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<br /> 17.TrnnsPer of the C'roperty or n Hencffciul Interest in IlarrowPr.If nll nr any pun of t�c Prupc�ty ur uny mtcrest in it
<br /> is sold or transferred(or if a bcneficiul intcrest in Bormwcr is ,old or transfcrrcd an�! Bnrn�wcr i�, nut a n�uural pcnuis)withaut ,
<br /> L.endcr's prior wriucn con�ent, Lcndcr muy, at its option. rcquire immediatc payment i�t (ull of all +umy +crur�d hy this
<br /> . Securily Instrument.Ho�aeti�cr.this i�rtinn tihall nnt be excrcised by Lender if exerri�c is prohihitcd hy 1'edcral law ;u��f the Jate .
<br /> of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> ' If L.ender exesciu�s this option. Lender shall give Borruwer notice of accelerution. "fhe nrniceP I�dl pruvide a peri�xl ut'not
<br /> ����„�;- less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivereci ar maileci within which E3o�ruwer must � all �unts ��cured hy thiti
<br /> , „�;, Security Instrument.lf Borroaer fails to pay these sums prior ro the expiration c�f this period,Lender may invoke any remedicti
<br /> pern»tted by this Security[nstrument without further not�ce or demand cin Borrawer. `;•
<br /> 18. Borro�ver's Right to Reinstute. If Borrower meets certuin conditions. &xrvwer tihall have the right w have � :.;
<br /> enforcement af this Security lnstrument discontinued a[any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 dirys (or tiuch other perioJ as :,,•;;
<br /> applicable law may specify far reinstatemenq before sale of the Progeny pursu�snt ro any power of..ilc cunwincd in this ,}..,.,
<br /> �__=
<br /> Security Instrumenr or (b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security lnswment. Thuse conditions are thut Borrower:(a) pays . �.�,-_,
<br /> Lender all sums wnich then would be due under this Securiry Instntment and the Note as if no acceleration hud occurred: (b) � �%:,��cir"
<br /> � cures any default of aroy other covenants or agreements; (c) pays xll expenses incurred in enforcing this Security[nstrument. • '"�
<br /> • including, but not limited to,reasonable a[torneys' fees;and (d) takes sach action ati L.ender may reasonably reqwre to assure _:R..r"
<br /> � . ,�j, ' that the lien of this Security lnstrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Bo!rower's obligation to pay the sums secureii by .+,_.
<br /> .°., ,:.,_�� �,� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunry Instrument and the ��_
<br /> obligutions securell hereby shalt remain fully effective as if no xcceler.ttion had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shaQ _
<br /> �' not apply in the caseof acceleration under paragraph 17• ;:R_
<br /> ••, � 19. Sule of Note; Chan�e of Loan Servtcer. The Nute or a panial interest in the Note(together with this Securiry _-
<br /> • InstrumenU may be sold one or more times without prior noticc to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known ''"�<";�.Q
<br /> • as the"L.oan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There ulso may be one _
<br /> or more cht�nges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change oF the Laan Servicer,Borrower will be _��� _
<br /> "..•` given writtcn noticeof the change in accordanr.e with paragraph lA ubovc and applicabla latv.The notice will state the name and °` �G�_
<br /> • address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which papuu�:nts should be made. The notice will also contain any other _ -
<br /> • • information requir�d by applicable law.
