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600—DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY <br />Jaeob North PdMI� Co., lnc., Uncoln, HE 88524 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />201�0���� <br />That I �1 L D E G,A i� b �����_, of ��� County, Nebraska, have made, <br />constituted and appointed, and by theae presents do make, conatitute and appoint D��� }-� O ��4/ �� y�� <br />of , � County, Nebraska, true and lawful attorney for me and in my name, place and stead, <br />and on my behalf, subject to the pmvisions of Paragraph 13 hereof, to do and execute aU or any of the followin�' acts, deeda and things: <br />1. To receive debts, paymer�ts and property. To ask, demand, sue for, recover and receive all eums of money, debts, ducre, g<wds, wares, merchan- <br />dise, chattels, effects and things of whatsoever nature or description which now are or hereafter shall be or bec�me due, owing, payable, or belonging to me <br />in or by any right, title, ways or means howecever, and upon receipt Lhereof, or of any part thereof, to make, sign, execute and deliver such receipts, releases <br />or other discharges for the same respectively as my saxd attorney shall deem advieable. <br />2. To settle accounte. To aettle any accrount or reckoning whatsoever wherein I now am or at any time hereafter shall be in any wise interested or <br />concerned with any person whomsoever, and to pay or receive the balance thereof as the case may require. <br />3. To satisfy security interests and mortgagea. To receive every sum of money which now is or hereafter ahall be due or belongin� to me upon the <br />security or by virtue of any security interest or agreement, or mortgage, and on receipt of the full amount secured thereby to execute a good and sufficient <br />release or other discharge of such security intere,at, or mortgage by deed or otherwise. <br />4. To compound, submit to erbitration, or otherwiae settle or adjust differences. To compound with or make allowances to any person for or in . <br />respect to any debt or demand whatacever which now is or shall at any time hereafter become due and payable to me, or by me, or upon my accrount, and to <br />take and receive, ar to pay and discharge (as the case may be), any compoaition or dividend thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive releases or other <br />diacharges for the whole of such debts or demande, or to settle, crompromise, or aubmit to arbitration every auch debt or demand and every other right, <br />matter, and thing due to or concerning me as my attorney ahall think best, and for that purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of arbitra- <br />tion or other instruments as my attorney may deem advisable in the premises. <br />5. To proaecute and defend. To commence, pmsecute, discontinue, or defend all actions or other tegal proceedin�s touching my estate or any part <br />thereof, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be in any wise concerned. <br />6. To manage real eatate. To enter into and upon all and singular my real estate, and to let, manage, and improve the same orany part thereof, and to <br />repair or otherwise impmve, alter, or recontract, and to insure, any buildinK or �tructures thereon, and further to cnntract with others for the managementof <br />such real estate, and to grant W such others alt the powers with respect to auch real eatate usva] in real estate managementcontracts, and granted to my said <br />attorney herein. <br />7. To grant leases, receive renta, and otherwise deal with tenants and leased pro�•rty. To contract with any person for leasing for sucE� <br />periods, including perioda longer than my Gfe, and without regard to the termination of this power ol'xttorney, at auch rents and aubject to such cx�nditiona <br />as my attorney aha]] see fit, all or any of my said rea] estate, and tc� let any such person into possession thereof, and to execute all auch leases and contracta as <br />shall be neceasary or proper in that behalf, and to give notice to quit to any tenant or occupier thereof, and to receive and recover from all tenants and <br />occupiers thereof or of any part thereof alt renta, arrears of rent, and e�uns of money which now are or shal] hereal'ter become due and payable in respect <br />thereof, and also on non-payment thereof or of any part thereof to take all neceaeary or proper meana and praceedinga for terminating the tenancy or occupa- <br />tion of such Cenants or occupiers, and for ejecting the tenants or occupiers and recovering the poasesion thereof. <br />S. To sell or exehange real or pereonal eatate. To sell, either at public or private sale, or exchange any part or parts of my real estate or personal <br />property for such