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<br /> TO(3ETH@R WITH all thc improvemcntv now on c�rcafter erected on tha pruperty,and nll eascments, appurtcnnncca,nnd f, - , „ '
<br /> Cuctures now or hereaftcr a part af the proi►crty.All replacements c�td addiu�;�s shall also he covered by this Securiry Instsument.
<br /> • All of d�e foregoing is refcrred t�in ihis Sccurity Instrumcnt as thc"Propc�ry.
<br /> ..
<br /> � BORRUWER COVSNANTS that Borrower is IewfuUy seised of the cstate hercby convcycd and has thc right w grant nnd ^
<br /> • comey the Praperty and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Horrower warcants and wiU
<br /> i defend generally the Utle to the Pmpeny egainst all claims Fu►d demnnds.subjectto any encumbrances of record. •
<br /> THIS SECURII Y INS'TRU�/�EhI'T combiuca uniform cavcnants for n�donsl usc and non-uniform covenents with limitcd 4.
<br /> vnriedons by jurisdiction to consdwte a uniform security insrrument covering real property. . ,
<br /> UNIFORM COVEtVANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fouows:
<br /> 1.Peymeat of P'rincipal artd Interest;l'repayment and Lnte Chargea. Borrower shall prompdy pay when duc the
<br /> principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment end late charges due under the Note.
<br /> • 2.Fuuds for Taxes ettd Insurance. Subject to appllcable law or w a wriuen waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay tn .
<br /> Lender on thc day monthly payments are duc under thc Notc,until U�e Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds") for:(a) ycarly texes ';. � � ;•�
<br /> ,,'M1. r�:-.
<br /> and assessmcnts which may auain prlorlty ovcr this Security Instrumcnt as a Gen on thc Property;(b)Yeady leaschold paymcnts °'� ' �,,;��d�
<br /> or ground rents on the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurancepremiums;(d)yearly flaod insusance premiums,if .� ��i��.��°¢
<br /> any;(e)yearly mortgage insivanee premiumn,if any; and(�any sums paya6le by Bonower to Lender,in accordance wi�h the ,.•:.,P._�.
<br /> � provisions of paragraph 8, in licu of the payment of mort�age insurance prcmiums. These items are called "Escrow Itcros," , • ..,,;�:.'=°"""�-
<br /> � Lender may,at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an amour.t not w excced the maximum amount a lender for a fedesal3y relaicd ;;���:' :.,,�,,.,.:;��.
<br /> + mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accoims under the federal Real Estate S�ttlement Pr�eedures Act of 1y74 as i�,��, � ;���-
<br /> �..; �mc�ded from time to tims, Il2 U.S.C.Secaon 2601 e.z ceq. �"RBSPA"),ureless another law tltat appGca to th�Funds sc�a a lesscr �,,�;•:.� . 9,�,� --==__
<br /> :. �
<br /> ._; nmounG I0' so,Lender mav, �t any tarres,coAect and 3�o1c! �'u�i� in.an at;zouna �ot to ex�i u�e i�ss;,� r�:::::::::. i..er.�w may s : —,�� .,�—«_
<br /> ' ' `'f�, esrimttte the mun�unt of F�r�dy due on t�z fi�uis of current dnta and reasonabl�estimates of exper�clittues of future Escrow Iums or . • ' °Y-�`� �.--_.
<br /> '�.:I'�`.�� � > ';�
<br /> ;,:�.;�;��i ot�uwise in accordance with applicable law. `;:; ,�;•'+.';;5;��'4,.: ;:.'
<br /> � �'�!;�,.,;�ii^;,,.,�,�,%�r''s
<br /> ��>����"'•'�'�'��� 'Che Funds shall be helu in an insdwuon whosc dc�sosiu are Insured by a fecieral ugency,insuumentaliry,or cnuty(induding ��-.., ;,�•r. �,��. ,-_
<br /> ,:�':e1, t,..}��,..;��,� t '__
<br /> �'�'%��,' Lender,if Lender is such an insawtian)or in any Fe.�cral Home Loan Bank.L.ender shall epply the Funds to pay the Escrow a';:.y).; '>�. fil�� 1
<br /> � - r"i.?Il��,t't���.,.y�i ��.
<br /> �"�;��`�� ]tems. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and epplying the Funds,annually analy�ing the esctnw account,or verifying ,;,';' ,'•.f,ti�` �rY; „' •_
<br /> . .:�}`'•i5° thefiscrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower intemst on the Funds and appGcable law pemuts Lender to make such a charge. • � �%
<br /> 4=.'p;' •
<br /> However,Le�dcr may require Bonower to p�y a one-time chargo For an independent real estate tax reporting service used by Y,�-.
