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<br /> `� Jerry Quaring, Mary Babel and Brian HLinsb�xger, Succes�or Co- � �
<br />����� Truatee under :ygreement dated May 21, 1991, vtith Amendment�s there�o
<br />-= dated May 13, 1.992, November 12, 1993, and Novembe� 1, 1995, `4
<br /> ---- �
<br /> --� aRANTOR, in conaideration of Faur Hu:.�dr�d Fifty-nine Thr�ueand Nine
<br />'""`�`� Hundred k'ifty and No/ia0 Do�.�.�xs t$�55,450.OU? recpived from �
<br /> � GRANTEES, Jerry L. Quaring �a�d Frar�ces J. Quaring, taueband and
<br /> l�r;�� wife, conveys to GRANTEES, as joi�.t tenante and not as tenante in -
<br /> �- common, the £ollowing descri.bed re�l e�t�te (as detira�d in Neb.
<br /> �.�� Rev. Stat. 76-201) :
<br /> � The East Half of the SouthwcLrat Quarter (E�SW',�) and the
<br /> Southeaet� Quarter (SEl,�� of S�ction Thirty-three l33) ,
<br /> -- -= TownaYiip Eleven (11) North, Rango Tw�lve (12) We9t vf the -
<br />.__—`� 6th P.Nf. , in Ha.11 County, I��braak:a, and
<br /> The Soutnweet uuaj��i ��°TZ'%S% �� �p'r'tinn Thirty-one (31) ,
<br /> ----- Township Eleven (11) North, R�ng� Twelve (12) West of the 6th
<br /> --- P,M., in Ha11 Cou��y, Nebra�ka,
<br /> subject to ea�ementa and restric4:.ioxzs o� record.
<br /> GRANTOR covenants v�ith C+R�3TEFS th�t GRANTOR:
<br /> � (1) ie lawfully seised of such real eatate and that it is
<br /> free from encumbranc�� �xcep� for covenante, x�eatrictions
<br /> �nd easementa of recard;
<br /> _ (2) has legal power and 1��wrful authority to canv�y the aame;
<br /> (3) warranta and will de�end title to the re.al es't.ate againet
<br /> any acts of the C3RA�`�TO�•
<br /> Executed �!'12}` � g i ����
<br />- — --_ ' G. :�
<br /> Jer y Qua ng n4ary Babe'
<br /> � Suc eseor Co-Truetee Succc�esor Co-Trust�e
<br /> -�°� J,� c
<br /> - B!
<br /> rian Huns erger
<br />-- Succe�sor Co-Trustee
<br />_;;;,��:-�
<br /> ._�_�
<br /> -��;.s,�' S7'ATE OF NEBRASKA
<br /> ----- SS:
<br />----= COUNTY dF HALL
<br />;=-���
<br />--.-���
<br />��=�« The for�q,�oinc� inetrument was actenowledged b�fore me on
<br /> --- .n _ _. . , v�-, ,oo� r� .T�,-,-v niiarinQ. M$rv Babe1 and
<br /> •-�.=.�.;s� f-7^y�/Z t c< < o � r c f � � ...�., -, ----. -..•
<br /> =-`� Brian Hunebarger, Succeseor Co-Tru:��eea und�r e�ment dated tda�+
<br />:��.-�_�� ?.1, 1991, with Amendmen�s th�reto dated Ntay 13, 1 92, November 12,
<br /> `"`�'"� 1993 , and November 1, 1995. �
<br />_ ..�r.;
<br /> :^�j 1
<br /> �,r -r
<br /> � �7
<br /> ' �; Nata '1?ublic
<br /> s,;�� 4� My commis�ion ex�ires:
<br /> r„ , � itOKOlDS.OEFUE
<br /> , .:�'.. IIhO�.E+4S�P1.26�19�!
<br /> �� �
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