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<br /> �� �-- FARM HOtv�ESTEAD PROTECTION ACf .� 10�0��
<br /> 4� WAIVER AND DISCLAIIu�R 9� -_
<br /> in accordencc wid►��d Franas Jf tQ�ed 8 husband and vi��t pn'or to executi g he attached �
<br /> • e;=
<br /> . �. undetsigncd,]crry L.Quari B --
<br /> �'� Mortgago ar Trust Deed dated Apri1 18,1997 by sn d b otween t h e u n d c r s i g n e d a n d N o c west Ba �-
<br /> " Nebraslca,N.A.(hereinatter referred to es"Mortgage or Trust Dceci")h�rdrY���d acknowledge: _
<br /> � j�� DISCLAlMER �
<br /> �. � 1. That no part of the hamestead of theundersigned no��e��y b�1�n���t��
<br /> . on the following described ceal es1ate(hereiaNt3tn Parcci l: ,
<br /> � '� designated as a bomestead presently locatecl ugo
<br /> '�� N1A
<br /> 2. The un@ersigned acknowled�e tltnt whi��ihe Mott��►�e or'Trust De�ed remains w►satisfied end
<br /> .�`'"�'
<br /> ;�, .�...' a lien on Parai 1,thcy st�all hava no dghi hre�eot�y or in the future to meke a�esignation of homesuad
<br />� on Paroel 1,including without limitatian, in tliaavent of a foreclosurc;art�stee's sale under the MoMgage _
<br />- • or Ttust Deed.
<br />;1,-� �:_ .,1_ �
<br /> �- ;°: ' 3. The undersigned acknowiodgo th�t if�conuary to this Di�sci�m���aYllen u�DOn Parcel l�cy
<br /> ..``` `•�'`,: - an Pa.roel 1 during ths time the iviorigago vi Trw. Bc.;.1 re:nsin-i.n---..
<br /> �.;::�� .. , shaU have no dght ta make a designadan of homestead in tho cvent of afoacclaswe or Wstee's sale undar
<br /> :;,'���::�,�;' the Mortgage or Trnst Dad.
<br />�r::_•�t4..'.--
<br /> -'�'�-�;°�`' b. The iusdarsigned state that thio acknowledgmant is their knowing and voluntary act and dced
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<br /> -°p`�.� and constitutes a wrltten discleimer and acknsrnledginent undar tha Ncbmska Farm Homcstead Froter.tion
<br />�.��...��.; ri t ta desl to a hamestead in the event of default
<br />— _°=�_:; Act end the undersigned do hereby disClalm ciny Bb �
<br />-_��:-�1..� upon such Mortgage or Tn�st Dced or ln tho event of a foxeclosure or tmstec'R sale under tho Iv�ortgage or
<br /> . . .?-�
<br /> �.�-�.;��� Ttust Deed.
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<br />—���,:,� 5. The undersigncd ftuiher undatstand and agroe that thls acimowledg)nEnt and Disclaimer shall
<br /> —=---- be filed as a Prcface to and bec�me a part of ttro Mortgage or Trust Dcad.
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