<br /> ,�' Lender in cannection with t�tis loan,unless appllcablc law provides othcrwise, bJntess an agreement is made or applicable Inw ''#'�'�`Y
<br /> - -, -_- .— ,Cy�iira;Lzterast ia�,paid, I,c�dcr sh:.l!tlQ2�c�ttit+t.�!�g3y gnr�4yr�any inte�ct or eamines on the FtL^tt's.�arrowec et►d :�. - :::
<br /> . ._
<br /> Lender may aEr�cx in writing.however,that intcrest shall be paid on thc Funds.I.ender shell give to Borrower.w��ua�t charge.en },` �
<br /> aiumai accoundng of the Funds,showing credits and debits W the Fu�ds and the purpose for which cach debit to tha runds was
<br /> �� made.'Ihe Funds are pledged as additlonal security for ell sums secured by this Security Instrumen� ;
<br /> � If the Funds held by L.cnder excecd thc amounts pcmiltte.d to�e held by applicablc law,Lcndcr shall accoun!to Borrawcr for
<br /> � tt
<br /> � tho cxccss Funds in occordanco wtth thc rcquircmenls oF applicttble la��v,If the amount of tho Funds hGld by I..cndu at eny timo ts '
<br /> � not sufCcient to pay the Escrow Items whc��duc,Lender may sa nodfy somower in wdUng,and,in such case Borrower shail paY a .
<br /> to Lender the amown necessary w mako up the de�cicncy. Born►wer shall rreako up the deficicncy in no morc thAn twelve ",
<br /> .. �, montl�ly paymcnts,at l.endec's isolc disctedon. �
<br /> • Upon paymcnt in full of all sur�s secured by this Socurity Inswmcnt,L.cnder shaEl prompdy rcfund w Aorrowcr any Funds �_�
<br /> heW by L.endu.If,under parngraph 21,Lcnder s6all acquire or scU tho Property,Lender,prior w U�e ncquisidon or sale of the -:f
<br /> �' � Property, shall apply eny Funds held by L.ender at the dme of acquisition or sale as e credlt against the ssuns secured by U�ls ` ..��`
<br /> ' '' S�curiry tns�u�ncr4 �:
<br /> 3.Applieaeion at Paymenls. Unless applicable law provides o:�:envise,ell payments received by I.ender under paragaphs �
<br /> � �� 1 and 2 shall bo appllecl: first,to any Qrepayment charges Aue under �he Note; second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; �-
<br /> third,W interest due;fourth.to principal due;und last,to any lace charges due under the Notc. �:�-_
<br /> '•'� , 4.Charges;Liens. Borrower shNl pay all taxes,assessments,charges,fines and icnpasitions attributable to the Propeny ,
<br /> �� ' whtch mny amin priodry over this 3ecuriry Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Bomower shall pay these � ' _ �_
<br /> ���`''� obligaUons in the manner provt4ed in paraaraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bonower shall pay them on pme directly ta the
<br /> �� .�� per.nn owed paymen� Borrower shall promp►ly fumish to Lender all noticrs of amounts to be paid under this paragiaph.If _
<br /> per� :
<br /> Ba►rowcr makes these psyments direcdy,Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lender rc�eipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> ia"°�°��
<br /> Borco�ver shall prumptly discharge any tien which has prIority ovc�r this Se,curity Instnunent unlcss Bortower. (a)agrees in � .����
<br /> wriung to the payment of thc obligadon secured by the Hen in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)wntests in good faith the lien -7�.�szna:�m�
<br /> . �I by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the � � ' � y:.,
<br /> i e�ifocr,en�ent of the llen;or (c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Gcn to r,.'� "
<br /> i �Lris�ocurity InsuumenG If Lender determines that any part of the Propecty is subject to a lien which may attain priority over this �;,�� , ,�f'~".
<br /> . ' �'k � Secueity Ins�.;:�eac.Lender may give Borrav�er a notice Identifying the lien.Borrower shall sausfy the lien or talce one or more ,,�;=��.:,, ;
<br /> �h';
<br /> � of the actians�:a frrrth above within 10 days af Qie giving of no�ce. , . �'�`�
<br /> � .'� Fo�rn 302t 9I�0 .. ' '
<br /> 1 �-ER(NE)loz�zi.o� a.o�z oie inivai•: _ ' ':' "_`'. .
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