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<br /> Lender to protect the aQCUrity o1 the Note;(c)the performanCe of ell covenents and n{;r�amqntu ot Truolor 3ot IGrth horoln;end(d)nll ��� �
<br /> preaent and luture lndobtedness end obHgatlons of 8orrowev(or eny o}thom i4 morar tftnn vrsr�)to L�ndor v�hother dlraat,Indlreof,
<br /> ebsolute or contln�e�t and whether arlafng by note, guaranry,overclreft or otherwlae.Th�e Nntq,thl�DoQd o1 Truet and ony nnv nil 's �
<br /> � other docuente that�ecure the Note or othenvlse executed In connection therewfth,Includitt�wNhaut Ilmltatlon guarentooa,oaaurlty ,� ,.
<br /> , a��eements and asetpnments of leases ond rente,shell be referred tar hereln ae the "L�An Inqtrumqnta". ; �� -
<br /> Truator covenant�and agrees with Lender ae followe: � � ;
<br /> 1. Piym�nt of Indsbtsdmss.All Indebtad��esa sdcured hereby ehall be pald v�hRn dit�. � ;�� �
<br /> 2. Titb.Truetor I9 the owner of the Property,hae the rlght ond authonry to CG+nvoy tnr�Pro�orty,and warrAnln tl►tlt lhe Ilen �
<br /> created hereby Is e Hrst and prior Iien on the Properry, except for Ileno end enr.►rmbr.snaoa sot forth by Trustor In wrltlnp end �i;
<br /> , �' detivered to Lender before executlon o1 thle Deed ot Tru�st,and the executlon end dol luory of thia Doed of Trust doos not vlofnto�ny ;��,
<br /> . '"' contract or other obllgation to whlch Trustor la subject. ' ;;
<br /> ° 3. TixN,Ats�s�m�nts.To pay beforo dellnquency all taxes,epecial aeaesomc�nta artd all othor charges agalnst thp Proppriy •,�-; ;
<br /> now or hereatter levled. � '�� . '°
<br /> 4. In�uranc�.To keep the Property Insurod agai nat damage by fire,hazards inr.lisdud wfthln tho torm"extonded cover��n",ond � ���
<br /> such other haserds es Lender may royuiro,in emou�te dnd with companlas acceph�hin tq Lortdor,naming Londer as nn t�dditlonul � �`��nr�",�
<br /> , namad Insured,with loss payalsle to the Lender.In case ot losa under auch pollcixa, thu Lertder Is authorized to adJuat,aoflect and , ��'�'���'�
<br /> «.�:c''_,,.o..r.�:.
<br /> S;'
<br /> compromise,all claims thereunderand shall have the opfion of applying all or pertot tho fns�urartca proceeds p)to any Indobtpdnono 5:.-�:'`=��?�"
<br /> socured hereby snd In such order es Lender may dotermine,(li)to tho Trustor tQ de u�ad Ic�r tho rapalr or restoretion.of the Properly ��'` .''�:-
<br /> ' or(fll)for any other purpose or obJect satisfactor�to Lenderwithout aNectinp thp Ilon of this Deed of Trust for the futl amount oncurod :�__;,
<br /> ha�eby betore such payment ever took ptace.Any applicatlon o}proceede ta fndatrtodnetis shall not extond or pastpana the due ,;,�yc`�:�`"""`�
<br /> � dAte of any payments under the No4e,or cure any detault thereunder or hnrriundQr. -•^41�'_-
<br /> b. Etcrow.tJpon written demand by Lender,Truator ehall pay to Lertd�r,in euch mannor ao Lender may dosignate,sulilciont _
<br /> t sums to enabte Lender to pay as tt�ay hecome due one or more of tho taa�itwlir�:(I�nll 4a�ceu,naseasmenb and other char�ea a�einet - --
<br /> Ihe Property,pq the premiums on tho property Insu►ance required;�nniundur, and (tll)tho pr�mfumu on any mortgege Innurttnce " �-��
<br /> � requlred by Lender. _=
<br /> • 6. M�Intm��ic�,A�palrt and Complianc�with Lawi. Trustor ahnll Neery th�e Pra�erty in good conditlon end repalr,oi�nll .��;-__ _
<br /> ` promptly repalr, or reptaco any Improvoment which may be dameged Qr�+�3atroyod;shali not commit ar permit any wnoto or '-°'-°
<br /> • � deterloratlon oi the Pro e shall not remove,demolish or substantiall altar an c�f tho Im rovemonts on the Pro e ���'`""�'-=
<br /> P rtY: 1' Y p P ►ty�ahnll not 1-:;;- _
<br /> • commit,sufler or parmft any act to be done in or upon ihe Proporty in vlolatipn of eny law,ordinance,or regulation;and shall pay and ����(���
<br /> . ;: } p r o m p t l y d i s c h a r g e a t Tr ustor's cost and ex pense all Ilena,encumbrancea and ch[�rges lavled,lmposed or assessed a(�ainnt the � ';9'�i�:
<br /> , Property or any part ihereaf.
