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<br /> � oa-17��99� DEED OF TF�UST �'?•� 1,Q��O6 Page 2 � ° :
<br /> � (Con3lnued) � „
<br /> -- — - -----_—�_ . — – _ ,
<br /> proco3ds and re}unOS ol promlums)trom pny 5�10 or other dl�poslilon of tho Property.
<br /> Prope�ty. Tho w�rd"Proporty'mguns colloctivoly tho Rnai Proparty nnd tho Personni Properly. ,
<br /> ReN Proparty. Tho words"Real Property'mean tho properly,InlarASts and rtghts descrfbed abovo in tho"Convoyanco and Grpnl'socuon. „
<br /> RCIi►tEd DOCUments. Tho wotds"Ralnted Documonis" moan pnd Inciudo withoul limitation nll pramis��ory notos, crodit a�roumonis, lo�n � �
<br /> ppreements,envuonmeNal npreomonts,puarnNieS,soCUnty pgreamontn,mortpnpos,daads ot trust,nntl all olher instrumonts,aflro�monis and
<br /> documents,whethor now or hprenitpr existlnfl,oxoCUtod In conneCtion wdh tho Indedtpdness.
<br /> Rent�. Tha v�ard'Rents" menns nll pro,ont and futuro ronts,rovenucs,In:omo,tssuos,roynlUOS,�rofds, nnd o►hnr beneldg danved Irom Iho
<br /> Proporty.
<br /> Trustee.Tho word Trus!ee'means CENTRAL BANK and any substituta or sucCessor Irustees. `
<br /> Trustor. The word Trustor"means nny and all persons and ontitles executinfl this Deed of Trust,Includng withaul limitation all Trustors numed � "
<br /> Bbove.
<br /> PAYMENT AHD PBRFORMANCE. Except es otherwise provided in thls Deed ot TrusL Trustor shall pey to Lender all amounts secured by thiS Deed '
<br /> , of 7rust as they become duo,and shall strlctly and In a Ilmely menner pertorm all ot Trustor's abligatlons under the Note,thls Deed of Trust,and the „ ,„.,,,,,;��r,�-�
<br /> Retated Documents. '
<br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Trustor agrees that Trustor's possession and use of Ihe Properly shall be governed by � �-�--
<br /> ' !L��.
<br /> Iho following provislons: • �
<br /> Possesstan and U52. Untu the occurrence of an Evant ot DafaWt,Trustor may (a)romaln In poes,.rsion and contro!of ths Properly, {b)use, ��'
<br /> j-,��: -t
<br /> operate or manage the Property,and (c)collect any Renls hom the Property. . ''• �
<br /> Duty to Malntafn. Trustor shall maintain tho Propertyr in tenantable condition and promp'�pertorm alt repairs,replacements,und malntenance �� *� �`h�;��•_�
<br /> necessary to preserve its value. '
<br /> Ha�ardous Suhstence9. The terms"hazardous waste,""hFUardous substance,""disposal;'Yelease."end "lhreatened release,"es used In this � ;�. �-
<br /> Deed ot Tn�st,shall liave the same meanings as set forth in the Comprehensive Environmertal Response,Compensatipn,and u¢billty Act o} � ' �.
<br /> 1980,as amended,42 U.S.C. Section 9601,et seq. ("CERCLA'�,the Superfund Amendments and Reautho�ization Act of 1988,Pub.L.No. •
<br /> 99-4U3("SARA"),the Harardous Materiais Transportatlon Act,49 U.S.C. Section t@01,et seq.,the Resource ConservaUon and Recovery Act,
<br /> � , d2 U.S.C.Section 6901,e!soq.,or other epplicable stato or Foderal lsws,rules,�r reguiuflons adopted pursuant to any of the foregoing. The
<br /> terms"hazardous waste'and"fivardous substance"shall also include,without Ilmitalion,petrofeum and petroteum by-products or any fraciton • �
<br /> iheceof and ssbestos. Trustor represents end warrants to Lender that: (a)During the perlod of Trusto�s ownershlp of the Property,there has
<br /> b e e n n o u s e,g e n A r a t i a n,m a n u f a c t u r e,s t o r a g e,h e a t m e n t,d i s p o s a l,r e l e a s e o r t h r e a t e n e d r e i e a s e o f a�ry h a l a r d o u s w a s t e o r s u b s t a n C e b y a n y
<br /> paBOn on,under,aboul or from the Properiy; (b)Trustor has no knowiedge of,or reason to belleve ihflt there has been,except as prevlou3ly ,� �
<br /> disclosed to and acknowledged by Lender in wriiing, (I)any use,genertltion,manulacture,storage,treatment, disposal,release,or threatened ,,�3, .
