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EXHIBIT ��A�� 2 012 0 0 4 2 7 <br />A trgct of laad in the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast QuArter (NWl/4 SEl/4) of Sectioa <br />Twenty Foar (24), in Towns6ip Eieven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Aall County, <br />Nebraska and more particularty described as follo�vs; Beginning at a point on t6e North right of way l�ne <br />of the Union Paclfic Railroad Company, said point being loca�ted '13.0 feet northeasterly irom the <br />intersectfon of said nort6 rig6t of way line and the North-Sout� one-half sec�ion line through said Sect'son <br />Tweaty Rour (24); rnnning thence North parallel wit6 the said North-South oae-half sectian line a <br />distance uP 223.0 feet; �uaaing thence northeasterly parallel �rith tbe said North right of �vAy of the Union <br />Pacifie Rs�ilroad Company, a distance af 63 [eet to the actual point of beginnBng; running thence <br />northeasterly paralfel with the nortri rig�t of way line of the Uaion Pacifc Railroad Company a distance <br />of 200 feet; ranning thence southeasterly a distance of 2Q0 feet to a point on the north right of way line of <br />saia Ratrroaa company; tdcncc sout6westerly along and upan the said north right of way llne of said <br />Railroad compaay � distance of �00 feet; ranuing thence nortLwesterly a distance of 200 Seet to the <br />acival poiut of begtnning <br />