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<br /> IG.ASSIGNMENT OF l.EASES. Upon l.endcr's rcqucst,Bonowcr shall assign w Len+�cr ull kasc.9 af tho �
<br /> , .. .-y Property and all scGUrity dcp�sits madc in connec�on with lcauxs of tho Propcny,Upo�� �hc ussfgnmcnt,Lcndcr
<br /> shall hava thc right to modify,cxtcnd or tcrminatc�he cxisting Icascs nnd to executc ncw I�.�es,ice l.cndcr's solc
<br /> � discrcdon. As us�ai in lhis ptuugraph d.U►c ward "Icusc"Rfiull mc�+n "sublcuso" if 1hc Sccurity Instrumcnt is on a �
<br /> IG�.;ct►Old. �
<br /> flnrtowcr absatutcly and uncondiUc�iaUy a9siAns ond transfcrs to Lcndcr all tnc rcntv and revcnucs("Rcnw")af tho � :��_�
<br /> Pr�perty, rcgacdlcss aF t�wham t�o RcnG9 of U�o Praperty aro payeblc. Aorrowca authori•r.cs I.cndcr or l.cndar's I »�
<br /> agcnG9 to collcct tho Gtcnts�and agrccs thul cach u;�unt of tho Prapcny shail pay U�o Rcn�q to I.cncla ar Lcndcr'A ;,,���s
<br /> agcnts.Diowcvcr,Dormwcr shall rcccfvc ihc Rcn�4 wtil(i)I.cndcr has givcn Bnrrowcr notico of dofcault pursuant to � �,�w�
<br /> paragreph 21 of tho Sccurity InsWmcnt and(iq Y.cndcr hes given nodco tn thc tcnti.�t(s) thut tho Rcnts aro to bo � o= _
<br /> I paid a L,e�dcr or Le;nde�'s agent. 'll�is assignment of Rcnis consdtute.s an absolutc �ssi�tnmex►t and not an `�
<br /> I a�slgnment for additknal cccudry only. ;.��`;=
<br /> i If Lcndcr givcs nodca of breach u►Barrower:(i) all Rents rcxeived by Borrowcr shall bc hcld by Bacrower es `,:S..n.
<br /> � tr�stce for the brneCt of Lender only,to be appli:,cl lo the sums secured by the Security lnstrument;(al)Lender shaq - .r-
<br /> - � be endtlecl to collect end coceive all of tha Rents of the Property: (iii) morroW+er agrees that each tenant of the
<br /> � praperty shall pay ell Rents due and unpaid to Lendex or Lender's sgents upon Lendcr's cmttca d�:.a�ci� u�� --.
<br /> tenant; (iv) unless epplicable law provides otherwis�. all Rents coltected by Lender or Lender's agu►ts shall bo __
<br /> appllod Cust to the costs of teking control of and rnanagin8 the ProPertY end�°uecpng the Rcnts,including,but not -:`:u.
<br /> � ' linuted co,auomeys'fees,receiver's fees,prcmivms on rcceivu's bonds,repair and mainunance cosrs,insurance .�'�.T
<br /> premiums,ta�ces�assessments and other cha:ges on ¢he Proputy.and then to thc sums securcd by the Securiry
<br /> ��'� Insuument;(v)L,ender,Lender's agents or any jadlciallY aPPoi�c�d recciver shall be tiable to accAUnt(or only thase
<br /> K�ncs aciw�ity iiici'r�tt;anc!��i) Lsnder��rn�;iled rn have a receiver appointed Go taka passrssion of and
<br /> � ms�nag�the property and collect the Reats end profats derived from the Property without any ahowing as to the
<br /> Inadequacy of the Pto�erty as securiry. `
<br /> ,� If tfie Rents of the Property rue not sufficient w cover the costs of taking control of and managing �he
<br /> property an8 of collecting the Rents any funds expraided by Lender for such parposes sball i�rne indebte�r►ess of
<br /> Borrower to Lender sec�ued by the Sec��rity Instrament pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> go�W��pr�scn�s and aarrants tbat Bomower has not cxecuted any prior assignment of the Rents and has
<br /> not and will not perform ury act that wauld prevent Lendrr from exercising its rights under this paragreph.
<br /> Lencler.or Lender's egents or a Judicially appoinced recei�er�sl�aA not be required to enter upon,take control �
<br /> - � of or m�intain the Hroperty before or ufter giving nodce of defnult w Rorrower.�Ioweva. Lenda,or Lcnder's
<br /> , agents oz u judicially appointed receivea,may do ao at eny dme when a default occurs. Any a(►plicadon of REnts
<br /> � shall not ciue or waive a�ry default or invalidate any other right or remeciy of Lender.'Ihis essiIInment of Rents of
<br />" _ , the Prapelty shall terminai�when all the sums secured by the Sccurity Insuument ere�aid i�full. F
<br /> .;,� I.C�20SS-DEFAULT PRnVISIION. Borcower's default or breach under any note or agrcement in
<br /> F,.;�-
<br /> which Lender has an incerest shall be u breach under the Securiry Instrument and L,ender may invoke any of the �;_
<br /> �� remedies permitiecl by the Security InsuwnenG �'".
<br />-•:;
<br /> _. BY SIGNIPIG BHC.OW.Borrower accepts and agrees to ihe tetms cind provisions contained in this 1-4 Family f, .
<br />-=_- Rider. �{���
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