<br /> , '� �:�� 7. Emine�t Dotn�in.Lander la hereby esaigned all compeneatlon,aurnrrin,dumuges and qther peyments or rellei(horelnatter ':�'+�� ;��' ,
<br /> "Proceeda'7 fn connection wfih condemnation or other takinp �f thcr f�roperty or part thereof, or for conveyanao In Ilou of �� �� � �`�.'
<br /> condemnation.Lend3r ahall bo ontitled at Its opiian to commenco,nppenr in artd prosocuto In Its own name any ectlon or . -
<br /> � proceeding9,and shal!aiso be entftled to make any compromise or settlHment In ca3nnoctlon wlth such teking or dama�e.In t4�e , t
<br /> _ _ aventa�v novrtlon of the Property Is so token or damaped,Lender airntl hauv IhA optic�n,In itu solo and obaolute discretion,to�(��Oly •:t _ __--
<br /> • all such Praceeds,efter deducting therefrom atl Costs and expenaaa Inaurro� by it in connoctlon wlth such Proceeda,upon �ny =
<br /> . ; Indebtedness secured herehy and In such order as Lender may detqrmina,ar to appEy all euch Proceeds,atter cuch deduotiona,to
<br /> • the restoretion of the ProDerly upon such conditlons es Lender may d<�turmina.Any�pplicatfon of Proceeda to Indebtedneae shall
<br /> ' % not extend or postpane th�due tlate of eny payments under the Nom,or curm any d�fault thereunder or hereundec Any unappflod ' -
<br /> . �,,;..:
<br />� .? ;,,�••k (unds shall be pald to Trustor. ; -
<br /> •' �;'�;�;i'� ' 8. P�rtormtnct by L�ndtr.Upou�th�occurrence of en Event af Duft�ult hereunder,or if any a�t Is teken or legal proceeding �
<br /> commenced which materlally aNects Lendsr's interestln the Propert.y.Lender may In fts own dlscretian,but withaut obligation to do �;
<br /> eo,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor a�d without reln�tofnfl TJr�atar irom eny obllgadon,do any ac8 wniah Truutor hae is�
<br /> aQ�eed but tails to do and may also do any other act It deema neceaaar/to prx�tect the securtry hereof.Truator 9he11,immodlately
<br /> upon denrend theretor by Lender,pay to Lender all costa and expen�oa inaurrvd and aumn expended by Lender in conneutlon wlth ,. _
<br /> the exercise by Lender o1 the forego{ng rlghts,together wlth interont thero�n at the default rato providod In tho Note,whlch shfl00 be �;.��-.
<br /> adde� to the Indebtedness secured hereby. Lender shall not incur any Ilabillty isecaueo of anything It may do or omit to do �
<br /> ; hereunder. ' �
<br /> _ � _ -_
<br /> - � �'� 8. H�s�rdous Materla0a.Trustor shail keep the Property In campllnnce wnn a!1 appllaable Iawa,ordinances end regulttfona �—��^
<br /> - reladng ta Industrial hygiene or environmental protectian(collectlu9lp r�turrad to hereln ae"Envlronmental Laws').Truotor ahnll _
<br /> ,,;�.. -- .:�. keep the PropeRy free irom all substances deemed to be hazerdouo ar•tm��ir,underariy Environmontcii Ltiwa(colloctively reforrod to :____�
<br /> - hereln as"Hazardoua Matarials").Trustor hereby warrants and reprooentn to Lender thet thoro aro no Hazardoua Mater1818 on Or ---
<br /> : •• .:, ' undertfieProperty.Trusto�herebyagreastolndemnHyandholdharmli3anl.encter.itediroctors,oHlce�s,employeesendagente,and —
<br /> � anyauccessorsto Lender's interest,irom and agalnstenyand all ctithne,damageo,losseo and itablUtfes arising in conneatlon with =_
<br />_ the presence,uae,disposa+or transport of•any Hazerdous Materinln on,under,irom or about the Properiy. THE FOR�GOIN� =_
<br /> - 10. Ass{ynm��t ot Ronb.Trustor hereby asslgns to Lender the renfo,iasuea snd profits oi the Property;provlded that 1Yuotor ��'=t-
<br />- . shall,until the occurrence of en Event oi Detault hereunder,have the rtflht to cotlect and retaln auch rento,Isauos end protita ae thoy pT =
<br /> �' become due and peyeble.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default,LenCc�r may,elther In person or by aflont,with or without r
<br /> �• � , brin in en action or roceedin or b a recolver eppolnted b e court and wllhout re ard to tho ade uac of Its s�rcuri ontor '"'=�
<br /> .. �.. 9 9 Y P 9. y Y 9 Q Y �Y� if;-:-"'_�:_-=�.