<br /> 20. Hazartlnuc Svbstances. Bnrrowcr shall not cause or permit the presence, use, dispo�l, storage, or release of any ___
<br /> > ,. j Hazardous Subst�nces on or in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to du, anything affecting the _ _Y==
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. Thc preceding two scntences shall not apply to thc presence,use,or �._-_
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances t hat are generally rec�gnized to be a p propriate to normal =__ __,_
<br /> � res�uenciai uses andw mai��ic�ivace a�t�c PraF:.r:,. `�'°'°�°�
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender�vrine�� notice of any irvestigation, claim, demand. I�wsuit or c+ther actiun by an}� _
<br />-- govemmentul or regulatory ngency or private party involving the Property and any Harardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br />' ' c, of which Borrower has uctuul knowledge. If Borro���er learns,or is notified by any govcmmental or regulatory authority,that
<br /> --. � . any removal or other r�mediution of any Hazardous Substanre affecting the Property is nccessary.BorroH•er shal l promptly take
<br />-� � all necessary remedi�l actions in accordance with Environment�d l.aw. �
<br /> As us� in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substnnces by
<br />�,:_,.; .. Environmental La�v and the followmg substances: gasoline. kerosene, othe� flammuble or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br />_ ', . pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formalde6yde, and radioactive muterials. As used in
<br /> �;.. , , this paragraph 20,'Environmental Law" means fcderal laws and laws of the jurisdiction whcsm the Propeny is located that
<br />�__ .r relate ta health, safcry or environmental protection.
<br /> � � NON-UN[FORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agrec as faliows: ___
<br /> � �`' 2L.Acceleratton:Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to ucceleration following I3orrower's breach
<br /> - �� � of any covenunt ar agreement in this Securit,r� Instniment (but not prtor to aceeteration under para�caph 17 unless
<br />;.,;��.,..,,.�.,,;,:.'_; appUcabie luw provid�otherw•ise).The notice��sll spzcify: (n) the default; (b)the action receuicr@¢o cure the deteuli;
<br /> �;:.:;.,,� :;;;: (c)3 date,not less thun 30 duys from the date 2he nottce is given to Borrower, by whfch the defa��+2 mu�t be cuced;and
<br /> __ - ,...^�, (d) thuQ i'ailure to cutr the defaolt on or betore the dmie speclfied In the nottce may result In acceleration of the sums
<br />�-��`� • secureol lby this Security Instrument and sale of tl�e Pre��e�ty.The notice shull further inform Borrower �of thP right to
<br /> ' reinstate after aaeleratfon and the rigt►t to bring u covrt actlon to assert the non-existence of a default or nny other
<br />� �W W+ defense of Borr+on�er to acceleratton and sale.If the de!'nult is not cured on or before the date speclCed In the notice,
<br /> = -�� � � Lertder, at its optfon,may rcyuirc Immediete�ayment in full of all sums secnred by thEs Security Instrument without -
<br /> =_;:.c�;��;�`�•. further demand end muy invoke 3he pow�cr of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicuble law, Lender shnll be
<br /> - .•".;_ ::�' entitled to collec:nll expenses incurred in pu►�uing the�r.re�ed[es provlded in this pan+�;rnph 21, including. but not�imiteci
<br /> ..��`�`�'�: :' to, rcrasonable attameSs' fces and xosts of titleevid�nce. _
<br /> � ""`� Sf the po�ver of sale is invo7ced, Trustce shall record a not[ce of default in ear�coanty In which any p�rt ot'the _____
<br /> P!�-• Property is located und shall mail copies of sush r.otice in the manner prescribed by applicable Iaw tn Bomower and to =
<br /> � ' •.4;. the othcr persons prescribed 6y applicahle G�,a�.Aftcr the tlme required by app�icpble law,Trustee shall give publle nottcr _
<br /> .� • af sale to the persons und in the reianner prescriG:d by�ppl[cable taw•. Trustee. without demand on Boero�►•er,sliull sell ��
<br /> the Pcoperty at public auctton t�o Rhr hlghest btdder at thc time and place c+nd undcr the t�rms desi�nated in the noticc of —i,��
<br /> � sale in one or more parcels and 3n Aaiy order Trustoe determines. Trustee may post�►ne sale of all or uny p�rcel of the ���:_
<br /> I'roperty by publie announcement at the time �naA place of any pmvfouslv scheduled sale.Lender or it_w d�ignee muy .--
<br /> purchase the Proper2y at nny sale. "•���m
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