��ence easterly on the South line of said <br /> Pd;rtt•vJest Ctuarter a distarce of 66.8 feet; thence r.ortherly a <br /> d:,:tanc^ of 1,2�7.E fPP.t t0 a point 57.5 feet easteriy fror� said <br /> 'fdest Iine; trence easterly a d;�tance of 3�.� feet to a po�rt <br /> 3�.5 f��t easteriv fror� said -'le�t line; thence northerlv a di=tance <br /> of 60(`.(; f�et to a po?nt �7.6 feet easterly fro~� said ltiest 1?ne; <br /> thence westerlv a distance of 44.6 fPet to a po�nt 33.C' fPet <br /> eas':er?y frcro sai•3 '!les+ line, said poir.t beino or, the easterly <br /> old }�;qrrvav r�ght of wav line; trence rorth�rly on a line 33.f% <br /> feet easteriy from and para].lel to said �uest l�ne and or. said <br /> old h���hwav ricrt of wa�� 1?re a distance of 3Ql.t% feet; thence <br /> easte�l�• a di=tance of 2o.� feet +o a pcirt 6�.P feet <br /> from N1est line; thence r.ortherly a di�tanc� of 396.0 feet <br /> to a point or th� North line of sai^ j�O�thw�st ��uarter; tr e�ce <br /> westerlv on sair �ortF� l-ne a dist-nce of 63.� feet to the poi.nt <br /> of be�i.nn�ng, conta�ninn 3.?4 acres, more or less, wF�.c?� inciudes <br /> 2.C4 acres, more or less, previously occupied as a public highway, <br /> the rernainina 1.70 acres, more or less, be;ng the additional <br /> acreage herebv secured. <br /> , <br /> There will be no incress or egress over the above <br /> described tracts onto the remaining lanr. of th.e grantor except <br /> over one fie2a entrance not to exceed 20 feet in �+�idth to provide <br /> for tre move!�ent of farmino i^�plements and crops so long as it <br /> is used consistent witt• r:DZmal farmino o�erations of the owner, <br /> the centerline of wh�c�- is to be located I,839.4 feet southeriy �, � � <br /> I ' ' <br />