<br /> � , � upon and take possession oi tho Property,or eny part Ihe►eof,In Its own namA c�In the name of the Truatoe,and do any acts which It ''`A'-'�-"°'�°_'
<br /> � deems necessary or desirable to preserve the value. merkelablllty or rentablllty of iha Property,or any purt thoreot or Interest the�oin, ��
<br /> `* I ..,•i'34?�:f�,.�-=
<br /> Increase the Income therefro�n or proteat the security hereat and,with or withaut takin{�pouoesafon of the Proporty,sue for or -��-��.
<br /> r ! otherwise culleCt the rents,issues�and proflts thereof,inciuding those past due and unpaid,And apply tho same,loss coslo und -�T''�=��::-
<br /> }, expenses of operaUan end collection including attorneys'fees,upon any.indebtedneea aecured hereby,atl In such order as Londer • ""•�z � -,,`-''-
<br /> . may determfno.The ontering upon and t�king possesslon of the Property,the coll�ctlon of such rents,iseuos and profite end the '��`-r:`���;�k�.
<br /> � application thereof as aforesaid,shall not cure or walve any default or notice o(default horeunder or Mvaildate eny act done In ' -°."yt:"''`,F;;;
<br /> � -�•,r
<br /> •,!,`;:
<br /> rQ�ponse to such defeult o�pursuant to such notice oldefeult and,notwithstandinfl the contlnuance in posaessian o1 the Property or . .,;�,�,�,�';�.�r:
<br />- � the callection,rviceipt and appiication ot rents,Issums or profits,and Trustea and Lend�r shnll be entltted to exercise every right �•-' -�.
<br /> ,, � provlded}or in any ot the Loan Instruments or by Iaw upon occurrence of any Evpnt cf Dotaul4 Including without Ilmltatlon the rip�t '• •r�-
<br /> � to exercioo the power of sale.Further,Lender's rightsand remedfe�under this peragro{th shall be cumulativo wfth,and in no wcay a , ,-:' "
<br /> . Ilmimtlon on,Lender's rights and remedlea under eny essignment of leases end rentg roca�ed ac�alnot the Property.Lender,7ruatoe
<br /> .' and the roceiver shall be Iiable to account only lor those rents ectuaily received. .
<br /> 11. ErMb of DNauR.The following shail constitute en Event of Detault under thfu�eed of Truot
<br />-- -- -�� fa1 Faflure to nav anv instellment of principel or interest of any other sum secumd heroby when due;
<br /> -- - - , .
<br /> (b) A breach of or default under any provfsion cantained fn the Note,thls0eed at Truu4 any of tho Loan Inotruments,or any `
<br /> � other ilen or oncumbrance upon the Proparry:
<br /> ' �• (c) A writ of executlon or attachment or any similar process shall be ontered egainnt Trustor whfCh snall become a Ilan on
<br /> " the Property or any portion thereof or Interost tharein; i'
<br /> _ (d) Thctre shal!be tiied by or agelnst Trustor or Borrower an action under any prQSent or future fadoral,s4ate or other
<br /> � stetute,law or regulaUon relating to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef ford�brors;ar thero shall bu eppointad any lrustoe,
<br /> , recelver or liquldator of Trustor or Borrower or otall orany part ot the Properry,or the ronta,iosuos or profilo thoruo},or Trustor
<br /> � or Borrower shall make any poneral aeslpnment for the benetit of creditors; _
<br /> (e) The sele,transier,loese,essignment,cnnvey9nce or lurther encumbrnnco ot aii or eny part of or Any Intorost In tho
<br />� Property,either voluntarlly or Involuntarily,without the express written consent of Lender, provided tfidt Truator ahall be „
<br /> permitted to execute e leaso of the Property that does no!contaln an optlon to purchose and th�term of which d000 not oxcoed
<br /> oree yvar,
<br /> . (Q Abandonmont of the Proporty;or
<br /> � • .
<br /> I _ '.
<br /> �
<br />