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�'f--/lt L',+.w�ayr'�fir ?�ty j3 . ii e d <br /> {t �j� � F <br /> = i ��A� � i f � <br /> ...�� . -x�t, 7 iL`� s . y .r . 1� <riYna' " <br /> -...��!S$�����.,�lr f+' i,+. L._"r _ ^..t�.:ss�v a:sv-_' � ' . �. <br /> . _""___ - .. .. ".' '"" ._'.. . _... .., __.�.,. <br /> -- - 9Z.�.�b�626' . <br />� applicaLlc law may speci(y for rcinsutamenq 6eforu satc of tlic f7openy pursunnt to any po�scr of anle cm�tnined in�his . <br /> Security Insuumcnt;or(b)cnlry of a Judgment entorctng�his Security Ins�nimcnt. Tfiosc con6iflons nro�6nt IIorrowcr. (n} <br /> pnys l.�nder nll sums w61ch t}Kn wouid be due under this Securiiy Instniment and tho Noto ns if no necelernilon I:ad <br /> acurrcd:@)cures nny de(autt otnny ahereorenwi;s or agrcemems;(e)pays all oz�senses tncnrrcd In enforcing�his Secudty <br /> �nsin�ment,inciuding,�ut nm IfmitrA to,reamnobie attomeys'fees;anJ(d)taker suci� nctian as l.ender mny rcosonabty <br /> � rcquiro lo assuro thnt tho Ilen of this&audty Ins�mnxnt,LendcrS dghu In�ho P�openy nnd Dorrowery obligaHon topny�ho <br /> sums secun;A by this Suuriry inslrument shall wNinua unchnnged. Upon rc[nslatement by Rorrowcr, this Secud�y <br /> Instmment nnd tho obligations sceurcd hercby shall remnin Nlly effectivo ns If no accelem�ton had acurtcd. Howerer,ihia ��� <br /> dght to rcinstalo ahall not apply in t6o caso of nccNcraqon undcr pNagrepn 19. --- <br /> 19. Sale of Nolei Ch�ngo ot l.aen 3ervlcer. Tho Noto or a pariial imercst in tho No�o Uogei6er wl�h �hts Securi�y <br /> Instrumcm)may Iw soid onc or mora tlmes �viU:out prtw nottco to Oortowcr. A sala may rcmd�tn a chxngo in�ho cmi�y <br /> (kaome as tim"I.oan Servicer")that eollects�rurtEty paymen�s due unAer t6o Noto and�his 3ecurity Insi�ument. Thern r.iso <br /> may be oae or nioro changes of thc Lwn Servicer�s.retated to a sllc of thc No�c. If t6erc is a ch:uigo of the Loan Scrvicer. <br /> Ftotrower w[tI b:given writttn noua of tTw chL�ge in wi�h paragnph IM1.bove.nd,pplicabte Inw. Tho nalce _ <br /> will stAte tl:e nama aod a,'dress oEB�e n:�v IAan Sercicer and the address to whfch paynxnu should be made. Tho no�ice wilt _ <br /> - also camatn any aher intermaYr.�a ra�utred by npplicsble Iaw. _ <br /> 20. lia�ardcvs Si�9stanera flomi�ser�?��❑ot cause or pemiit iro pz-v:rtce,uv:,disposai,staage,or retcue of any = <br /> Harardous Substar.ces ua or in Ue ilopeny. DoROwer shall no�d0.nor a6aw anyecr:eise to do,an�thing a(Fecting�r�o - <br /> Mopany�ha[is In violsAes of any Envlronmenml Ww. 'ftie pn�ding�wo srm:nces shall nw ayply to the�esexe,ase,or -- <br /> staage ua ilu Ropeny of small qu:ueri�ics of Hazvdous S�bv.u:ces ihat nrc Fenrrnlly rceogniced w be appropriate to nosna! - <br /> resiJenif;t uses end to ma6uena�xe of tLe I'ropeny. _ <br /> Pune�vcr shaU promplly give Lcr.dcr wrtucn eollce of am inrs�igefion,daim,Aema-rS,lmvsuit orahcr ac�lon br:.ny — <br /> govemmemal or rcg�dmory agcncy or pdvatc pareq involving tCc Ropeny nnd emy II.vaMous Substancr or Lnvironmer.ial - <br /> Lew of which Dorcower has aclual knowledge. It Ilortower le:uns, or is ir.nified by any govemmemal or regula�ory -_ <br /> aulhority,�M1a�any rcmoval or othcT remedia�ion of any Hamrdonc Suhitancc eRreting the Property is neoessnry,6orcower ° <br /> shall promptiy�ake all necessery remedial ecllons in aewrdxrtce wi�h 4nvironmemel Law, _ <br /> As uxd in this pazagraph 20."tlaTardous Subsunccs"arc�hoss substances definM:a�oxic or hazardous subsiances by = <br /> Bnvironmemel L�+w nnd tM1e following substances: gasoitne,kerosene,o�her tlammable or�oxic petroleum producu, wxic - . <br /> peslicida and 6rr2+F�:is,voiatite soivents, ma!rrials containing acbeslos or Fomiatdehyde,and mdioac�ive matedals. As _ <br /> uscA in�his paragr.�h 20,'Cnvironmcmal Law"�:�ek�s tederal laws xnd laws ohhe Jurisdiction wherc thc Ropeny is locxicd <br />