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<br /> . NA1LL COUNZ'Y - FY�L� IN RISAL PSTA'PF HF�URA� � ��%.�n�o�c�N�a�
<br />-� -----�---- M.a��tar/�an�C��ra�r
<br /> ..� I.o�ti N9. �t�� n�.:6�,d,_��.�._.. C.��.� ��aA�r�w�vti ,
<br /> .�.__ .
<br /> �, ,.� This 9tAt�m�nt Is preaented to a fiting otticer for(Iling purauant to the Uni��o�m C�mmercial Code, and '.�.
<br />_ _. . raters to arlginal Financing 5tatemer�t and Sacurlty Aqreement,
<br /> :''�`�' No, 95-1o53ab d�ted-•r,������ �aAS , uAi, Co�tnty. �
<br /> Nebraska , F��Ep: Auguet 10. 1995 +�� 3�34 P•��
<br /> �.
<br /> -��.�s�
<br /> Debto�(s) Seoured Pany and Addre�s Filing Data -��
<br /> ' HARGENS, Ronald G. N�6raaka Branch Offiae �;,_
<br /> & Laura J. h&w Agricutturai l�vesZnnents "�
<br />- �,:..
<br />-, �. . 2133 No 1�Oth Rd. Meteopolitarr Ufe Insuranae Compa�y ^�
<br /> � - cairo, NE b�az� 2550�lorifi f9iers Avenue ��±r
<br /> f
<br /> P. �. �ox 15� �'�`'
<br /> Qr�nd Island, Nebraska 888Q2-01 S9
<br /> , o _ �,�..:
<br />- .;'`;��`.;r� � . ���s
<br />-�. � � 5J�'�� � � T�rminetion Slater�ent Tt�e Metropolltan Ufe Insurance Company, secur�d party named herein, �±=:_
<br />��"� '��•°�? certifies that they�m longer clatm a security interest under the F3nancing Statament and Seaurlty `
<br /> 45� �'�' " ' Agreement bearing the flle number�hown above, described as" �`--
<br /> .,'�.;��11,�,'i.;�� �
<br />-� '.�`�.(�. ',.�.
<br />:,�:�``'.r':y;.�.�Yi `�•
<br /> �•(.1��.%! ��r�.�.
<br />_���L;��s,".M�T;,� ❑ Conttnuatlon S�atement:T'he a�i tnal Fie�a�cin Statement and Secu�i A reement between the
<br />��s:;r>:�,;,.<: . 9 9 ty 9 �!y_-
<br /> .�,:.�;�-.��}�. foregoing�ebtor(s) and Me'�o�,olitan Lite insurance Com �n , t�e�ecucad Pa named herein, �"-
<br />��..crtSr'':;..;;;.. � p Y nY
<br /> �.;;�?r.�.. �;.:. bearing t9�� flle number shawo� �P�ove, is still ettectivo. and described as" -_
<br /> _m.,-:�7��,�i --
<br />�;:�z.:�� -
<br /> =�� . _-
<br /> - - ��,� G7 Pa�tlal Relea�e: From t�e cotlateral described tn the Financing Statam�nt and Secur(bj Agreement -
<br />—�:::�:�� bearing the tile number shown above.the MeVopolitan Ufe Insurance Company� th�Sec�tred Party �"
<br /> =W'_�:_s� named herein, �eloases the tollow(ng* `�-
<br />—_ ��,�,�
<br />`�'°-""'�`- • p tract of ltind comprising e, part of the South Hal� o£ 3ection Sixteen, Townahlp
<br /> -�-�-�1� � Twelve North, Range Eleven West of the 6th P.M., Hall Co�unty, Nebraeka and �aore =
<br /> -- _�='� particttlarly deearibed �a followe:
<br /> = All of the southerly Forty-five feet of the Eaat Half of the Southeast Quarter
<br />