<br /> �- rs:an50 6f�ny it�zardotrl�tas{e.r su4siflnCe on,unriPr.enout or irom ine'rroporiy by any prior owne;re or wcupai'�i5 4i ii�u F�ON'vrt�t Li (�ij o��� �-`,4---�,Y,�.�=.i ;
<br /> actuat or threatened Oligation or claims of any klnd by any person relating to such matte�s;and (c1�cept as prewousty d�sclosod to nnd . , -
<br /> � . ncknowledged by Lender in weiting, (i)ne�iher Trustor nor any tenant, contractor,agent or other aNhorized user ot the Properly shall use, ,„,;; y : •
<br /> ganerafe,manufacture,store,heaL dispose ot,or release any hazardous waste or substanCe on,under,about or from tAo Properly and (iq any �{��;r`;� �
<br /> such activity shall be conducted in compUance with ail appiicabla federai,state,and local laws,regulauons and ordinances,Including without "��A;;+�:�� �•;
<br /> Ilmitatian thoso laws, regulations,and ordinences described above. 7rustor authodzes Lender and I�agenis to entcr upon ihe Properiy to .; �t;�"�.
<br /> make such Inspectlons and tests,at Trustor's o�nse,as Lender may deem appropriate to determino complianco of the Property with this •% ,i� ., :,,
<br /> section of the Deod of Trust. Any Inspectians or tests made by Lender shall be for Lenders purposes only and shall not be conshued to create ' s. : �•
<br /> sny responsibllity ar Iiabliity on ihe part of Lender to Trustar or to any other person. Tho representatlons and wartanUes conlAlned hereln ere �•��!' �'
<br /> based on Trustor's due dfligence in InvestigaUng Ihe Property tor hazardbus L�aste and harardous substances. Trustor hereby (a)reteases end � �
<br /> ' � walves any tuture claims agalnst Lender for Indemnity or confibution In the event Trustor bacomes 1labte tor cteanup or other costs under any :'+ !.; ,
<br /> • such taws, and (b) agree9 to IndemnNy and hold harmless Lender flgalnst any end ell claims,losses,Ilabilitles, damflges, penalties,and „� �` �.
<br /> expenses whlcA Lender may directiy or Indirecdy sustaln or suHer resulling from a breach of thls sec8on ot the Deed of Trust or es a .j��=
<br /> . ' consequenca ot any use. genoratton,manufaeture,storage,disposai,retease or threatened release oocurtir�pdor to Trustor's ownershlp or ���
<br /> . Interest In the Property,wt�ether ar not tho sams�ves or should have been known to Trustor. The provlsions of this seclion of ihe Deed of Trust, ��_.
<br /> ::�..,-
<br /> � '', . Including the obl)gation to Indemnify,shall Survive tha payment of the Indebtedness and the SaHsfaCtion and reconveyBnCe oi ihe Ilen ot this ..�.s,,,,,,,: u
<br /> . �, Deed oi T�ust and shatl nat be rNected by Lendar's flcquisltlon of any intere�f In the Propa�ly,whelher by foreclosure or othenvise, �t;�-;;�y;;�_ _
<br /> . ,a,,.,�,..�.,.,.
<br /> �lulaanCe,Waste. Trustor shall not cause,ConduCt or permit nny nulSBnce nor commit,permit,or suller 8ny stripping of or waste on or to the �., -�•
<br /> • , Properiy or any portlon of tho Property. Wlihout Ilmiting the goneraiity ot the forepoing,Trustor will nol remove,or grant to any othgr p8rty the .�,�'3`,`�_—�A
<br /> �4 , right to remove,any timber,minerals(Including oil and gas),sofl,gravel or roCk products without the pda wdflen consont of Lender. YF"�_°- __._
<br /> � � HamovDi ot Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or removo any Improvements from the Raal Property•afthout the pdor written consent `:°M."':'_.,=-- -
<br /> ��,, of Lender. As a condilion to the removal of any Improvements,Lender may requiro Trustor to make artengements satisiactory to Lender 40 `i�'"'•-
<br /> '�' replace such Improvements v+ith Improverr ants of at least equni value, •';`'�" �`?y�
<br /> Lender's(iipht to Enter. Lendar and Its agenis and representutives muy enter upon tho Real Property et all reasonable tlmss to attend to -
<br />- • �. Lender's Interests and to inspect the Property for purposes of Trustor's compllanCe with the terms and conditions of thls Deed oi Trust. -- ��
<br /> yi' . ..,:i;'.,.���
<br /> g
<br /> Comptianee dlllh GovemmentN Requiremento. 7rustor shall promptiy comply with all lews,ordlnances,and repulatlons,now or heroatter in • -•�'��` �•.-'«
<br /> � e8eat, of atl governmontc�l autharifies applicctbto to the use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor may contest In good fnilh any such law, �.- ��*���
<br /> t , .�;
<br /> �:<« •• ordinance,or repulation and viithhold compBance durinp any proceeding,induding appropdate appeals,so long as Trustor has notitied Lender :�;,;?c.,, • � ,
<br /> :•,�, in w�iting prfor to dotng so end so long as,In Lender's sole opinlon,Lenders Interasts In tAe Property ere nol jeopardized. Londer may requlro °����' .