consideration, payable immediately or upon such terms as my attorney ehall think fit, and to execute and deliver goad and sufficient <br />deeds, bills of sale, endorsementa, assignments, or other inatruments for the conveyance or tranafer of the same, with such covenants of warranty or other- <br />wise as my attorney ahall see fit, and to give good and effectual receipts for all or any part of the purchase price or other consideraGon. <br />8. To depoait moneys, withdraw, invest, and otherwise deal with tengible property. To depoait any moneys which may come to his hands as <br />such attorney with any bank or banker in my name, and to withdraw any of such money or any other money to which I am entitled which now is or shall be <br />so deposited, and either employ such money as he shall think fit in the payment of any debts or interest, payable by me, or tax�, asseasments, insurance, and <br />expenscs due and payable or to become due and payable on account of my real and peraonal estate, or in or about any of the purposes herein mentioned, or <br />otherwise for my use and benefit, or to invest such money in my name in any etocks, ahar�, twttds securities or other property, real or persanal, as he may <br />think proper, and to receive and give receipfs for any income or dividend arising fram such investments, and to vary or diapoxe of all and any such invest- <br />ments or other inveatments for my use and benefit as he may think fit. <br />10. To vote at atockholders' meetings, execute proxies, and otherwise aubetitute for owner. To vote at the meetinga of atockholders or other <br />meetinga of any corporation or company, or otherwise to act as my attorney or proxy, with power of substitution, in respect of any stocka, shares, bonda, <br />debentures, or other evidences of ownerahip, or securitiea, now or hereafter held by me and issued by or on account of said corporation or company and fr�r <br />that purpose to execute any proxies, limited to general, or other inatruments. <br />11. To execute deeda, bills, notea, and aimilar inatruments. For all or any of the purposes herein atated to enEer into and sign, seal, execute, <br />ar_knowledge, and deliver any contracts, deeds, or other instruments whatsoever, and t� draw, accept, make, endo�e, diacount, or otherwise deal with any bills <br />of exchange, checka, promissory notev, or other commercial or mercantile instruments. <br />12. To do all other things neceseary in connection herewith. In general to do all other acts, dceda, mattera, and things whatsoever in or about my <br />estate, pmperty, and affaira, or to concur with persoris jointly interested with myself therein in doing all acts, deeda, matters, and things herein, either <br />particularly or generally described, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as I could do in my own proper peraon if personally present, it being <br />my intent to grant ta my seid attorney a general power to act for me and in my Uehalf, and not a limited or special power, limited to the apecific acfs herein <br />described. <br />13. Power of attorney effective notwithetanding disability of principal; oontinues in effect after prIndpal's death until notice. <br />Ausuant ta the provieioa of the Uniform Durable Power of Attorney Act, I declare that this power of attorney ahall not be affected by my disability or in- <br />capacity, and that the authority granEed herein ahali continue during any period while I am dieabled orincapacitated. Further, pursuant to eaid Sectione, <br />all auc.h authority ehall continue after my death, until notice of such death ahall have been received by my attorney so that he has actual lmowledge of the <br />fact that T have died. Any action taken in good faith by said attomey during any period while it is uncertain whether I am alive, before he receivea actual <br />knowIedge of my death, or, in any event, taken during any period while I am dieabled or incapaatated, ahall be as valid ae if I were alive, competent, and <br />not disabled. <br />IN WI1'NESS WHEREOF, I have sigtted and acknowledged thia instrument this � day of _��'� ( ,�rl . <br />� � � g�, ��; �- <br />Si'ATF, OF NEBRASKA ) <br />) ss. <br />4� COCTNTY ) <br />� �'� l ,� <br />$E IT KNO WN, that on the —_L! ___ day of _ � i'{� �� , �� �, before me personally appeared <br />� 1{�c �t�7t t'� � above named, who is to me known to be the peraoh d�cribed in and <br />who executed the abo� Durable Power � Attorney, and acknowled�ed the same to be his or her voluntarv act and deed. <br />IN TESTIMONY WEIEREOF, I have herennto aubacribed my name and affixed my official sea1, the day and year last above written. <br />�Pev2� <br />8915i1Y, MOTARY • St�e d tleh� <br />� rr�r,�y is� <br />L+O�J. I�J10Y <br />My Ca�►. 6�. fiQ.11. �1d <br />