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� 201200337 <br /> If Lender exercises this option, l.ender shall give Bnrrower nolice of acceleration. The not'sc;e sLall provide a <br /> period of not Iess than 30 days frum lhe dale the notice ls gtven in accordance with Sec[ion 15 witliin which <br /> Borrower must pxy alf sums secured by this Security instri�menL If Borrower fails to pay thcse sums priur Lo <br /> the expiralinn of this period, Lendcr�nay irzvoke a��y remedies permitted by this Security lnslrument without <br /> further notice or demand on Eorrowcr. . <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceler2tion. if Borrnwer meeGS certain conditions, Borrnwer <br /> shall liave the righl to have enforcement nf this SecurlLy lnstrument disconfinued at nny Gme prior to the <br /> earllest of. (a)five days bafnre sale of the Property ptu'suant to any power uf sale contained In fhis Sccurity <br /> InsUUment; (b) such okher periud as Applicab(e Law miglit specify for the termivalion of Borrowe�'s right to <br /> reinstate; or (c) entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Inshvment_ Thuse conditions are Ihat Eorrower: <br /> (a) pays Lender all sums which tlien would be due under this Secarity l�strmuent and Phe� Note as if no <br /> acceleration had occurred; @) cures xny default of any other covenan[s or agreements; (c) pays all expenses <br /> incurred in enfn�cing this Securily Instrumeut, including, but nof limited to, reasonable attorneys' fecs, <br /> Ipmperly inspection and valuation fees, and other fees incurred fur Lhe purpose of pro[ecting Lcndei's interest <br />. in the Property and rights under thia Secudty lnstrument and (d) takcs soch actian as Lender m2y <br /> reasunaLly require to assure that Lender's intcrest in the °roperty and righLS under this Securlty Tnstrmnent, <br /> and Borrowee's ohligation fo pay the sums secured by lhis Security InsfrumenC, shall confinue unchanged. <br /> Lender mxy require tliat 13orrower pay such reinstaYCment sums and expenses in one or mo�e of the fullowing <br /> forms, as selected 6y Lender. (a) cnsh; (b) mm�ey order, (c) certifled cl�eck, bank check, trensurer's check nr <br /> cashier's check, provided any sucli check is drawn upon an institution whnse deposils are iitsured by a <br /> federal agency, instrumenCality or entify; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstltement by Rorrower, <br /> this Seeurity Insh�ment and nbligallons secured hereby shall remaln fully effecfive as if no accele�ation had <br />� occur�ed. However, Hris right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of acceleration under Section 18. <br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. '1'lie Note or a par8al intcrest in the <br /> Note (togefher wiU� this Security Instrument) can 6e auld �me or more [imes wltl�otit prior notice ko <br /> Borrower. A sale might�esult in x char�ge in lhe entlry (luiown as the "Loan Servicer")that collecLti Pe�iudic <br /> Payments due under the Note and this Security lnslrument and performs other mortgage loan servicing <br /> obligxtions under the Note, lhis Security Instrument, aud Applicable There xlsu mighL be one or more <br />� � dianges of the Loan Sen�icer imrelated to a sale nf [he Note. If lhere Is a change of tlie Loan Se�vicer, <br /> Borrower will be �,riven writlen noLice of the change which will state tl�e name and addrecs of the new Loan <br /> Servicer, the address to which payments should be made and nny ulher information RESPA rcquires in <br /> connec[ion with a nutice uf lrnnsfer of servlcing. If tlie Note is sold and thereafter the Lonn is serviced 6y a <br /> Luan Servicer olher tlian the p�rcliaser of[he Notq the roortgage loan servicing obligations to Borrower will <br /> remain with the Loan Servicer or be hansferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not accumed by [hc <br /> Note purchaser unless otherwise provlded by tl�c Note purchaser. <br /> Neither Bo�rower nor Lender may commence, join, or be joLied to any judicial xetion (as either an <br /> individual Iitiganl or tlie member of a class) that arlses from Yhe other party's acfinns pursuant to tiiis <br /> Security Instiument or that alleges tLat the other party has breached any provisiu� nf, or a�iy duty owed by <br /> reason of, tlris Security Instrument, unfll such Borrowe� or Lender has nofified Ihe otl�er party (with such <br /> nutice �uiven ui compliance with the requirements of Sec[ion 15) oF suc6 alleged breach and xfforded the <br /> oH�e� parLy]�ereto a reasonable period after the giving of such notice ro take rnrrective nctiva If Applicable <br /> Law provides a lime period wlricli nmst elapse before certaiu action can be taken, thaf time period will be <br /> deemed to be reasonable for purposes of this paraginph. The nofice o£acceleratiun u�d opportimity to cure <br /> given to Borrower pw•suant to Scetion 22 and fhe nofice of accelerafion given lo Borrowee pi�rsuant to <br /> Section 18 shall be deemed to satisfy the notice and opportanify to take correclive �ction pruvisions of[his <br /> Section 20. <br /> oon zzszoaos loon zzazoao�] <br /> NkNHHSKASInqle hamity-Y.nnle Nae/Fretltlle M,�c UNIFDRM INSIRUMENT WITH MERS Fo�m 3p]B l/pl <br /> VMP[q` VMV6A(N[)(TO:i).0(l <br /> Wolfcrs Kluwcr fmanclal Smiss Pagc t3 of i] <br />