<br /> Trustur to post adequale securlty or a surety bond,reasonahly sntlstactory to Lender,to protect Lenders Interest. �'��`'�
<br /> Duty to Protect. 7rustor agrees neither to ebandon nor leave unatlended the Property. Trustor shall do all other ects,in addltion to thoso acts • ��
<br /> set torth abova in this seation,whlch from the character end use of the Property ere reasonably necessery to protest and preserve the Proporly. • ;
<br /> - DUE OH SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lendor mey,at its option,declare Immediately due end payabb all sums securod by this Deed of Trust
<br />- upon the sals or Iransler, witltout the Lenders prior wriften consent,of ail or any part of the Real Properly,or any intorest In the Raal Property. A .
<br /> - � "sale or fransfer^means tho conveyance ot Real Property or any right,title or interest therein;whether legal,beneficial or equitable;wtiether voluntary ' "
<br /> • or involuntary;whsther by outrignt snle,deod,Instmllmont saio conhact,land contrnCt,conhact for doed, leasohold intarest�vith a term greater than
<br /> . � three (3)years,leeso-optfon contrgct,or by salo,asslgnmpnt,or iransier of eny beneficlal Inlerest In or lo any Iand trust holding title to the Real
<br /> Properly,or by any other mothad of conveyanCe of Roel Property Interest. If eny Trusior IS a corporetion,partnership or Iimited ifability company,
<br /> Vanster also inCludes sny chunqe in ownershtp of more than twenty-five perCent(26%)of the voting stock, padnership Inler3515 or Bmited Iiabiiity
<br /> company inlerests,H5 tha case may be,ot Trustor. However,this option Shall not be 6xerClsod by Londer if such exercise Is�9hibfted by federal
<br /> Iaw or by Nebreske law.
<br />'L __ TAXES A�iD LIENS. Tho fouowing pravistons relating lo the texes and liens on Ihe Property are a part of this Deed of Trust. "
<br />� ^ Peyment. Trustor shall p�y when due(and in s�l events prior to delinquency)all taxus,specfal taxes,assessments,charges (including water f - -_�T----.-
<br /> - . and sewer),fines and Impositions levied flgainst or on account of the Proporty,nnd shall pay when due all tlalms for work done on or tor ,
<br /> � servicos rondered or materiai furnished to tho Properry. 7rustor shall maintain Iho Property free of a�hens having prlority over or equal to fhe
<br /> ' ; interest of Lender under thfs Deed of Trust,except for the lien of taxes and essessments not duo and ezcept as otherwise provided In thls Deed •
<br />= i of Yrust.
<br /> i
<br />= RIQht To Contest. Trustor may withhold payment of any tnx,assessmenf,or clnfm fn connection with a guod falth dispute over the obligation
<br /> to puy,so long es Lender's Interest in the Properly Is not jeopardized. If a Ilan aris�s or is fiisd es a result of r.anpayme�tt,Trustor Shali wilhin ��
<br />� fitteen(15)dnys alter Ihe uen nrises or,if e Iten is fil9d,within fifteen(15)days efter Trustor has notice of the filing,sycure iho disch8rge of the
<br /> Iien, or If roquested by Lendor,doposit wdh Lender cash or a sufiicfenl corporato surery bond or olher secunry satist3clory �o Lender In an
<br /> UmoUnl SUffiClent to disChergb thp;ien plus flny costs und attorneys'fees or olher charges lhet tould eccruu[3s U result of a torpCloSUre or snle I
<br /> under tha lien. In any contest,Trustor shall delend dself and Lender and sha�l sel�sfy any ttdvorso�udgmAnt be�ore enlorCpment against the
<br /> { Property. Trustor shall name Lendor es an eddlfionei obligee under any surety bond furnished in Ihe contest proceed�r.gs. �
<br /> 1 Evidence ot Payment. Trustor shnll upon domand furnish to Lender satisfactory eviderxe ot pAyment ol tho tpxes or as5essmonls and shall i
<br /> I ►
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