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�Oi�U►�D3fl� <br />ATTACHMENT TO CCC-297, SEI�ERANCE AGREEM ENT <br />A/rac� of lnnd comprJsfn� o part of the SoUtheosl Quarler �5f1/d) of Section 1'wanly flve (25), <br />Towr�ship TWelve (!71 Norlh, Ronge ran (1 D) West nf �he 6t�. RM., fn Hai1 County, Nebrosko,' more <br />pa�fcula�Jy desc�ibQd os (el(ows: , - <br />BeglnnTng of lhe sou/heasl carner of sQfd SoufheasJ Quorfet' (S£J/4); lhence runrring �asterly <br />along �he soufh tlne af sa/d Sauthsasf Qua�ter (SE1/4), on en �4ssumed Bearing o! N89'S1'0.� a <br />dislance of Two Hundred Sevonfy S/x and Minely Seven Hundred(hs (276.9T� �eel, 10 11ie ACTUAL <br />poin! nf begin�ing; �hence conlint�inq N89'S2'03 along 1he sou/h line of said Souiheasl Quarler <br />(SEI/4), v d/slance of five Xundred N/naly Fvu� ond forly Hundredlhs {594.4DJ faei; lhance. <br />runRing N00'01'43 a dJslance of SIx Hundred Sixly Six ond Elghly l'hrse Hundredths r666 83� <br />feet; lhence running S86'S6'07°E, o dlstanca of Tweniy flve ond N/naty One Nundrea7hs (2591) <br />f�eh, 1heRCe rui►ning NDD'3J'3A"f, o dlslanca of Ona flundred `orly Four and fiiv� Hundredlhs <br />(144.05) tesf; Ih�nca runnlrrg S88'! 1'07"E, o dislonca of Dne Hundred Ninely Thres and Slxly Four <br />Hyndredths (fs3.64) �'eeh lhence runnlnq N01'23'S3 n distance nf pne Hundred Nine und Nine/y � <br />Four Huridradfhs (109.94f fee�; fhence running SB9'OD',27"f u disfance of Fh'ree Nundred Slxfeen <br />and Sixly Four ffundredlhs (3�6.64) feef; thence runnfng S02`54'46 a�dtstvnce o! T.wo Handred <br />Fblrlp ond Forly NIa� Nundredlhs �230.$9� feel; lherrca running S89'47'S6 a d!s}anca of Three <br />Hundred Farty f/ve ond N/nely Hundredihs �,�45.90� isat, to a pofrrl on tha sQSI l/ne qf said <br />Soufheasf Quarler (Sfl/4); thenca rynning S00'�825'1f; olong the e.asl /ine of sald SotilheQSl <br />Quo�er (SE!/4), a dlstance of faur Nundred Twe�ty flght and Sirfy Two Hundredlhs (428.621 /eah <br />thence runntng M89 57'DO ° W, o dis/once _ of Tivo Hund�ed Seven�y S1x ond Six1y fbur Hsndredlhs <br />(276.6�) feeh, lhence runnJng SDO`Z3'04"W, a dfsfance of Ttvo Hundied fvrly Elghf and E7ghly Seven. <br />Nundredfhs (7�48.&7J feet, lo the ACTUAI polnf of baglnning and cnnlulninq 14.250 ocres mois or <br />l�ss of which 0.775 acres more or less is preserrtty occupled by publlc raad righl of way. Nel ' <br />13..�f75 ac�es rnore or less. . <br />